(n.) Added to a substantive as an attribute; of the nature of an adjunct; as, an adjective word or sentence.
(n.) Not standing by itself; dependent.
(n.) Relating to procedure.
(n.) A word used with a noun, or substantive, to express a quality of the thing named, or something attributed to it, or to limit or define it, or to specify or describe a thing, as distinct from something else. Thus, in phrase, "a wise ruler," wise is the adjective, expressing a property of ruler.
(n.) A dependent; an accessory.
(v. t.) To make an adjective of; to form or change into an adjective.
Example Sentences:
(1) Nine of the 76 adjectives could not be translated satisfactorily.
(2) Incidental teaching and traditional discrete-trial procedures were used to teach two children with autism the expressive use of two color adjectives to describe preferred toys and food items.
(3) In a second experiment schizophrenics were significantly different from the depressives in showing less inclination to select a metaphorical meaning to an ambiguous adjective in a sentence.
(4) The Depression Adjective Check List, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, and a battery of factor analytically derived cognitive tests sensitive to anxiety or depression were administered to 50 women between the ages of 30 and 45 during the 4 days prior to the onset of menstruation and again 2 weeks later.
(5) Subjects completed a structured psychiatric interview (Diagnostic Interview Schedule (DIS) and a Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), in addition to a test of self-schema, which involved rating and recall of a variety of "depressed" and "nondepressed" content adjectives.
(6) The psychical state was analysed using the following tests: thorough clinical history, J. Taylor's evident anxiety scale, H. Gough's adjective scale and psychological rehabilitation effectiveness scale according to J. Tylka.
(7) Semantically congruent situations consisted of adjective-noun pairs that were not highly predictable but were nonetheless plausible (e.g., GOOD-AUNT).
(8) The terminology indicates the name of the main vessel followed by the name of the recurrent vessel both combined in an adjective.
(9) Adjectives used to describe pain and factors causing exacerbation and relief of pain, although overlapping, also differed in the two groups.
(10) The relationship between representation of a person and evaluative impression of that person was investigated by presenting two stimulus persons, each by six trait adjectives, to subjects of the impression group, memory group, and category group.
(11) They failed, however, to assign thematic roles and adjectives in center-embedded relative sentences, and instead relied on nonsyntactic information.
(12) The number of the chosen affective-protopathic adjectives was significantly reduced, the number of sensory-epicrtic descriptions, however, remained constant.
(13) The top eight adjectives they chose were: envious, stiff, industrious, nature loving, quiet, honest, dishonest, xenophobic.
(14) Eighty-four undergraduate female students completed Baucom's Masculinity and Femininity Scales, the Bem Sex Role Inventory, and the Adjective Check List.
(15) "Psychogenic" is aetiologically by no means an apposite, or adjective, to organic diseases, for the occurrence of factors that can be defined as psychopathological (either primary or secondary) is always practically and clinically important--especially if these factors are of general psychosocial relevance, or of a latent depressive and neurotic nature.
(16) In order to determine the correlates of depressive mood, members of a women's volunteer organization were surveyed by a mailed questionnaire that included the Depression Adjective Check List (DACL) Form E and 14 depression-related measures.
(17) Subjects with varying levels of self-concept of ability are requested to judge ability-related adjectives with regard to the self.
(18) To study differences in personality characteristics 25 each dyslexic and nondyslexic men and women, ranging in age from 21 to 73 years, completed the 300-word Adjective Check List.
(19) In Experiment 2, we ascertain that the bias is specific to nouns; novel adjectives do not highlight superordinate category relations.
(20) The present counterpart to the MPQ retains the original grouping of adjectives, the identical number of words per group as well as their rank positions within groups.
(n.) One who, or that which, multiplies or increases number.
(n.) The number by which another number is multiplied. See the Note under Multiplication.
(n.) An instrument for multiplying or increasing by repetition or accumulation the intensity of a force or action, as heat or electricity. It is particularly used to render such a force or action appreciable or measurable when feeble. See Thermomultiplier.
Example Sentences:
(1) If tracer is introduced into the carotid artery after osmotic treatment, brain uptake is increased by a net factor of 50 (a factor of 70 due to elevation of PA, multiplied by 7 due to infusion by the carotid route) as compared to uptake by normal, untreated brain with infusion into a peripheral vein.
(2) Furthermore, high-density catalase-positive--but not catalase-negative--E. coli can survive and multiply in the presence of competitive, peroxide-generating streptococci.
(3) But the company's problems appear to be multiplying, with rumours that suppliers are demanding earlier payment than before, putting pressure on HTC's cash position.
(4) ); and 3) those that multiply and produce large numbers of vegetative cells in the food, then release an active enterotoxin when they sporulate in the gut.
(5) These data demonstrate that membrane vesicles from multiply drug-resistant cells bind increased amounts of vinblastine.
(6) This ability may be associated with virulence, because an attenuated strain of L. pneumophila fails to multiply within this protozoan, whereas a virulent strain increases 10,000-fold in number when coincubated with T. pyriformis.
(7) The endogenous basal appearance rates of BCAA, estimated by the basal concentrations multiplied by the plasma clearances, were lower in cirrhotics (P less than 0.025).
(8) Urine specimens from 93 selected subjects were run by fluorescence polarization immunoassay on the Abbott TDx; by enzyme multiplied immunoassay with two Syva EMIT assays; and by thin-layer chromatography with the TOXI-LAB system (Marion Laboratories).
(9) The cells displayed an epithelial pattern and multiplied rapidly.
(10) When a supercoiled substrate bearing two FLP target sequences in inverse orientation is treated with FLP, the products are multiply knotted structures that arise as a result of random entrapment of interdomainal supercoils.
(11) Two fish rhabdoviruses, spring viraemia of Carp virus (SVC) and Pike fry rhabdovirus (PFR), have been shown to multiply in Drosophila melanogaster.
(12) Comparisons of homogeneous enzyme multiplied immunoassay technique (EMIT) and high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) revealed that the EMIT slightly over-estimated plasma carbamazepine levels due to immunochemical cross reactivity with the epoxide metabolite.
(13) Like the S strains of Brucella, the R strains are able to multiply in the mouse spleen.
(14) Twenty-two parent (multiplier) breeder flocks became infected.
(15) From inocula of 100-350 organisms all 21 strains multiplied following immediate incubation, and 20 of 21 when incubation was delayed for 3 days.
(16) To study important epitopes on glycoprotein E2 of Sindbis virus, eight variants selected to be singly or multiply resistant to six neutralizing monoclonal antibodies reactive against E2, as well as four revertants which had regained sensitivity to neutralization, were sequenced throughout the E2 region.
(17) Mutations in the hrpC locus, although preventing the bacteria from eliciting a hypersensitive reaction on tobacco, allowed the bacteria to produce delayed and attenuated symptoms in Red Kidney bean leaves and to multiply to a level 10(2)- to 10(3)-fold lower than that of the wild-type strain.
(18) infection of mice, the lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus multiplied in this organ.
(19) The authors studied retrospectively the formation of clinically significant red cell (RBC) alloantibodies in 958 HLA-typed, multiply transfused patients receiving kidney (603 patients) or liver (263 patients) transplants or plateletpheresis transfusions (92 patients).
(20) Four of the foster grandchildren, all profoundly retarded and multiply handicapped, demonstrated progress throughout the study.