(a.) Having a sharp point; armed with prickles; prickly; aculeate.
Example Sentences:
(1) The action of crude venoms of four aculeate species: Apis mellifera, Vespa crabro, Vespula germanica and Vespula vulgaris on human erythrocytes was investigated in order to determine the lytic and phospholipase activity of different aculeate venoms and their ability to induce red blood cell hemolysis.
(2) It notifies that: Firstly, patients only make an appointment with the dentist particularly when advanced lesions occur (92.76% of cases) as unbearable painful affections (acule pulpal inflammatory, phoenix abscess); bulky cellulitis.
(3) Parsimony analysis revealed strong evidence for monophyly of the aculeates and the terebrants.
(4) Finally, the importance of haploidiploidy in the origins of eusociality is discounted; the virtually unique biology of aculeate Hymenoptera would seem to be of much greater importance.
(5) When the intakes of protein recommended as safe by the Food aculated from obligatory nitrogen losses per se, the recommended levels appear to be only marginally adequate.
(n.) A little prick; a small, sharp point; a fine, sharp process or projection, as from the skin of an animal, the bark of a plant, etc.; a spine.
(n.) A kind of willow basket; -- a term still used in some branches of trade.
(n.) A sieve of filberts, -- about fifty pounds.
(v. t.) To prick slightly, as with prickles, or fine, sharp points.
Example Sentences:
(1) Some peculiarities in the ultrastructure of these neurones were described as the presence of prickles, fringes.
(2) Single-unit sensory nerve recordings from the rabbit saphenous nerve were used to identify the receptors responsible for fabric-evoked prickle.
(3) Prickle cell masses invaded into the soft tissue in the deeper layer.
(4) In some of the distal and middle dendrites and dendritic spines [correction of prickles] in elderly ground squirrels there were plaques, composed of electron-dense material with structure similar to postsynaptic condensations, but without presynaptic specializations of chemical synapses.
(5) Desmosomes are most frequent in the prickle cell layer, where desmosome fields may occur, and in the lower functional cell layer.
(6) Membrane coating granules first reaching a maximum in the functional cell layer appeared in the upper prickle cell layer and few persisted into the surface cells.
(7) Oral discomfort such as prickling and burning sensations, metallic and bad taste was rare in both diabetics and non-diabetics.
(8) Gap junctions (nexuses) were observed primarily in the basal and prickle cell layers.
(9) Beginning to feel the first prickles of boredom, I thought of young Nathan, for whom Minecraft was life, untilĀ it wasn't.
(10) The emigrating ERM from PDL explants, as well as occasional proliferating ERM within explants, consisted of two cell types--outer basal-like cells, as described above, and inner tonofilament-rich prickle-like cells, suggesting a propensity for differentiation of ERM.
(11) Three layers were identified, as in the light microscopy of the oesophageal epithelium: basal, prickle and funtional cell layers.
(12) This system was attached to the upper arms of young adult volunteers who increased the voltage of the rectangular electrical pulses supplied to the electrodes until a reproducible sharp prickling pain sensation was perceived.
(13) Various cells were observed in expanded intercellular spaces of basal cell and prickle cell layers.
(14) CRBP concentrations were highest in maturing keratinocytes within the prickle cell layers of normal mucosa and in laryngeal papillomas, as estimated on the basis of immunoreactivity to CRBP.
(15) The fluid phase marker was taken up most avidly by the prickle cells but to a lesser extent in the functional layers and by basal cells.
(16) Light microscopical findings: Leukoplakia exhibited orthokeratinization and the thickening of prickle and corneal cell layers was seen.
(17) Prickling of the skin and hirsutism were common side-effects.
(18) In all sections of leukoplakia, the positive cells for EGFr were found in the prickle cell layer in addition to the basal cell layer.
(19) Each subject judged only one single pair with respect to which one tasted more fizzy ("spritziger"), dry ("trockener"), prickling ("prickelnder") and better ("besser").
(20) Untoward effects experienced in volunteers receiving BW 942C included heaviness in the limbs, nasal stuffiness, mouth dryness, facial flushing, skin rash, and prickling sensations.