What's the difference between agglomeration and body?



  • (n.) The act or process of collecting in a mass; a heaping together.
  • (n.) State of being collected in a mass; a mass; cluster.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) In 20 patients with hyperthyroidism the behaviour of the agglomeration of leucocytes as well as of the adhesivity before and after the methimazol therapy was investigated.
  • (2) At nonsynaptic membranes there are agglomerations of larger dense and dense core vesicles, suggestive of nonsynaptic release.
  • (3) Normal delivery traces were observed as large globes, yellowish-brown, covered with yellowish-white of agglomerate cells, while stillbirth traces appeared as middle-sized, orange or yellowish-brown masses.
  • (4) mixed-field polyagglutination by normal adult sera of all blood groups, no response with anti-TAh, agglutination of a certain part of erythrocytes by anti-TnSs, anti-ADb, anti-AHP, agglomeration of the other part by protamin sulfate and A-like specificity.
  • (5) The method is based on the phenomenon of reversible agglomeration of erythrocytes after treatment of the blood with nonelectrolytic and electrolytic solutions.
  • (6) Currently used methods (filtration, dry electrostatic precipitation) cause agglomeration of particles and increases in particle size up to twenty-fold, which may alter particle toxicity significantly.
  • (7) Inside the nucleus of koilocytes in 51 cases virus particles could be detected, in 31 cases isolated and in 20 cases agglomerated between the chromatin.
  • (8) Low-Earth orbit is quickly becoming the realm of the private sector – including the loose agglomeration of companies known collectively as NewSpace, which have shaken human spaceflight progress out of a sluggish period.
  • (9) The agglomeration of leucocytes serves as evidence of leucocytic activation.
  • (10) injection, agglomerated fibrin thrombi composed of fibrin fiber bundles with fine cross-striated fibriform structures were observed in the capillary lumen.
  • (11) The hypothetical concept consisted in aiding a half-antigen in the organism even in the case of its intradermal injection into a thick immunocompetent cell agglomeration.
  • (12) Agglomeration in the onset of smoking in two male age groups (60-64, 65-69) occurred at the time of the second land confiscation.
  • (13) In the synovial fluid also factors stimulating the agglomeration of leucocytes are found.
  • (14) In contrast to the active ferritin shock, the guinea pigs in whom the ferritin-antiferritin shock had been produced showed agglomerates of platelets and ferritin-antiferritin complexes either present free in the dirculation or ingested in macrophages or granulocytes.
  • (15) The endothelium was considerably waved and the agglomeration of smooth muscle cells appeared.
  • (16) In agroup of patients with slight activity with the agglomeration of leucocytes an inflammatory activity could be proved in 67.5% (electrophoresis 53.5%, BSR 49.2%, CrP 35.4%, leucocytosis 27.9%).
  • (17) 397 small mammals from the agglomeration of Ceské Budĕjovice and 1,399 from four characteristic biotops in the valley of the river Vltava in South-Bohemia were investigated for a comparison.
  • (18) The authors submit the results of an epidemiological perspective investigation concerned with drug prescription in 372 pregnant women during the period 1983-1988 in two municipal health communities of a regional town with an industrial and agricultural agglomeration.
  • (19) The cluster-analytical agglomeration of the single-case results indicates a sufficient response to antidepressants in about 40% of the patients who were treated with antidepressants in addition to psychotherapy.
  • (20) As result of sanitary-helminthological studies it has been found out, that under the conditions of urban agglomeration a great number of dogs, their uncontrolled maintenance and access to various objects induce intensive environmental pollution with zoohelminthologic causative agents and provides a high risk of infection of the population with causative agents of such diseases as toxocariasis++ and echinococcosis.



  • (n.) The material organized substance of an animal, whether living or dead, as distinguished from the spirit, or vital principle; the physical person.
  • (n.) The trunk, or main part, of a person or animal, as distinguished from the limbs and head; the main, central, or principal part, as of a tree, army, country, etc.
  • (n.) The real, as opposed to the symbolical; the substance, as opposed to the shadow.
  • (n.) A person; a human being; -- frequently in composition; as, anybody, nobody.
  • (n.) A number of individuals spoken of collectively, usually as united by some common tie, or as organized for some purpose; a collective whole or totality; a corporation; as, a legislative body; a clerical body.
  • (n.) A number of things or particulars embodied in a system; a general collection; as, a great body of facts; a body of laws or of divinity.
  • (n.) Any mass or portion of matter; any substance distinct from others; as, a metallic body; a moving body; an aeriform body.
  • (n.) Amount; quantity; extent.
  • (n.) That part of a garment covering the body, as distinguished from the parts covering the limbs.
  • (n.) The bed or box of a vehicle, on or in which the load is placed; as, a wagon body; a cart body.
  • (n.) The shank of a type, or the depth of the shank (by which the size is indicated); as, a nonpareil face on an agate body.
  • (n.) A figure that has length, breadth, and thickness; any solid figure.
  • (n.) Consistency; thickness; substance; strength; as, this color has body; wine of a good body.
  • (v. t.) To furnish with, or as with, a body; to produce in definite shape; to embody.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) A progressively more precise approach to identifying affected individuals involves measuring body weight and height, then energy intake (or expenditure) and finally the basal metabolic rate (BMR).
  • (2) After 55 days of unrestricted food availability the body weight of the neonatally deprived rats was approximately 15% lower than that of the controls.
  • (3) Since 1987, it has become possible to obtain immature ova from the living animal and to let them mature, fertilize and develop into embryos capable of transplantation outside the body.
  • (4) This effect was more marked in breast cancer patients which may explain our earlier finding that women with upper body fat localization are at increased risk for developing breast cancer.
  • (5) No associations were found between sex, body-weight, smoking habits, age, urine volume or urine pH and the O-demethylation of codeine.
  • (6) The lesion (10.6 X 9.8 mm) was a well-defined ellipsoid granuloma due to a foreign body with a central zone of necrosis surrounded entirely by a fibrous wall.
  • (7) But the sports minister has been clear that too many sports bodies are currently not delivering in bringing new people from all backgrounds to their sport.
  • (8) The 40 degrees C heating induced an increase in systolic, diastolic, average and pulse pressure at rectal temperature raised to 40 degrees C. Further growth of the body temperature was accompanied by a decrease in the above parameters.
  • (9) Plain radiographs should be the initial screening modality for a suspected foreign body.
  • (10) To estimate the age of onset of these differences, and to assess their relationship to abdominal and gluteal adipocyte size, we measured adiposity, adipocyte size, and glucose and insulin concentrations during a glucose tolerance test in lean (less than 20% body fat), prepubertal children from each race.
  • (11) The groups were matched with regard to sex, age and body mass index.
  • (12) The time for 90% of this change in VelCO2 to occur (T90) was measured as an index of the rate of correction of body CO2 imbalance.
  • (13) Aside from these characteristic findings of HCC, it was important to reveal the following features for the diagnosis of well differentiated type of small HCC: variable thickening or distortion of trabecular structure in association with nuclear crowding, acinar formation, selective cytoplasmic accumulation of Mallory bodies, nuclear abnormalities consisting of thickening of nucleolus, hepatic cords in close contact with bile ducts or blood vessels, and hepatocytes growing in a fibrous environment.
  • (14) There were significant differences in the body weight of control and undernourished rats in each experiment.
  • (15) In the triploids, the 40 female chromosomes present (mouse, n = 20) were derived from a single diploid pronucleus formed after the extrusion of a first polar body, and following the monospermic fertilization of primary oocytes.
  • (16) The BMDs of the DM-HD group were lower in these areas and whole body than that in the non-DM,HD group.
  • (17) Our results show that large complex lipid bodies and extensive accumulations of glycogen are valuable indicators of a functionally suppressed chief cell in atrophic parathyroid glands.
  • (18) Abruptly changing cows from one feeding system to another did not influence milk yield, milk composition, or body weight gain.
  • (19) This suggests that molars do not maintain a fixed relationship to incisors over time, and extreme care must be taken to standardize an experiment to a specific body weight when using this method.
  • (20) Our previous study demonstrated that acupuncture increased pain threshold of the body, especially in the inflammatory area.

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