(1) Urethroplasty was carried out with pedicle skin of prepuce in 6 patients with the hypospadias since Feb 1987.
(2) No Campylobacter fetus organisms were identified from the prepuce or from samples of semen collected at the same time from these bulls.
(3) In the seven bulls, no macroscopic changes were seen, but a slight infiltration of lymphocytes and formation of lymph nodules were noticed in the prepuce.
(4) It appears that in the Mersey Region many boys are circumcised for development non-retractability of the prepuce rather than for true phimosis and that in consequence some two-thirds of the operations are unnecessary.
(5) The mass was enclosed in the prepuce and adherent to its skin and there was no enlargement of the clitoris itself.
(6) Electron microscopic examination of ultrathin sections and freeze-etched and shadow cast preparations of a bovine prepuce isolate of Campylobacter fetus VC119 showed an S layer with subunits in an apparent linear arrangement.
(7) Labial strains overlapped nongenital strains of either sex more frequently than did prepuce strains.
(8) The organism was isolated from the prepuce in 30% of normal boys and 32% of those with balanitis.
(9) Mild forms of hypospadias in the age group 1--4 years had a higher level of 5alpha-reductase activity in the prepuce than controls in the same age group (P less than 0.05); no such differences were found in the few severe cases of hypospadias in this group.
(10) Of these 300 cases, (66.7%) had redundant prepuce and 78 (26.0%) had phimosis which implies that penile tumors are closely related to those two conditions.
(11) Few cases have been reported of the initial and exclusive involvement of Kaposi's angiosarcoma of the glans penis and prepuce.
(12) The boys nearly always presented with inability to retract the prepuce; half also had discomfort after micturition, and a quarter had obstructive signs, usually minor.
(13) Isolates for which Fc binding was not detectable were recovered only from the prepuces of asymptomatic bulls.
(14) Formation of a mucosal collar from the inner surface of the prepuce offers the surgeon who performs hypospadias repairs the opportunity to create a cosmetically normal-appearing phallus.
(15) Cell cultures of monkey prepuce (Rhfs) and African green monkey kidney (BSC-1) were infected once with simian Mason-Pfizer virus (MPV) and virus expression in the course of establishment of chronic infection was studied.
(16) Seven additional operations were done mainly for prepuce correction and closure of fistula after urethroplasty.
(17) E. coli strains isolated from sources outside the gastro-intestinal tract, that is the prepuce and female peri-urethral region, were in breast-fed babies less sensitive than faecal strains.
(18) In the majority they transferred a double flap ("double face") where the outer sheath of the prepuce was used to cover the ventral side of the penis.
(19) Parents of newborns with hypospadias and a complete prepuce should be told, before circumcision, that preputial tissues may be needed to repair the hypospadias.
(20) We report a case of free transplantation of the prepuce derived from a monozygotic twin to aid in the reconstruction of penoscrotal hypospadias in his brother.