(a.) Made of adamant, or having the qualities of adamant; incapable of being broken, dissolved, or penetrated; as, adamantine bonds or chains.
(a.) Like the diamond in hardness or luster.
Example Sentences:
(1) It is convenient to use appropriate techniques during the adamantine preparation in order to control its depth (for example diamond-like stones with ends).
(2) Ameloblastoma (also known as adamantinoma, adamantine epithelioma, adamantinoblastoma, and epithelial odontoma) is a benign tumor of ectodermal origin arising from odontogenic epithelium, most commonly in the lower molar region in individuals aged between 20 and 50 years.
(3) The etched with acid both in the adamantine surface and in that of well depurated porcelain, is an important factor to obtain a good retention.
(4) The pharmacokinetics of a new Soviet-made immunostimulant kemantane, a derivative of adamantine, was studied by gas-liquid chromatography in patients with bronchial pathology.
(5) However, in the group with the adamantinous type of craniopharyngioma, the recurrence rate was 13% in adult patients and 9% in children.
(6) When compared to the adult adamantinous cases, the incidence of visual deficits was lower in the squamous papillary group (75% vs. 84%) but the incidence of endocrine abnormalities was higher (75% vs. 52%).
(7) Plato goes on: "If now there should be two such rings, and the just man should put on one and the unjust the other, no one could be found, it would seem, of such adamantine temper as to persevere in justice."
(8) 2) The teeth inoculated with Lactobacillus salivarius had rod forms attached to the adamantine surface (Fig.
(9) Adamantine reduced the effectiveness of oxotremorine in inducing asymmetric behaviour.
(10) The therapeutic effect depends on a) beginning treatment with high doses as early as possible, b) combination of local and systemic administration of adamantine, c) continuation of treatment for several weeks with gradually reducing doses.
(11) It is also shown that the basal stratum of the oral epithelium may give rise to adamantionoma-like tumours which could be regarded as adamantine baseliomas rather than as odontogenous adamantinomas proper.
(12) The compositions of the new type OPF emulsions are given, of which perfluoroctyl bromide and perfluoromethyl adamantine emulsions are shown to be currently of most interest, since they are stable at room temperature and exhibit somewhat superior physicochemical and biological parameters.
(13) On the other stands his adamantine refusal to surrender to Blair’s enthusiasm for British membership of the euro.
(14) Their friendship endured until Beckett's death in 1989: Herbert could mediate with great effect between his adamantine side and the actors labouring under the burden of performing his work - Devine himself in Endgame, Brenda Bruce in Happy Days and Billie Whitelaw on many occasions.
(15) They were found to have either a classic adamantinous or a squamous papillary structure.
(v. t.) To separate into competent parts; to disorganize; to break up; hence, to bring to an end by separating the parts, sundering a relation, etc.; to terminate; to destroy; to deprive of force; as, to dissolve a partnership; to dissolve Parliament.
(v. t.) To break the continuity of; to disconnect; to disunite; to sunder; to loosen; to undo; to separate.
(v. t.) To convert into a liquid by means of heat, moisture, etc.,; to melt; to liquefy; to soften.
(v. t.) To solve; to clear up; to resolve.
(v. t.) To relax by pleasure; to make powerless.
(v. t.) To annul; to rescind; to discharge or release; as, to dissolve an injunction.
(v. i.) To waste away; to be dissipated; to be decomposed or broken up.
(v. i.) To become fluid; to be melted; to be liquefied.
(v. i.) To fade away; to fall to nothing; to lose power.
Example Sentences:
(1) We investigated this suppression quantitatively, using a chemical assay for cell-bound and dissolved capsular polysaccharide.
(2) Thus Sephadex chromatography of the solution obtained by dissolving the antigen-antibody precipitate in these media repeatedly gave two peaks corresponding to anti-ovalbumin and ovalbumin.
(3) Although the brain AP50 is prominently phosphorylated by an endogenous protein kinase in isolated coated vesicle preparations, the neuronal AP50 was not detectably phosphorylated in intact cells as assessed by two-dimensional non-equilibrium pH gradient gel electrophoresis of labeled cells dissolved directly in SDS-containing buffers.
(4) After Listeria, a bacterium, is phagocytosed by a macrophage, it dissolves the phagosomal membrane and enters the cytoplasm.
(5) In muscle cells the mitochondria were in the process of dissolving and the sarcoplasmic reticulum formed elongate cisternae.
(6) Homogenates of these cells in chloroform-methanol solution showed an identical absorption spectrum with pure bilirubin dissolved in the same solution.
(7) However, in some patients absorption of the drug is markedly sensitive to changes in dissolution rate and new pharmacopoeal standards should not be defined until very rapidly-dissolving formulations have been studied.
(8) In the first few days of immersion high concentrations of dissolved metal ions were observed.
(9) It expresses the ratio between the partial pressure of the dissolved gas and the reduction of hydrostatic pressure during ascent (given as pressure gradient).
(10) Egypt has been without a sitting lower house of parliament since summer 2012, when it was dissolved by the country's supreme court .
(11) Each hand washing is filtered, and the residue collected on a membrane filter is dissolved in hydrochloric acid.
(12) An epidemic of abuse with "T's and blues" began in the late 1970's in which pentazocine-Talwin tablets ("T")--and the antihistamine tripelennamine (known as blues) were crushed, dissolved together, filtered, and injected intravenously.
(13) Osteoclasts dissolve bone mineral by the vectorial secretion of hydrogen ion at their osseous attachment site.
(14) This collagenolytic activity, which dissolved the collagen substrate, was derived from B. gingivalis and human GCF.
(15) Dexon's tensile strength is high initially and it retains its strength through the critical period of muscle-scleral wound healing, then dissolves in a rapid uniform manner.
(16) These results show that Mg-containing apatites dissolve to a greater extent than Mg-free apatites with the subsequent reprecipitation of Mg-poor apatites.
(17) In recent years, the clinical application of aerosol inhalation therapy has increased rapidly, however, many problems are not yet fully dissolved.
(18) In 1952, Clarence Agress performed an experiment on dogs to demonstrate his idea that a thrombus in a coronary artery could be dissolved without harm to the myocardium.
(19) The results show that when Cs is dissolved in aqueous buffer, the terminal atoms of residue 1 side chain are not available for binding to antibodies recognizing the face of the molecule defined by residues 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, suggesting that the chain is probably folded back under the molecule, as observed in the crystal structure.
(20) To further characterize the role of superoxide anion-radical in the vanadium redox cycling, the increase of optical density of vanadate(V) dissolved in Tris buffer was measured at 328 nm during the addition of KO2.