What's the difference between agglomerate and agglomeration?



  • (v. t.) To wind or collect into a ball; hence, to gather into a mass or anything like a mass.
  • (v. i.) To collect in a mass.
  • (a.) Alt. of Agglomerated
  • (n.) A collection or mass.
  • (n.) A mass of angular volcanic fragments united by heat; -- distinguished from conglomerate.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) In 20 patients with hyperthyroidism the behaviour of the agglomeration of leucocytes as well as of the adhesivity before and after the methimazol therapy was investigated.
  • (2) At nonsynaptic membranes there are agglomerations of larger dense and dense core vesicles, suggestive of nonsynaptic release.
  • (3) Normal delivery traces were observed as large globes, yellowish-brown, covered with yellowish-white of agglomerate cells, while stillbirth traces appeared as middle-sized, orange or yellowish-brown masses.
  • (4) mixed-field polyagglutination by normal adult sera of all blood groups, no response with anti-TAh, agglutination of a certain part of erythrocytes by anti-TnSs, anti-ADb, anti-AHP, agglomeration of the other part by protamin sulfate and A-like specificity.
  • (5) The method is based on the phenomenon of reversible agglomeration of erythrocytes after treatment of the blood with nonelectrolytic and electrolytic solutions.
  • (6) Currently used methods (filtration, dry electrostatic precipitation) cause agglomeration of particles and increases in particle size up to twenty-fold, which may alter particle toxicity significantly.
  • (7) Inside the nucleus of koilocytes in 51 cases virus particles could be detected, in 31 cases isolated and in 20 cases agglomerated between the chromatin.
  • (8) Low-Earth orbit is quickly becoming the realm of the private sector – including the loose agglomeration of companies known collectively as NewSpace, which have shaken human spaceflight progress out of a sluggish period.
  • (9) The agglomeration of leucocytes serves as evidence of leucocytic activation.
  • (10) injection, agglomerated fibrin thrombi composed of fibrin fiber bundles with fine cross-striated fibriform structures were observed in the capillary lumen.
  • (11) The hypothetical concept consisted in aiding a half-antigen in the organism even in the case of its intradermal injection into a thick immunocompetent cell agglomeration.
  • (12) Agglomeration in the onset of smoking in two male age groups (60-64, 65-69) occurred at the time of the second land confiscation.
  • (13) In the synovial fluid also factors stimulating the agglomeration of leucocytes are found.
  • (14) In contrast to the active ferritin shock, the guinea pigs in whom the ferritin-antiferritin shock had been produced showed agglomerates of platelets and ferritin-antiferritin complexes either present free in the dirculation or ingested in macrophages or granulocytes.
  • (15) The endothelium was considerably waved and the agglomeration of smooth muscle cells appeared.
  • (16) In agroup of patients with slight activity with the agglomeration of leucocytes an inflammatory activity could be proved in 67.5% (electrophoresis 53.5%, BSR 49.2%, CrP 35.4%, leucocytosis 27.9%).
  • (17) 397 small mammals from the agglomeration of Ceské Budĕjovice and 1,399 from four characteristic biotops in the valley of the river Vltava in South-Bohemia were investigated for a comparison.
  • (18) The authors submit the results of an epidemiological perspective investigation concerned with drug prescription in 372 pregnant women during the period 1983-1988 in two municipal health communities of a regional town with an industrial and agricultural agglomeration.
  • (19) The cluster-analytical agglomeration of the single-case results indicates a sufficient response to antidepressants in about 40% of the patients who were treated with antidepressants in addition to psychotherapy.
  • (20) As result of sanitary-helminthological studies it has been found out, that under the conditions of urban agglomeration a great number of dogs, their uncontrolled maintenance and access to various objects induce intensive environmental pollution with zoohelminthologic causative agents and provides a high risk of infection of the population with causative agents of such diseases as toxocariasis++ and echinococcosis.



  • (n.) The act or process of collecting in a mass; a heaping together.
  • (n.) State of being collected in a mass; a mass; cluster.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) In 20 patients with hyperthyroidism the behaviour of the agglomeration of leucocytes as well as of the adhesivity before and after the methimazol therapy was investigated.
  • (2) At nonsynaptic membranes there are agglomerations of larger dense and dense core vesicles, suggestive of nonsynaptic release.
  • (3) Normal delivery traces were observed as large globes, yellowish-brown, covered with yellowish-white of agglomerate cells, while stillbirth traces appeared as middle-sized, orange or yellowish-brown masses.
  • (4) mixed-field polyagglutination by normal adult sera of all blood groups, no response with anti-TAh, agglutination of a certain part of erythrocytes by anti-TnSs, anti-ADb, anti-AHP, agglomeration of the other part by protamin sulfate and A-like specificity.
  • (5) The method is based on the phenomenon of reversible agglomeration of erythrocytes after treatment of the blood with nonelectrolytic and electrolytic solutions.
  • (6) Currently used methods (filtration, dry electrostatic precipitation) cause agglomeration of particles and increases in particle size up to twenty-fold, which may alter particle toxicity significantly.
  • (7) Inside the nucleus of koilocytes in 51 cases virus particles could be detected, in 31 cases isolated and in 20 cases agglomerated between the chromatin.
  • (8) Low-Earth orbit is quickly becoming the realm of the private sector – including the loose agglomeration of companies known collectively as NewSpace, which have shaken human spaceflight progress out of a sluggish period.
  • (9) The agglomeration of leucocytes serves as evidence of leucocytic activation.
  • (10) injection, agglomerated fibrin thrombi composed of fibrin fiber bundles with fine cross-striated fibriform structures were observed in the capillary lumen.
  • (11) The hypothetical concept consisted in aiding a half-antigen in the organism even in the case of its intradermal injection into a thick immunocompetent cell agglomeration.
  • (12) Agglomeration in the onset of smoking in two male age groups (60-64, 65-69) occurred at the time of the second land confiscation.
  • (13) In the synovial fluid also factors stimulating the agglomeration of leucocytes are found.
  • (14) In contrast to the active ferritin shock, the guinea pigs in whom the ferritin-antiferritin shock had been produced showed agglomerates of platelets and ferritin-antiferritin complexes either present free in the dirculation or ingested in macrophages or granulocytes.
  • (15) The endothelium was considerably waved and the agglomeration of smooth muscle cells appeared.
  • (16) In agroup of patients with slight activity with the agglomeration of leucocytes an inflammatory activity could be proved in 67.5% (electrophoresis 53.5%, BSR 49.2%, CrP 35.4%, leucocytosis 27.9%).
  • (17) 397 small mammals from the agglomeration of Ceské Budĕjovice and 1,399 from four characteristic biotops in the valley of the river Vltava in South-Bohemia were investigated for a comparison.
  • (18) The authors submit the results of an epidemiological perspective investigation concerned with drug prescription in 372 pregnant women during the period 1983-1988 in two municipal health communities of a regional town with an industrial and agricultural agglomeration.
  • (19) The cluster-analytical agglomeration of the single-case results indicates a sufficient response to antidepressants in about 40% of the patients who were treated with antidepressants in addition to psychotherapy.
  • (20) As result of sanitary-helminthological studies it has been found out, that under the conditions of urban agglomeration a great number of dogs, their uncontrolled maintenance and access to various objects induce intensive environmental pollution with zoohelminthologic causative agents and provides a high risk of infection of the population with causative agents of such diseases as toxocariasis++ and echinococcosis.

Words possibly related to "agglomeration"