What's the difference between adjective and subjective?



  • (n.) Added to a substantive as an attribute; of the nature of an adjunct; as, an adjective word or sentence.
  • (n.) Not standing by itself; dependent.
  • (n.) Relating to procedure.
  • (n.) A word used with a noun, or substantive, to express a quality of the thing named, or something attributed to it, or to limit or define it, or to specify or describe a thing, as distinct from something else. Thus, in phrase, "a wise ruler," wise is the adjective, expressing a property of ruler.
  • (n.) A dependent; an accessory.
  • (v. t.) To make an adjective of; to form or change into an adjective.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Nine of the 76 adjectives could not be translated satisfactorily.
  • (2) Incidental teaching and traditional discrete-trial procedures were used to teach two children with autism the expressive use of two color adjectives to describe preferred toys and food items.
  • (3) In a second experiment schizophrenics were significantly different from the depressives in showing less inclination to select a metaphorical meaning to an ambiguous adjective in a sentence.
  • (4) The Depression Adjective Check List, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, and a battery of factor analytically derived cognitive tests sensitive to anxiety or depression were administered to 50 women between the ages of 30 and 45 during the 4 days prior to the onset of menstruation and again 2 weeks later.
  • (5) Subjects completed a structured psychiatric interview (Diagnostic Interview Schedule (DIS) and a Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), in addition to a test of self-schema, which involved rating and recall of a variety of "depressed" and "nondepressed" content adjectives.
  • (6) The psychical state was analysed using the following tests: thorough clinical history, J. Taylor's evident anxiety scale, H. Gough's adjective scale and psychological rehabilitation effectiveness scale according to J. Tylka.
  • (7) Semantically congruent situations consisted of adjective-noun pairs that were not highly predictable but were nonetheless plausible (e.g., GOOD-AUNT).
  • (8) The terminology indicates the name of the main vessel followed by the name of the recurrent vessel both combined in an adjective.
  • (9) Adjectives used to describe pain and factors causing exacerbation and relief of pain, although overlapping, also differed in the two groups.
  • (10) The relationship between representation of a person and evaluative impression of that person was investigated by presenting two stimulus persons, each by six trait adjectives, to subjects of the impression group, memory group, and category group.
  • (11) They failed, however, to assign thematic roles and adjectives in center-embedded relative sentences, and instead relied on nonsyntactic information.
  • (12) The number of the chosen affective-protopathic adjectives was significantly reduced, the number of sensory-epicrtic descriptions, however, remained constant.
  • (13) The top eight adjectives they chose were: envious, stiff, industrious, nature loving, quiet, honest, dishonest, xenophobic.
  • (14) Eighty-four undergraduate female students completed Baucom's Masculinity and Femininity Scales, the Bem Sex Role Inventory, and the Adjective Check List.
  • (15) "Psychogenic" is aetiologically by no means an apposite, or adjective, to organic diseases, for the occurrence of factors that can be defined as psychopathological (either primary or secondary) is always practically and clinically important--especially if these factors are of general psychosocial relevance, or of a latent depressive and neurotic nature.
  • (16) In order to determine the correlates of depressive mood, members of a women's volunteer organization were surveyed by a mailed questionnaire that included the Depression Adjective Check List (DACL) Form E and 14 depression-related measures.
  • (17) Subjects with varying levels of self-concept of ability are requested to judge ability-related adjectives with regard to the self.
  • (18) To study differences in personality characteristics 25 each dyslexic and nondyslexic men and women, ranging in age from 21 to 73 years, completed the 300-word Adjective Check List.
  • (19) In Experiment 2, we ascertain that the bias is specific to nouns; novel adjectives do not highlight superordinate category relations.
  • (20) The present counterpart to the MPQ retains the original grouping of adjectives, the identical number of words per group as well as their rank positions within groups.



  • (a.) Of or pertaining to a subject.
  • (a.) Especially, pertaining to, or derived from, one's own consciousness, in distinction from external observation; ralating to the mind, or intellectual world, in distinction from the outward or material excessively occupied with, or brooding over, one's own internal states.
  • (a.) Modified by, or making prominent, the individuality of a writer or an artist; as, a subjective drama or painting; a subjective writer.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The percentage of people with less than 10 TU titers is under 5% after the age of 5 years up to 15 years; from 15 to 60 years there are no subjects with undetectable ASO titer and after this age the percentage is still under 5%.
  • (2) Such a signal must be due to a small ferromagnetic crystal formed when the nerve is subjected to pressure, such as that due to mechanical injury.
  • (3) There was appreciable variation in toothbrush wear among subjects, some reducing their brush to a poor state in 2 weeks whereas with others the brush was rated as "good" after 10 weeks.
  • (4) Coronary arteritis has to be considered as a possible etiology of ischemic symptoms also in subjects who appear affected by typical atherosclerotic ischemic heart disease.
  • (5) When chimeric animals were subjected to a lethal challenge of endotoxin, their response was markedly altered by the transferred lymphoid cells.
  • (6) Parents of subjects at the experimental school were visited at home by a community health worker who provided individualized information on dental services and preventive strategies.
  • (7) All subjects completed the Coping Strategies Questionnaire, which measures the use and perceived effectiveness of a variety of cognitive and behavioral coping strategies in controlling and decreasing pain.
  • (8) Whether hen's egg yolk can be used as a sperm motility stimulant in the treatment of such conditions as asthenospermia and oligospermia is subjected for further study.
  • (9) Comparison with 194 age and sex matched subjects, without STD, were chosen as controls.
  • (10) The 14C-aminopyrine breath test was used to measure liver function in 14 normal subjects, 16 patients with alcoholic cirrhosis, 14 alcoholics without cirrhosis, and 29 patients taking a variety of drugs.
  • (11) Among the groups investigated, the subjects with gastric tumors presented the greatest values.
  • (12) In each study, all subjects underwent four replications (over two days) of one of the six permutations of the three experimental conditions; each condition lasted 5 min.
  • (13) Hoursoglou thinks a shortage of skilled people with a good grounding in core subjects such as maths and science is a potential problem for all manufacturers.
  • (14) The fate of the inhibited fungus is the subject of this report.
  • (15) When subjects centered themselves actively, or additionally, contracted trunk flexor or extensor muscles to predetermined levels of activity, no increase in trunk positioning accuracy was found.
  • (16) Side effect incidence in patients treated with the paracetamol-sobrerol combination (3.7%) was significantly lower than that observed in subjects treated with paracetamol (6.1% - P less than 0.01), salicylics (25.1% - P less than 0.001), pyrazolics (12.6% - P less than 0.001), propionics (20.3%, P less than 0.001) or other antipyretics (17.9% - P less than 0.001).
  • (17) Although lorazepam and haloperidol produced an equivalent mean decrease in aggression, significantly more subjects who received lorazepam had a greater decrease in aggression ratings than haloperidol recipients; this effect was independent of sedation.
  • (18) DI James Faulkner of Great Manchester police said: “The men and women working in the factory have told us that they were subjected to physical and verbal assaults at the hands of their employers and forced to work more than 80-hours before ending up with around £25 for their week’s work.
  • (19) Effects of habitual variations in napping on psychomotor performance, short-term memory and subjective states were investigated.
  • (20) These results could be explained by altered tissue blood flow and a decreased metabolic capacity of the liver in obese subjects.