(n.) Something joined or added to another thing, but not essentially a part of it.
(n.) A person joined to another in some duty or service; a colleague; an associate.
(n.) A word or words added to quality or amplify the force of other words; as, the History of the American Revolution, where the words in italics are the adjunct or adjuncts of "History."
(n.) A quality or property of the body or the mind, whether natural or acquired; as, color, in the body, judgment in the mind.
(n.) A key or scale closely related to another as principal; a relative or attendant key. [R.] See Attendant keys, under Attendant, a.
Example Sentences:
(1) EMLA cream, usually used for skin surface analgesia, was tested as an adjunct to anesthesia in dermabrasion.
(2) CT is useful as an adjunct to the clinical examination in predicting outcome after SAH.
(4) Por the treatment of L.A., adjunction of dialysis and furosemide improved the efficacy of early and massive sodium bicarbonate infusion.
(5) The data document the compliance of adolescent girls with telephone appointments and suggest that this technique may be a useful adjunct for monitoring patients requiring close medical follow-up.
(6) Adjunctive usage of elastic stockings and intermittent compression pneumatic boots in the perioperative period was helpful in controlling leg swelling and promoting wound healing.
(7) This study raises the possibility of lithium carbonate use as an adjunct in the treatment of amphetamine addiction.
(8) Transluminal iliac angioplasty is a valuable adjunct to distal bypass surgery by improving arterial inflow without the requirement for major aorto iliac surgery.
(9) A new approach is presented to the refractive procedure by adding observation, both surreptitious and direct, as an adjunct, an aid and a supplement to differential diagnosis in a refractive examination and in visual analysis.
(10) The efficacy of adjunctive verapamil on psychopathological symptoms and tardive dyskinesia was investigated in 22 chronic schizophrenic patients, who had partially responded to neuroleptics.
(11) Postmortem biochemical indices may provide a useful adjunct to morphological studies in the identification of antemortem brain insult.
(12) immunoglobulin, purified from the plasma of local semi-immune blood donors, as an adjunct to standard treatment for cerebral malaria in Malawian children.
(13) The rationale for the use of exercise as part of the treatment program in type II diabetes is much clearer and regular exercise may be prescribed as an adjunct to caloric restriction for weight reduction and as a means of improving insulin sensitivity in the obese, insulin-resistant individual.
(14) Endoscopic coagulation is a useful adjunct in the treatment of this condition, and is safe, effective, and leaves other options open.
(15) These studies suggest that intraarterial UK may be a useful adjunctive therapy after revascularization of the acutely ischemic limb and that further clinical trials are recommended.
(16) The perfluoropropane gas was used as an adjunct to vitreoretinal microsurgery in 60 eyes of 60 patients with rhegmatogenous retinal detachment complicated by proliferative vitreoretinopathy.
(17) These results show that NSE is almost as sensitive as, but more specific than, S100 protein in discriminating Langerhans-cell from non-Langerhans cell cutaneous histiocytoses, and that it consequently represents a useful adjunct in the immunohistochemical diagnosis of histiocytic skin diseases.
(18) Surgery must be considered the mainstay of therapy for fibrosarcoma, but there is a need for adjunctive therapy.
(19) In addition, most of the studies used HBO as an adjunctive treatment in the management of refractory osteoradionecrosis.
(20) Combined with complete bowel rest, intravenous hyperalimentation can effectively function as the primary treatment or as an adjunct to the surgical management of the complications of inflammatory bowel disease.
Example Sentences:
(1) In the present study, respirometric quotients, the ratio of oral air volume expended to total volume expended, were obtained using separate but simultaneous productions of oral and nasal airflow.
(2) The increase in membrane resistance at low pH allowed S. bovis to maintain its membrane potential and expend less energy when its ability to ferment glucose was impaired.
(3) Approximately 76.5 percent of the funds was expended for treatment services, 12.6 percent for prevention services, and 10.9 percent for other services (for example, administration, research, training).
(4) Total hydraulic power expended per unit of forward flow was computed as an index of right ventricular-pulmonary artery coupling.
(5) Intuitively, weight lost should be determined by the difference between the total energy consumed and the total energy expended.
(6) We conclude that a greater effort should be expended to encourage and even direct patients toward this form of therapy.
(7) However, the shadow foreign secretary, Douglas Alexander , is adamant Labour could not afford to spend the first two years of government wrestling with a referendum on Europe, pointing to the energy it had expended on the near-disastrous no campaign for the Scotland independence vote.
(8) Both required regions are near the carboxyl terminus, and they are separated by a region which is expendable for binding (K. W. Ryan and A. Portner, 1990, Virology 174, 515-521).
(9) The full duplex of tetramer d(G4).d(C4) was prepared by expending about a month.
(10) There's no doubt that MacMaster expended an enormous amount of effort compiling the blog and creating Gay Girl's persona: poems, long imaginary reminiscences – even warning readers to treat some other websites "with a very large grain of salt" – but to what purpose?
(11) The FSB expends enormous effort on keeping track of its targets.
(12) For a club of such means, with fortunes expended already, the focus on Carlos Tevez alone in attack should be troubling.
(13) Portions of the carbon of methane expended for synthesis of the biomass, carbon dioxide, and exometabolites was different among methanotrophic cultures belonging to different genera.
(14) The percentage of individuals expending 2000 kcal or more per week in LTPA was significantly lower in black men than white men (25 vs. 35%; p = .01) but was not different in black versus white women (18 vs. 17%).
(15) "When it became clear that they wouldn't help themselves, Nick wasn't going to expend political capital defending them.
(16) This scheme not only maximizes the size of the coated vesicle generated, but also minimizes the number of transformations, thus minimizing the energy expended.
(17) It has stoked an existing paranoia that the lives of ordinary Africans are expendable.
(18) But on the strength of the effort expended on the right royal cover-up thus far, it seems a fair guess that officials and ministers will have given the prince’s letters rather more favourable attention than routine correspondence with a member of the public.
(19) This is probably because the grafted cell clone, reactive to mouse antigens, is small and has to be expended in order to be effective.
(20) Effects of levels-of-processing on retention of visually presented target and nontarget letter words were studied in relation to the amount of processing resources expended on the attended task.