What's the difference between aestivation and estivation?



  • (n.) The state of torpidity induced by the heat and dryness of summer, as in certain snails; -- opposed to hibernation.
  • (n.) The arrangement of the petals in a flower bud, as to folding, overlapping, etc.; prefloration.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Contrastingly, the hepatopancreas of aestivated snails when treated with ganglionic extracts of active snails showed increased specific activities of both enzymes.
  • (2) A wide size range of both species of snail were found to aestivate, but there was differential mortality of young B. rohlfsi soon after the lake re-filled, and the optimally surviving size group of B. globosus was 9 mm.
  • (3) Upon entering into aestivation, Protopterus aethiopicus develops a respiratory acidosis.
  • (4) On re-activation of some aestivating snails, betion of ATP and Mg2+ to the isolated gut contents or to extracts from washed gut walls led to the formation of higher-molecular-weight forms of the enzyme, beta-glucosidase A (mol.wt.
  • (5) Snails in the aestivated group were completely inactive for 8 weeks beginning at age 23 weeks.
  • (6) The cessation of water intake from the start of aestivation results in hemoconcentration and marked oliguria.
  • (7) This was not correlated to metabolic rate suggesting that glycolytic rate was reduced in this tissue in the early stages of aestivation, possibly due to a change in fuel use.
  • (8) The molluscicide would then be released at the unpredictable start of the next wet season and kill any snails which survive the drought by aestivation.
  • (9) Infective larvae aestivate in the faeces or in the soil of the lucerne pastures in the dry, hot summer months and migrate on to the herbage during the cool, wet autumn.
  • (10) X-ray microanalyses of ultrathin frozen sections from aestivating and non-aestivating snails have shown gradients of chloride and potassium ions in the apical microvillus region of the regulating mantle collar epithelium.
  • (11) A cocoon formed from a single cell layer of shed stratum corneum may reduce water loss from the skin of desert-dwelling frogs while these aestivate in soil-filled burrows.
  • (12) The possible roles of these ions, pH and substrate in the modulation of fructose diphosphatase and gluconeogenic activity in the lungfish are discussed in relation to aestivation and temperature adaptation.
  • (13) The activity levels of both enzymes decreased in aestivating snails.
  • (14) Aestivation patterns in Bulinus rohlfsi and B. globosus were studied by digging transects across the floor of their dried habitats and by monitoring changes in snail population structure during the period when the habitats were flooded.
  • (15) As aestivation continued, the number of breaths per tachypneic period increased gradually to reach a steady level at about the 3rd mo.
  • (16) The beginning of aestivation in B. rohlfsi did not correlate with any of the physical parameters measured, but it coincided with the dying off of a bloom of unicellular algae.
  • (17) The importance of stimuli other than desiccation in the aestivation process of bulinids is stressed.
  • (18) X-ray microanalysis of unfixed thin sections shows that there is a concentration gradient of ions within these cells in aestivating animals which is not present in stimulated snails.
  • (19) Bulinus rohlfsi, which inhabited a small man-made lake, was found to aestivate towards the bottom of its habitat, aestivation occurring during the last six weeks before the lake dried.
  • (20) A. nuchalis thus appears to be an opportunistic vernal breeder, limited only by the availability of resources, whereas A. caudicinctus, which apparently displays the greater reproductive effort of the two species, has a typical aestival pattern of breeding which is uniquely attuned to the enormous burst of productivity occurring in this arid region following the substantial and predictable summer cyclonic rains.



  • (n.) Same as Aestival, Aestivate, etc.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) In the present study, buccal ganglion neurons 5 were examined following exposure of animals to conditions that induce estivation, a behavioral state exhibited by these freshwater snails in nature.
  • (2) Conditioned medium promoted sprouting by intact neurons in vitro in a manner quantitatively and qualitatively similar to that observed in vivo during estivation.
  • (3) Standard bicarbonate ranged from a low of 8.6 mMol-L-1 (P plasma) at pH 7.5 in an awake fish to 49.6 mMol-L-1 (P) in an estivating fish.
  • (4) Blood respiratory properties have been studied in awake and estivating African lungfish, Protopterus amphibius.
  • (5) The P50 value in blood from awake fish was 33 mm Hg at pH 7.5 compared to 9 mm Hg for the estivating fish.
  • (6) The important involution of the pineal gland of Glis glis and Eliomys quercinus during the months of july and august belongs to a polyglandular involution (anterior lobe of the hypophysis, male and female genital glands) characteristic of estivation.
  • (7) The concentration of norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin did not change in estivation; however, a significant elevation of norepinephrine in the diencephalon and dopamine in the telencephalon was observed in starvation.
  • (8) Surprisingly, sprouting activity occurred in some neurons (31%) in normal animals, this being transiently elevated (to 71%) after 4 days of estivation.
  • (9) The oxygen-binding characteristics and the multiplicity of the stripped hemoglobiin from active lungfish Protopterus amphibius, are the same as in specimens that have been estivating for about 30 months, showing that alteration in the hemoglobin molecules is not involved in the earlier reported increase in oxygen affinity of whole blood during estivation (Johansen et al., '76).
  • (10) Starvation and estivation were associated with significant declines in the protein content of the diencephalon and medulla.
  • (11) The taxi drivers' leader, Alain Estival, has responded that there'll be uproar if the number exceeds 400.
  • (12) Mr Estival is also concerned that creating 1,500 new cabbies will severely dent the market in taxi licences.
  • (13) First, blood from estivated animals was tested for trophic activity.
  • (14) Group 1 was fed normally, group 2 was starved while aquatic, and group 3 was allowed to enter into a state of estivation.
  • (15) Elasmobranch fishes, the coelacanth, estivating lungfish, amphibians, and mammals synthesize urea by the ornithine-urea cycle; by comparison, urea synthetic activity is generally insignificant in teleostean fishes.
  • (16) The Na+ concentration was the same for active and estivating frogs.
  • (17) Estivation (shallow torpor) in the round-tailed ground squirrel (Citellus tereticaudus) is entered through electrophysiologically defined states of sleep.
  • (18) Annual variations of the northern limit of Anopheles arabiensis, in the Sahelo-Saharan region including some oasis, are related to temporary breeding places produced by seasonal rainfall, after estivation during the dry season or after a long migration with the wind.
  • (19) These mechanisms, their interactions, and the regulatory signals (e.g., second messenger molecules, pH) that coordinate them form a common molecular basis for metabolic depression in anoxia-tolerant vertebrates (goldfish, turtles) and invertebrates (marine molluscs), hibernation in small mammals, and estivation in land snails and terrestrial toads.
  • (20) Hematocrit, O2 capacity and blood hemoglobin concentration increased by about 50% during estivation.

Words possibly related to "aestivation"

Words possibly related to "estivation"