

  • (a.) Dexterous in the use of the hands or in the exercise of the mental faculties; exhibiting skill and readiness in avoiding danger or escaping difficulty; ready in invention or execution; -- applied to persons and to acts; as, an adroit mechanic, an adroit reply.

Compare adroit with other words:

adroit vs. cunning

adroit vs. slick

adroit vs. bombastic

adroit vs. ambidextrous

adroit vs. dextrous

adroit vs. agile

adroit vs. astute

adroit vs. nimble

adept vs. adroit

adroit vs. footless

adroit vs. maladroit

adroit vs. habile

adroit vs. cleanly

able vs. adroit

adroit vs. adroitly

adroit vs. ingenious

adroit vs. tactical

adroit vs. gauche

adroit vs. clever

adroit vs. maneuver

adroit vs. direct

adroit vs. skillful

adroit vs. dexterous

adroit vs. deft