(a.) Acting; -- opposed to patient, or sustaining, action.
(n.) One who exerts power, or has the power to act; an actor.
(n.) One who acts for, or in the place of, another, by authority from him; one intrusted with the business of another; a substitute; a deputy; a factor.
(n.) An active power or cause; that which has the power to produce an effect; as, a physical, chemical, or medicinal agent; as, heat is a powerful agent.
Example Sentences:
(1) Combinations of maximum amounts of glucagon and the cyclic nucleotide did not produce a greater effect than either agent alone.
(2) Assessment of the likelihood of replication in humans has included in vitro exposure of human cells to the potential pesticidal agent.
(3) In addition, intravenous injection of complexes into rabbits showed optimal myocardial images with agents of intermediate lipophilicity.
(4) This study examined the [3H]5-HT-releasing properties of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) and related agents, all of which cause significant release of [3H]5-HT from rat brain synaptosomes.
(5) The quaternary structure of ribonucleotide reductase of Escherichia coli was investigated, with the use of purified B1 and B2 proteins and bifunctional cross-linking agents.
(6) Rapid overgrowth of all cultures with the E. coli necessitated the use of selective media containing antimicrobial agents to which the E. coli was sensitive.
(7) These membrane perturbation effects not observed with bleomycin-iron in the presence of a hydroxyl radical scavenger, dimethyl thiourea, or a chelating agent, desferrioxamine, were correlated with the ability of the complex to generate highly reactive oxygen species.
(8) of PLA2 caused marked degranulation of mast cells in the rat mesentery which was facilitated by addition of calcium ion (10 mM) but antagonized by pretreating with three antiinflammatory agents.
(9) We report a series of experiments designed to determine if agents and conditions that have been reported to alter sodium reabsorption, Na-K-ATPase activity or cellular structure in the rat distal nephron might also regulate the density or affinity of binding of 3H-metolazone to the putative thiazide receptor in the distal nephron.
(10) Acquired drug resistance to INH, RMP, and EMB can be demonstrated in M. kansasii, and SMX in combination with other agents chosen on the basis of MIC determinations are effective in the treatment of disease caused by RMP-resistant M. kansasii.
(11) The secondary leukemia that occurred in these patients could be distinguished from the secondary leukemia that occurs after treatment with alkylating agents by the following: a shorter latency period; a predominance of monocytic or myelomonocytic features; and frequent cytogenetic abnormalities involving 11q23.
(12) The agent present in the serum which causes dissolution of the fibrin clot was isolated and identified as pepsinogen.
(13) The active agents modestly improved treadmill exercise duration time until 1 mm ST segment depression (3%), and only propranolol and diltiazem had significant effects.
(14) Maximal covalent binding of [4,5-14C]ronidazole to DNA also required four-electron reduction, consistent with previous studies of the covalent binding of this agent to immobilized sulfhydryl groups [Kedderis et al.
(15) Since interferon alfa-2b (Intron A) is useful as a single agent, it is important to determine if interferon can be combined with standard chemotherapy to improve both response and survival in patients with cancer.
(16) Median effect analysis was applied for the evaluation of in vitro effect by the growth inhibition, and the in vivo effect by comparison of the increase of life span (ILS) in a combined group with the sum of ILS's in 2 single agent groups.
(17) Noradrenaline (NA) was released from sympathetic nerve endings in the tissue by electrical stimulation of the mesenteric nerves or by the indirect sympathomimetic agent tyramine.
(18) Helsby, who joined the estate agent in 1980, saw his basic salary unchanged at £225,000, but gains a £610,000 windfall in shares, available from May, as well as a £363,000 increase in cash and shares under the company profits-sharing scheme.
(19) Combining maximally effective concentrations of each of these stimulating agents produces an additive increase in both the level of 32P incorporation into tyrosine hydroxylase and the degree of activation of the enzyme.
(20) The review provides an update of drug-induced pulmonary disorders, focusing on newer agents whose effects on the lung have been studied recently.
(n.) Anything which makes a general assimilating (especially a corrupting) change in the mass.
(n.) Any substance that produces, or is designed to produce, fermentation, as in dough or liquids; esp., a portion of fermenting dough, which, mixed with a larger quantity of dough, produces a general change in the mass, and renders it light; yeast; barm.
(v. t.) To make light by the action of leaven; to cause to ferment.
(v. t.) To imbue; to infect; to vitiate.
Example Sentences:
(1) Gellatly believes that anyone can make their own bread at home and, for a sourdough loaf, the process begins with a tangy starter (sometimes also known as a mother or leaven).
(2) One reader wondered whether good fantasy narrative needed perceptions of "reality" in order "to leaven it".
(3) Any such levity, however, is leavened by the tacit acknowledgment that existence is futile, and we are all just bags of flesh and bones whiling away the days before death and putrefaction sets in.
(4) The predominance of S. exiguus, its vigor in the particular acidic environment of the sour dough, and the correlation of its numbers with the leavening function constitute strong evidence on the role of this organism in the sour dough system.
(5) There was always a rueful melancholy, stiffened by irony and leavened by humour about him.
(6) After the death of Alexander the Great in 323BC the Greek garrisons of India and Afghanistan found themselves cut off from their Mediterranean homeland, and had no choice but to stay on, intermingling with the local peoples, and leavening Indian learning with classical philosophy.
(7) Twenty breads with leavening times varying from 0 to 120 h were prepared.
(8) The phytic acid content of bread containing bran was reduced to about 40% after 2 h of leavening and to 15% after 2 d. No further decrease was observed.
(9) This paper takes as index the content of free acids and total acids, the action of pepsin in the stomachs of hungry mice, impelling functions and intestines of hungry mice and makes a comparison of the raw products with the processed products of medicated leaven.
(10) The Telegraph, for whom he writes that weekly column, says he would be the business secretary , but that must be the paper’s attempt to leaven all the hard news with comedy.
(11) Extrinsic labeling of the calcium of whole-wheat flour results in a degree of labeling homogeneity equivalent to that of intrinsic labeling, at least for a leavened bread product.
(12) The feasibility of adding chick-pea flour substituting part of wheat flour in yeast-leavened bread-making in order to increase the protein value, was studied.
(13) In the majority opinion of Kimble v Marvel Enterprises, justice Elena Kagan sprinkled quotes and allusions to Spider-Man into the court’s decision, using unusually wry language to leaven the ruling about a patent for “web-slinging fun”.
(14) The relative biological value of thiamin in leavened bread (whole wheat and thiamin-restored white) and thiamin mononitrate was examined by using thiamin-deficient rats as the test model.
(15) And God and the church who live in our cities want to be leaven in the dough, and relate to everyone, to stand at everyone’s side.” It was a message crafted for a city not famous for compassion but recognised as open, tolerant and dynamic.
(16) To study the biological value of kumyss leaven, experiments were made with mono-cultures contained by kumyss leaven.
(17) The accounts, in my view at least, are not sufficiently sifted and leavened and tempered by time and distance.
(18) These are admittedly extravagant additions and the leavened dough crust requires a little effort, too, but if this pudding didn't merit the work I'd be the first to forsake it.
(19) Although fructooligosaccharide inhibited the dough leavening ability of YOY920, white bread containing fructooligosaccharide could be produced in the defined dough formula using the new strain.
(20) Pitch Strenuous workouts leavened by lots of cheeky-chappie banter.