(1) A former Berlusconi aide, Valter Lavitola, is also on trial for being the alleged intermediary in the bribe.
(2) Our data suggest that a rational use of surveillance cultures and serological tests may aid in an earlier diagnosis of FI in BMT patients.
(3) But soon after aid workers departed, barrel bombs dropped by Syrian helicopters caused renewed destruction.
(4) In platform shoes to emulate Johnson's height, and with the aid of prosthetic earlobes, Cranston becomes the 36th president: he bullies and cajoles, flatters and snarls and barks, tells dirty jokes or glows with idealism as required, and delivers the famous "Johnson treatment" to everyone from Martin Luther King to the racist Alabama governor George Wallace.
(5) Such was the mystique surrounding Rumsfeld's standing that an aide sought to clarify that he didn't stand all the time, like a horse.
(6) The Nazi extermination of Jews in Lithuania (aided enthusiastically by local Lithuanians) was virtually total.
(7) Results in May 89 emphasizes: the relevance and urgency of the prevention of AIDS in secondary schools; the importance of the institutional aspect for the continuity of the project; the involvement of the pupils and the trainers for the processus; the feasibility of an intervention using only local resources.
(8) David Cameron last night hit out at his fellow world leaders after the G8 dropped the promise to meet the historic aid commitments made at Gleneagles in 2005 from this year's summit communique.
(9) Duesberg contends that HIV is neither necessary nor sufficient to cause AIDS.
(10) Furthermore the limit between hearing aid fitting an cochlear implantation is discussed.
(11) We present a mathematical model that is suitable to reconcile this apparent contradiction in the interpretation of the epidemiological data: the observed parallel time series for the spread of AIDS in groups with different risk of infection can be realized by computer simulation, if one assumes that the outbreak of full-blown AIDS only occurs if HIV and a certain infectious coagent (cofactor) CO are present.
(12) But both for malaria and Aids we’re seeing the tools that will let us do 95-100% reduction.
(13) We identified four distinct clinical patterns in the 244 patients with true positive MAI infections: (a) pulmonary nodules ("tuberculomas") indistinguishable from pulmonary neoplasms (78 patients); (b) chronic bronchitis or bronchiectasis with sputum repeatedly positive for MAI or granulomas on biopsy (58 patients, virtually all older white women); (c) cavitary lung disease and scattered pulmonary nodules mimicking M. tuberculosis infection (12 patients); (d) diffuse pulmonary infiltrations in immunocompromised hosts, primarily patients with AIDS (96 patients).
(14) Grisham said she and other aides had not been aware of the trip and “appreciate everyone’s understanding”.
(15) We have recently described a nonnucleoside compound that specifically inhibits the reverse transcriptase of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), the causative agent of AIDS.
(16) Many hope this week's photocalls with the two men will be a recruiting aid and provide a desperately needed bounce in the polls.
(17) In the interim, sonographic studies during pregnancy in women at risk for AIDS may be helpful in identifying fetal intrauterine growth retardation and may help raise our level of suspicion for congenital AIDS.
(18) This paper presents findings from a survey on knowledge of and attitudes and practices towards AIDS among currently married Zimbabwean men conducted between April and June 1988.
(19) The Department for International Development (DfID) defines funding provided under the VUP as "financial aid to government".
(20) It is intended to aid in finding the appropriate PI (proportional-integral) controller settings by means of computer simulation instead of real experiments with the system.
() imperative sing. of L. videre, to see; -- used to direct attention to something; as, vide supra, see above.
Example Sentences:
(1) Following on from earlier work, vide infra, suggesting that adrenergic blockade might influence the course and prognosis of patients with subarachnoid haemorrhage, two double blind trials have recently been completed in Southampton.
(2) Vulnerable people such as the elderly and hospital patients are increasingly likely to consume food produced by new systems such as 'cook-chill' and 'cuisson sous vide'.
(3) Ten rats in each group received 13 daily injections of vehicle, or IPO (vide supra).
(4) Nutritionists and food scientists have concerns about the food safety of sous vide products and the possible increase in food borne illnesses.
(5) In this sample, the prevalence of symptoms was high in both sexes, as compared to those prevalences found in a variety of Swedish populations representing a vide range of occupations and work tasks.
(6) In addition, we are ignorant of whether the interesting findings related to a functional relationship between TGF-beta and colon carcinoma cells lines (vide supra) are applicable to colonic preneoplastic and tumor cells in their natural habitat.
(7) Chirality was reversed during transesterification as in 5' splice-site cleavage (vide supra).
(8) An increase in membrane-associated cAMP rapidly activates cAMP-dependent protein kinase, which in turn phosphorylates several cellular proteins, e.g., cholesterol ester hydrolase (vide supra).
(9) Anatomical data related to the thoracotomies performed most frequently in lung surgery are described in some detail: continuity between serratus anterior and levator scapulae as a vide muscular sheet possessing a common deep aponeurosis (thoracolumbar fascia) extending Gilis' space to the vertebral column as the levator scapulae-thoraci space; presence of a "composite aponeurosis" in the posterior angle between serratus anterior and levator scapulae, covering the 8th rib triangle or triangle of auscultation; long costal insertion area and presence of two differently orientated muscle layers for the digitations, particularly of apical bundle.
(10) Photograph: Annabel Moeller Heston Shops selling blowtorches, sous-vides and gold leaf should be ready for a last-minute rush as Britain’s peculiar-fusion chef Heston Blumenthal makes his debut as a Radio 2 DJ and gives festive cooking tips.
(11) The present results, together with other evidence (vide supra; and Burch P. R. J. J Chron Dis 1984; 37: 148-156), show that great care needs to be exercised when attempts are made to deduce causation from epidemiologic surveys.
(12) In addition, it is shown that the enzymatic product behaves identically to the furanose, not the pyranose, form of fructose 2-phosphate in hydrolysis of the ester bond at pH 4 and 37 degrees C, as described previously for the chemically synthesized compounds [Pontis and Fischer (1963) vide supra].
(13) These developments can pro vide only a temporary reprieve, so long as there remains a strong incentive to publish the greatest possible number of papers.
(14) We studied the case of a young patient affected by a Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome: oculocutaneous albinism of variable intensity with essentially an haemorrhagic diathesis due to a "pool vide" thrombopathy.
(15) Some of the money from accounts linked to the Laundromat went on luxury items – including diamonds, leather jackets, perfume, sous-vide ovens, home cinema equipment and chandeliers.
(16) Another 296 ECGs had ST & T changes vide Minnesota Code 4-1-1, 4-1-2, 5-1 and 5-2 acceptable as evidence of probable CHD.
(17) We are thus unable to confirm previous studies (vide supra) and are obliged to propose a "hit and run" model for in vitro cell transformation by type 2 herpes simplex virus.
(18) One represents the classic missed case and the other a probable case of chloroquine resistant (RI vide infra) falciparum malaria.
(19) These data, together with those reported in the accompanying papers (vide supra), establish the complete sequence of the 841 amino acid residues in glycogen phosphorylase.
(20) One of the processes, sous vide, is an advanced method where fresh foods are vacuum sealed in impermeable plastic, cooked at low temperature in circulating water, and chilled and held at refrigerator temperature for up to three weeks.