(a.) Abundant; copious; plenteous; hence, wealthy; abounding in goods or riches.
(n.) A stream or river flowing into a larger river or into a lake; a tributary stream.
Example Sentences:
(1) We have the nuclear-related wealth, which captures the highly skilled and the affluent and the upwardly mobile.
(2) "I serve a fairly affluent part of a fairly affluent city in a fairly affluent part of the country.
(3) Namely: it takes one small, heavily publicised niche – affluent, usually white LGBTs – and presents them as representative of a whole spectrum of people.
(4) Cape Town was conceived with a white-only centre, surrounded by contained settlements for the black and coloured labour forces to the east, each hemmed in by highways and rail lines, rivers and valleys, and separated from the affluent white suburbs by protective buffer zones of scrubland,” he says.
(5) The company’s success reflects affluent shoppers’ willingness to pay extra for products perceived to be of high quality, made with premium ingredients.
(6) His body was found on the pavement of Portman Avenue, in East Sheen, an affluent west London suburb, shortly before 7.45am on 9 September last year, just after flight BA76 from Luanda, the Angolan capital, passed overhead.
(7) For the first time even the relatively affluent will approach old age still straddled with mortgages, and still financially supporting adult children through paying for their education and housing.
(8) This was based on Liebig's idea that protein was the source of muscular energy and the observation that protein consumption was higher in the more successful (i.e., affluent) social groups or nations than elsewhere.
(9) Many people are becoming more affluent, educated and demanding.
(10) Together with the caloric overloading, provoked also by the excess in fat, characteristic for the affluent society, the excessive sugar consumption enhances in the pregnant women obesity and "protodiabetes" (PFEIFFER), in the predisposed child the tendency to hyperinsulinism with its consequences.
(11) What worries me particularly is the capacity for very affluent people to navigate their way through urban space in ways that mean they don't even have to be confronted by any forms of poverty."
(12) But she raised concerns that parents' fears over costs betray a lack of understanding of grants and loans available to students from less affluent homes, suggesting more should be done to explain all the options.
(13) We tend to live in the cheaper parts of the city, so we're less affected than those in the more affluent boroughs.
(14) Earlier this month residents in Broughton, an affluent village in Buckinghamshire, formed a human chain to block a Google car, with a tripod-mounted camera on its roof.
(15) As women move from poor rural cultures to more affluent urban ones, cultural and religious objections to permanent family planning disappear under the pressures of greater child survival and more hope for self- (and child) improvement.
(16) I am grateful that my body will split in half in late summer, and I will probably live through it, being a resident of the affluent west, but the gratitude is ambivalent.
(17) The social tariff, long-demanded by fuel poverty campaigners, is controversial as power companies say it will have to be funded by more affluent families paying more.
(18) Another member of her circle, the rapacious slum landlord Peter Rachman, had himself become a symbol of the greed and materialism of the affluent society, adding more spice to the mix.
(19) Weakness in crucial types of constituencies in 2016, such as unpretentious Midlands towns (Nuneaton, Cannock) and big city suburbs (Bury, Bolton) is ominous, while stronger showings were in affluent seats that are either already Labour or require large swings to be sustained through to May 2020,” Baston said.
(20) Whiting is also keen to level the playing field between poorer districts, like Thanet (the most deprived in Kent), and affluent areas with "superselective" schools, like Judd in Tonbridge, where pupils needed 140 marks out of 142 for a place last year.
(v. t.) To reduce to a fine, unmixed, or pure state; to free from impurities; to free from dross or alloy; to separate from extraneous matter; to purify; to defecate; as, to refine gold or silver; to refine iron; to refine wine or sugar.
(v. t.) To purify from what is gross, coarse, vulgar, inelegant, low, and the like; to make elegant or exellent; to polish; as, to refine the manners, the language, the style, the taste, the intellect, or the moral feelings.
(v. i.) To become pure; to be cleared of feculent matter.
(v. i.) To improve in accuracy, delicacy, or excellence.
(v. i.) To affect nicety or subtilty in thought or language.
Example Sentences:
(1) The patients had a high AP, consumed more alcohol, were more well-fed, older and consumed more refined carbohydrates per 1 kg bw and less cholesterol and vegetable protein.
(2) After restrained least-squares refinement of the enzyme-substrate complex with the riboflavin omitted from the model, additional electron density appeared near the pyrophosphate, which indicated the presence of an ADPR molecule in the FAD binding site of PHBH.
(3) Well-refined x-ray structures of the liganded forms of the wild-type and a mutant protein isolated from a strain defective in chemotaxis but fully competent in transport have provided a molecular view of the sugar-binding site and of a site for interacting with the Trg transmembrane signal transducer.
(4) To meet these prerequisites we have introduced some technical refinements: (1) computer-controlled rectilinear translations of the target in combination with different angular positions of the source and (2) computer-controlled rotations of the target around a vertical axis in combination with different angular positions of the source.
(5) Percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage (PTBD) was conceptualized more than 35 years ago, but its clinical application only flourished in the past 10 years after a number of technical refinements.
(6) In 1984 the press-fit condylar knee was first introduced and was intended to provide a condylar knee system primarily for posterior cruciate retention that addressed refinements in metallurgy, prosthetic geometry and sizing, cementless fixation, inventory management, and instrumentation.
(7) Obviously, the sheer number of lasers being used both clinically and experimentally indicates a great potential for further advancement and refinement in technique and surgical outcomes.
(8) Phases from x-ray structure factors (R = 0.43) computed from this model were then used in the calculation of another electron density map against which the model was further refined.
(9) Staging classifications are being refined to reflect increasing knowledge of important prognostic indicators, e.g., absence or presence of lymph node involvement, pattern of lymph node involvement, and absence or presence of visceral disease.
(10) The ordered aspect of the genetic code table makes this result a plausible starting point for studies of the origin and evolution of the genetic code: these could include, besides a more refined optimization principle at the logical level, some effects more directly related to the physico-chemical context, and the construction of realistic models incorporating both aspects.
(11) The structure of Mn(III) superoxide dismutase (Mn(III)SOD) from Thermus thermophilus, a tetramer of chains 203 residues in length, has been refined by restrained least-squares methods.
(12) Based on the refined atomic coordinates of the tRNAphe in the orthorhombic crystal, on the recent advances in the distance dependence of the ring-current magnetic field effects and on the adopted values for the isolated hydrogen-bonded NH resonances, a computed spectrum consisting of 23 protons was constructed.
(13) It can be used as a simple screening procedure to help determine which of many possible anthelmintic control strategies should be selected for more detailed examination in the field, and it provides a theoretical framework within which ideas concerning the epidemiology of parasitic gastroenteritis can be assessed and refined.
(14) The advances in lid and orbital surgery are due to the improvements made in diagnostic equipment and to technical refinements.
(15) The group’s refining business performed better than expected, more than doubling profit to $2.2bn from $1bn.
(16) They also suggest that both the migration of cortical neurons on glia and the refinement of the mapping between the peripheral whisker field and its cortical representation may depend upon the distribution of substrate adhesion molecules.
(17) Thus the present study gives support for a protective effect associated with a fiber-rich or vegetable-rich diet, while it indicates that frequent consumption of refined starchy foods, eggs and fat-rich foods such as cheese and red meat is a risk factor for colo-rectal cancer.
(18) Synthesis and discussion is focused on five major areas in which gerontological continuity and change are evidenced: 1) transformation of basic themes over time; 2) gerontology's identity crisis; 3) the social ideology of gerontology; 4) evolution and refinement of gerontological ideas and methods; and 5) temporal frameworks.
(19) The course content and format were refined after 11 pharmacists completed a pilot program.
(20) This has led to important advances in our understanding of the mechanism of axonal guidance, the physiology of neurotrophic factors and the establishment and refinement of neural connections.