What's the difference between alchemically and alchemy?



  • (adv.) In the manner of alchemy.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) It believe it can pile spending cuts and tax rises on to a weak economy and by a mysterious alchemical process no one but initiates understands private enterprise will boom and provide the jobs and income to change Britain into a rich country with a small state.
  • (2) The academic evidence on city size and growth rates is ambiguous because there are many complexities; agglomeration itself is a mysterious and alchemical process between underspecified variables.
  • (3) There’s a way that the force of disappointment can be alchemized into something that will paradoxically renew you.
  • (4) The study of China's alchemical tradition can provide considerable insight into early Chinese medical theory, pharmaco-therapeutic practice and psychosomatic concepts.
  • (5) In particular, we studied the "alchemic" mutation of the inhibitor Ac-Ser-Leu-Asn-(Phe-Hea-Pro)-Ile-Val-OMe (S1) to Ac-Ser-Leu-Asn-(Phe-Hea-Pro)-Ile-OMe (S2), where Hea is hydroxyethylamine, in two different (R and S) diastereomeric configurations of the hydroxyethylene group.
  • (6) The answer is to be found in those "cosmic" performances, where, in a truly alchemical transformation of elements, something is achieved that goes beyond the egos of the players or the conductors and the only choice is to follow the musical energy that's being created on stage.
  • (7) For my benefit, in the sunshine, he explains a little of how the alchemical elements of English Magic came about.
  • (8) Fergie has subverted much in his two and a half decades of omnipotence, desecrating the face of Adonis with a projectile boot, alchemically balancing the lords of capitalism that took over the club from his friend Martin Edwards .
  • (9) This article presents a historical survey and analysis of some important aspects of Chinese alchemical research and theory.
  • (10) He’s one of my formative crushes, the base of the unconscious alchemical blueprint for what I find attractive.
  • (11) Is the Glasgow scene a flash in the pan, a one-off alchemical combination of people, place and time?
  • (12) In a place that was used to transforming acts, the swelling of the river and the flooding of the land each summer was about as alchemic an act as man could imagine.



  • (n.) An imaginary art which aimed to transmute the baser metals into gold, to find the panacea, or universal remedy for diseases, etc. It led the way to modern chemistry.
  • (n.) A mixed metal composed mainly of brass, formerly used for various utensils; hence, a trumpet.
  • (n.) Miraculous power of transmuting something common into something precious.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The surface channelling effect has been observed in GaAs (110) with REELS, which may provide a basis for localizing surface foreign atoms with ALCHEMI.
  • (2) Coûteaux, who eventually fell out with both Le Pen and Philippot, described their meeting as pure alchemy.
  • (3) A drug of longevity, prior to alchemy, was peach, from which the god of longevity has emerged.
  • (4) But as many coaches have learned before, managing that alchemy within MLS and its rolling state of exception, involves an almost parodic version of standard managerial practices.
  • (5) They know about alchemy in Aswan, for it is a place that has always shifted from one thing into another.
  • (6) Johnson, holding the press conference in the Foreign Office, said: “We can spend an awfully long time going over lots of stuff that I’ve written over the last 30 years … All of which, in my view, have been taken out of context, through what alchemy I do not know – somehow misconstrued that it would really take me too long to engage in a full global itinerary of apology to all concerned.
  • (7) The alchemy is, as we have seen, extraordinarily powerful.
  • (8) Greek alchemy, the earliest record of which dated about 200 A.D., presents a similar version, was originally Chinese and was introduced by the Arabs who brought herbal drugs of longevity to Alexandria.
  • (9) With gorgeously savoury ribs, a rib-sticking Italian soup, and a creamy Keralan fish curry on the menu, it was particularly tough to pick a favourite, but for sheer alchemy, James Connery's magically melting ox cheek ragu took some beating.
  • (10) In China the development of alchemy has been ruled by two theories: first, as like makes like, a perennial plant can make human life perennial: likewise, certain substances can prolong human life as they are rich in Life-force or Soul-content.
  • (11) This glorious reverse alchemy was at play outside Buckingham Palace today, as Gordon Brown made his historic – and historically uneventful – journey to see Her Majesty.
  • (12) Jon Moulton, founder, Alchemy Partners "An iceberg is definitely awaiting a victim - one day.
  • (13) Koolhaas describes the elevator as “the product of technological alchemy: a fusion of several boring existing innovations which had a dramatic impact on the shape of our cities and the shape of our bodies alike”.
  • (14) "Those plans are being worked through right now – the alchemy of that will be very exciting."
  • (15) There is another theory that Alchemy arose in China.
  • (16) The theory generally accepted maintains that Alchemy arose at Alexandria as a child of Greek culture.
  • (17) Few have pulled off this alchemy quite as effectively as Angelina Jolie and William Hague in their joint campaign for international action against mass rape in conflicts.
  • (18) And we’ve got more weapons of our own: Solidarity, Wit, the remarkable alchemy that is Nonviolence.
  • (19) The Radio 1 and BBC Asian Network DJ Nihal has curated the event as part of the centre's Alchemy festival , which celebrates art from the Indian subcontinent.
  • (20) The Europeans must do more to share their military capabilities – co-operating more effectively rather than cutting across the board or, as he put it, indulging "in some reductionist alchemy which leaves everyone doing less of the same".

Words possibly related to "alchemically"