What's the difference between advise and caution?



  • (v. t.) To give advice to; to offer an opinion, as worthy or expedient to be followed; to counsel; to warn.
  • (v. t.) To give information or notice to; to inform; -- with of before the thing communicated; as, we were advised of the risk.
  • (v. t.) To consider; to deliberate.
  • (v. t.) To take counsel; to consult; -- followed by with; as, to advise with friends.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Acceptance of less than ideal donors is ill-advised even though rejection of such donors conflicts with the current shortage of organs.
  • (2) Biomass and crops for animals are as damaging as [burning] fossil fuels.” The recommendation follows advice last year that a vegetarian diet was better for the planet from Lord Nicholas Stern , former adviser to the Labour government on the economics of climate change.
  • (3) Adviser to Solidarity, then member of parliament in 1989.
  • (4) Even though the administration of demethylchlortetracycline did not produce significant decreases in the glomerular filtration rate or renal blood flow in our patient, it is advisable to control the renal function in individuals treated with this drug since it may on occasion determine renal insufficiency.
  • (5) Anna Mazzola, a civil liberties lawyer who advises the National Union of Journalists and whom I consulted, told me that in general if police can view anyone's images, they can only do so in "very limited circumstances".
  • (6) If we reach the point where I believe our advisers should accompany Iraqi troops on attacks against specific [Isis] targets, I will recommend that to the president,” Dempsey said, preferring the term “close combat advising”.
  • (7) For Bush Sr, the dilemma is all the more agonising as some of the White House advisers he now criticises are former employees he bequeathed to his son.
  • (8) It is the way these packages are constructed by a small cabal of longstanding advisers, drawing on the mechanics of game theory, that has driven the exponential increases in value over the past two decades.
  • (9) Appropriate vitamin E supplementation is, therefore, advisable for all patients with chronic fat malabsorption who have low serum vitamin E concentrations.
  • (10) At a private meeting last Tuesday, Hunt assured Cameron and the cabinet secretary, Sir Jeremy Heywood, that he had not been aware that his special adviser, Adam Smith, was systematically leaking information and advice to News Corp about its bid for BSkyB.
  • (11) Combining drugs may only occasionally be advisable to supplement a desired effect or to attenuate an unwanted one.
  • (12) Lisette van Vliet, a senior policy adviser to the Health and Environment Alliance, blamed pressure from the UK and German ministries and industry for delaying public protection from chronic diseases and environmental damage.
  • (13) Results are discussed in relation to the time of treatment and the pathogenic agent involved, and a classification of the antibiotics into three groups is proposed: recommended; not advised; not sufficiently studied.
  • (14) The experience illustrates the danger of assuming that all pneumococcus peritonitis is the primary variety and the advisability of routine Gram stain of the peritoneal fluid at operation in order to select the appropriate antibiotic.
  • (15) Within 4 months of Holter monitoring, the advised coronary angiography was performed in 77% of the patients with variable threshold angina and in 89% of the patients with fixed threshold angina (p less than 0.05).
  • (16) The problem is that too many people in this place just get advised by people who are just like them, so there’s groupthink, and they have no sense of what it’s like out there.” Is he talking about his predecessor?
  • (17) Advisable in a first time for the feeding of patients with palliative treatment, we propose PEG for patients in position to have a long and difficult rehabilitation of swallowing.
  • (18) But Detre declined to comment on a report on the Guido Fawkes website that Westminster Advisers, run by the Labour supporter and former councillor Dominic Church, organised a cross-party meeting at the end of 2010 which was shown the Crosby Textor research .
  • (19) The independent Low Pay Commission will advise on the path future increases should take, taking into account the state of the economy.
  • (20) Abe Foxman, director of the Anti-Defamation League, a vigorous defender of Israel, called the speech “ill-advised”.



  • (n.) A careful attention to the probable effects of an act, in order that failure or harm may be avoided; prudence in regard to danger; provident care; wariness.
  • (n.) Security; guaranty; bail.
  • (n.) Precept or warning against evil of any kind; exhortation to wariness; advice; injunction.
  • (v. t.) To give notice of danger to; to warn; to exhort [one] to take heed.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Both apertures were repaired with great caution using individual sutures without resection of the hernial sac.
  • (2) Potential revisions of the scale, as well as cautions for its use in clinical applications on its present form are discussed.
  • (3) Further work is required to determine whether such a risk exists but caution should be exercised by those exposed to aerosols generated during procedures on HIV-1 infected patients.
  • (4) Hoare was subsequently interviewed under caution by the Metropolitan police.
  • (5) Long courses of sucralfate should be used with caution or avoided in CRF.
  • (6) Thus, in spite of its excellent activity and unquestionable effectiveness, rifampicin should be used with caution in severe staphylococcal infections.
  • (7) The exaggerated buckles used do not allow these monkeys to serve as a clinical model and great caution is stressed in making clinical extrapolations.
  • (8) While LCA-immunoperoxidase staining reduces interobserver variability, results must be interpreted with caution since this antibody stains other leukocytes in addition to lymphocytes.
  • (9) Since not all of the plastics industries in the two countries participated in the studies and the number of cases was small, the result must be interpreted with caution.
  • (10) However caution must be used in interpreting that result, since subjects were allowed to adjust the telephone handset position to maximize the signal level in any given condition.
  • (11) A small risk of cholelithiasis exists with these drugs, and caution should be used when combining these drugs with HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors because the combination increases the incidence of hyperlipidemic myositis and rhabdomyolysis.
  • (12) Since vitamin C and aspirin seem to act synergistically in producing hemorrhagic lesions in the stomach, it is recommended that all individuals taking megadoses of vitamin C be cautioned against taking aspirin concurrently.
  • (13) It cautioned that any injectable drugs made by NECC, including those intended for use in eyes, are of "significant concern".
  • (14) However, when evaluating antiestrogens, which are cell-cycle specific, the results of the [3H]-thymidine incorporation method should be interpreted with caution.
  • (15) This finding imposes some caution in applying the results obtained in skinned cardiac cells to intact tissue.
  • (16) In CT diagnosis for this type of dissection, cautions should be employed not only in an inhomogenous density area in the mediastinum and pleural cavity but also in the presence of deviation of intimal calcification and relatively high density area of crescent shape in aortic wall on plain CT.
  • (17) And Myers is cautioned after a silly block 3.21am GMT 54 mins Besler with a long-throw for SKC but it's cleared.
  • (18) In light of the AIDS epidemic and the necessity for safe-sex practices, the topic of caution and prevention is an emerging and critical discourse for the sexual encounter.
  • (19) Consequently, the present results may mean that the studies using uptake of [3H]GABA, [3H]ACHC, or [3H]DABA as a specific marker for GABAergic neurons differentiating during the ontogenetic development of the central nervous system may have to be interpreted with caution.
  • (20) Although caution must be advised in the extrapolation of this phenomenon, which was observed in a manipulated artery during coronary angioplasty, the vasoconstrictor response to intracoronary thrombus formation in vivo may play an important role in the dynamic mechanisms of acute coronary heart disease syndromes.