What's the difference between african and basque?



  • (a.) Of or pertaining to Africa.
  • (n.) A native of Africa; also one ethnologically belonging to an African race.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The high frequency of increased PCV number in San, S.A. Negroes and American Negroes is in keeping with the view that the Khoisan peoples (here represented by the San), the Southern African Negroes and the African ancestors of American Blacks sprang from a common proto-negriform stock.
  • (2) African Americans also have more outpatient episodes than whites.
  • (3) The organisation initially focused on education, funding the Indian company BYJU’s, which helps students learn maths and science, and the Nigerian company Andela, which trains African software developers.
  • (4) Using a simple precipitation technique we observed that the serum concentrations of low density lipoproteins in healthy Africans were less than half the serum concentrations in healthy Europeans.
  • (5) G6PD Tacoma-like may be common in some African tribes.
  • (6) Asian macaques are susceptible to fatal simian AIDS from a type D retrovirus, indigenous in macaques, and from a lentivirus, simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV), which is indigenous to healthy African monkeys.
  • (7) There is also young voter "Mike" in New York and "Alice," an African-American from Michigan, who underline the need to re-awaken Obama's most loyal supporters from 2008.
  • (8) Will African film-makers tell those kind of films differently?
  • (9) The genetic management of the African green monkey breeding colony was discussed in relation to the difference in distribution of phenotypes of M and ABO blood groups between the parental (wild-originated) and the first filial (colony-born) populations.
  • (10) Recommendations have been made regarding the development of this specialisation in the South African health care setting.
  • (11) It is the combination of his company's pan-African and industrialist vision – reminiscent of the aspirations of African independence pioneers like Ghana's Kwame Nkrumah – and its relentless financial growth that has set Dangote apart.
  • (12) The Mexican-Americans of Starr County, Texas, classified by sex and birthplace, were studied to determine the extent of genetic variation and contributions from ancestral populations such as Spanish, Amerindian and West African.
  • (13) Values obtained by combining Mini-ESR with indices of the African Neonates were 100%, 85% and 94%.
  • (14) As someone who worked in Washington DC in media activities, I often suspect that different standards in reporting are applied to African governments.
  • (15) Using what is known about AIDS and what is know about the population structure in African countries, it is possible to model the impact of AIDS on a typical developing country with a population of 10 million.
  • (16) The writer Palesa Morudu told me that she sees, in the South African pride that "we did it", a troubling anxiety that we can't: "Why are we celebrating that we built stadiums on time?
  • (17) Blunt homicide predominated amongst White females, who were substantially older than the Coloured and African subjects.
  • (18) The case of a Black African patient with an annular subvalvular left ventricular aneurysm of unknown origin is described, and the pathological findings in this condition together with a review of the literature is presented.
  • (19) In African trypanosomes, calmodulin is encoded by a small family of tandemly repeated genes consisting of three to four units.
  • (20) (S)-1-[3-Hydroxy-2-(phosphonylmethoxy)propyl]cytosine (S-HPMPC) was able to prevent simian varicella infection in African green monkeys inoculated intratracheally with virus.



  • (a.) Pertaining to Biscay, its people, or their language.
  • (n.) One of a race, of unknown origin, inhabiting a region on the Bay of Biscay in Spain and France.
  • (n.) The language spoken by the Basque people.
  • (n.) A part of a lady's dress, resembling a jacket with a short skirt; -- probably so called because this fashion of dress came from the Basques.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) And that ancient Basque cultural gem – the mysterious language with its odd Xs, Ks and Ts – will be honoured at every turn in a city where it was forbidden by Franco.
  • (2) How is it possible that the official mail service can say no to distributing correspondence between the mayor and his electorate?” Facebook Twitter Pinterest Pro-independence Basque demonstrators supporting Catalonia independence clash with anti-independence and unionist protesters.
  • (3) This has been interpreted in Madrid to mean that no bailout will be announced before the regional elections, which are due on 21 October in his native Galicia and in the Basque Country.
  • (4) Last week, acclaimed Basque chefs Juan Mari Arzak and his daughter Elena, owners the famous Arzak restaurant in San Sebastián, opened Ametsa , their long awaited London outpost.
  • (5) Digital dermatoglyphics of an indigenous sample of 87 males and 101 females from the Urola Valley in the Spanish Basque Country are compared with those from the nine other Basque valleys previously analyzed.
  • (6) Already known internationally for its food and its glittering annual film festival, the city will feature choral groups in the open air and an art project, Waves of Energy, bringing to life a surge of ideas suggested by the public, as well as performances and exhibitions inside sleek venues such as Basque music’s new home, Musikene, the San Telmo museum or the cube-shaped Kursaal on the edge of the sea.
  • (7) They may not be Kurds or Kosovans, but they have much in common with Basques, Bretons and Catalans.
  • (8) A total diet study has been initiated in the Basque country (Spain), the purpose of which is to provide estimates of the average intake of both food contaminants and certain nutrients.
  • (9) We have analyzed the digital and palmar dermatoglyphics in a sample of autistic children from the Basque Country.
  • (10) The genetic polymorphism of human alpha 2 HS-glycoprotein (AHSG) was studied in a sample of 466 healthy unrelated individuals resident in the Basque Country (Northern Spain) by isoelectric focusing on micro-ultrathin polyacrylamide gels followed by immunoblotting.
  • (11) Basques were found to dominate the sheep industry of California's Central Valley from Sacramento south, but to be virtually absent from other sheep-raising areas of the state.
  • (12) "Unfortunately for Basque people, due to a very old and violent conflict, their story has been told by others in Spain," says Villenueva.
  • (13) The whole world wants to see our game.” Considering that Boro’s Basque manager is not given to hyperbole, his words serve as a reminder that Brighton & Hove Albion’s visit to Teesside represents the highest of high-stakes fixtures.
  • (14) The allelic frequencies have been compared with those of other Basque and other European populations.
  • (15) Digital dermatoglyphics of a sample from the Basque Valley of Salazar, situated in the West of the Pyrenees, were analysed.
  • (16) Garzón was already well known in Spain for investigating Basque separatist group Eta.
  • (17) I was a passionate fan of the great French team led by Zinedine Zidane, in part because the Basque, North African and black players plausibly conveyed an idea of a rainbow France.
  • (18) Given the importance of ischemic cardiopathy (IC) as a cause of death in industrialized countries, the trend of mortality by IC in people from 30 to 69 years of age residing in the Basque Country between 1975-1990 were studied.
  • (19) Different analyses of genetic polymorphisms performed on the Basque population have suggested a possible heterogeneity of the Basques and a singularity of their genetic characteristics.
  • (20) Basque specials include grilled kokotxas (gelatinous, subtly flavoured hake glands, an acquired taste) in green sauce, silky red piquillo pepper stuffed with oxtail, grilled scallop and spherical steak croquetas .