(1) Both Types I and II collagen are important constituents of the affected tissues, and thus defective collagens are reasonable candidates for the primary abnormality in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS).
(2) AIS treatment lowered serum insulin levels, serum triglyceride levels, caloric intake, weight gain, liver weight, acetate 14C incorporation into cholesterol 14C, and the percentage of liver lipid that was cholesterol.
(3) Both Apo AI (48%) and Apo AII (5.5%) were greatly diminished and Apo E was present in remarkably high amounts (39%) with two additional isoforms (Apo E'1 and Apo E'2).
(4) An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was developed for detecting antibody to type A avian influenza (AI) virus.
(5) In order to determine which second-messenger pathways mediate NE induction of TIS gene expression, the influences of the beta(B) antagonist propranolol (PR), the alpha I(AI) antagonist prazosin (PZ), and the alpha 2(A2) antagonist yohimbine (YB) were examined.
(6) China's best-known artist Ai Weiwei has been detained at Beijing airport this morning and police have surrounded his studio in the capital.
(7) The PvuII-CIII and PvuII-AIV polymorphisms were both associated with differences in apo AI levels, explaining 3.7%-5.7% of the sample variance.
(8) The standard deviations were greatest when the AI was near 50% and least when the AI was near 0% or 100%.
(9) The potential benefits [of AI research] are huge, since everything that civilisation has to offer is a product of human intelligence; we cannot predict what we might achieve when this intelligence is magnified by the tools AI may provide, but the eradication of disease and poverty are not unfathomable,” the letter reads.
(10) DSP was increased at all three levels in both AI and AIFPoSx groups.
(11) Although the crystallite widths were similar in both AI and normal enamel, the AI teeth showed areas where the crystallite order and continuity appeared disrupted.
(12) Computer says no: Amazon uses AI to combat fake reviews Read more “Imagine as the CEO of a major company you go off and spend £100m on gathering data,” Hammond says.
(13) The assay of lipid composition in red blood cells of 51 patients with iron-deficiency anemia (IDA) was conducted with the use of horizontal thin-layer chromatography, and the state of the end blood flow was studied with the ai of conjunctival biomicroscopy.
(14) These findings suggest that there is convergent, ipsilateral input onto AII from every layer in AI, and from other cortical auditory and non-auditory areas.
(15) Only biochemically determined cortical bone AI was not significantly related to basal serum AI.
(16) Moreover the fertility levels of unaffected siblings observed in other studies either matched or were below those of AIs.
(17) Several morphologically distinct types of neurons, located in laminae III through VI, were retrogradely labeled following injections of HRP into the opposite AI.
(18) AlphaGo: beating humans is one thing but to really succeed AI must work with them Read more The amazing thing is how quickly it’s happening.
(19) An increase in the proportion of the high-density lipoprotein 2 subfraction, however, was suggested by significant increases in the ratios of high-density lipoprotein 2 to high-density lipoprotein 3 cholesterol and apolipoprotein AI.
(20) As determined by calculations of the index of reproduction (IR), the 0.007 and 0.01% (AI) cyhalothrin provided 92.4 and 97.3% control, respectively; the 0.005, 0.007, and 0.01% (AI) lambdacyhalothrin provided 92.4, 98.2 (average of two treatments) and 99.3% control, respectively; and the lambdacyhalothrin pour-on treatment provided < 50% control.
(adv.) Certainly; really; indeed.
(v. t.) To think; to suppose; to imagine; -- used chiefly in the first person sing. present tense, I wis. See the Note under Ywis.
Example Sentences:
(1) At the Marshfield Clinic, however, a group practice in Marshfield, Wis., physicians did not know the source of payment for the vast majority of their patients (79.3 percent).
(2) Forested areas adjacent to Milwaukee, Wis., and Chicago, Ill., were investigated for rodents and ticks infected with Borrelia burgdorferi, the causative agent of Lyme disease.
(3) Because of our slightly younger average age and city location, we were supposedly one of the "new wave" WIs that had started springing up in the years before – groups that rejected crochet and did more modern activities, often with more than a tinge of irony.
(4) Eimeria tenella strain Wis-F is known to develop in chickens with a significantly shortened prepatent period and its pathogenicity is virtually completely attenuated.
(5) The inhibitory effect of L-lysine on penicillin biosynthesis by Penicillium chrysogenum has been compared in a low-producing strain (Wis. 54-1255) and a high-producing strain (ASP-78).
(6) The first-round demonstration at Marshfield, Wis, was operational for 28 months.
(7) The immunizing abilities of the attenuated line and its parent were compared by priming groups of chickens with numbers of oocysts of WisF96 or Wis, designed to produce infections of equal magnitude in terms of oocysts production (standard inocula), and then challenging with oocysts of Wis.
(8) We prospectively studied all transfers from community hospitals to the Zablocki Veterans Administration Medical Center in Milwaukee (Wis) between May 28, 1986, and January 1, 1987.
(9) This family of retroelements (termed WIS-2) occurs in the genomes of barley, wheat, rye, oats, and Aegilops species.
(10) There are around 6,600 WIs, with 520 new groups forming in the last four years alone – many of which have been in cities (until relatively recently, the WI was restricted to rural communities).
(11) The life-cycle of a precocious and attenuated line (WisF96) of Eimeria tenella, derived from the Wisconsin (Wis) strain, contained only the first of the three generations of schizogony undergone by the parent strain.
(12) Few sporozoites from the WIS strain developed into schizonts, but numerous sporozoites from the FS139 strain developed into normal first and second generation schizonts.
(13) A total of 147 preterm pregnant women at Orlando Regional Medical Center were screened for group B streptococci by using Lim Group B Strep Broth (GIBCO Laboratories, Madison, Wis.) and the Phadebact Strep B Test (Pharmacia Diagnostics, Piscataway, N.J.).
(14) Subacute hematomas had peripheral hyperintensity on T1-WIs and then on T2-WIs.
(15) The WARF Institute, Inc. (Madison, Wis) has been preparing most of the crude plant extracts for antitumor screening for the past 14 years.
(16) The Wis-F-96 strain did not adequately immunize chickens in these experiments.
(17) Despite antibiotic therapy, four developed WIs caused by these organisms.
(18) This concept was examined in cultured, aortic VSMCs (passages 6-10) from SHR, Wistar-Kyoto (WKY), and American Wistar (Wis) rats.
(19) Bond recalls Baroness Kennedy QC speaking at the Women of the World festival in 2012 and remembering how instrumental WIs had been in getting recognition of rape within marriage on to the political agenda.
(20) Clones of P. chrysogenum Wis 54-1255 transformed with the ips gene showed a five-fold higher isopenicillin N synthase activity than the untransformed cultures.