What's the difference between alchemy and alchymy?



  • (n.) An imaginary art which aimed to transmute the baser metals into gold, to find the panacea, or universal remedy for diseases, etc. It led the way to modern chemistry.
  • (n.) A mixed metal composed mainly of brass, formerly used for various utensils; hence, a trumpet.
  • (n.) Miraculous power of transmuting something common into something precious.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The surface channelling effect has been observed in GaAs (110) with REELS, which may provide a basis for localizing surface foreign atoms with ALCHEMI.
  • (2) Coûteaux, who eventually fell out with both Le Pen and Philippot, described their meeting as pure alchemy.
  • (3) A drug of longevity, prior to alchemy, was peach, from which the god of longevity has emerged.
  • (4) But as many coaches have learned before, managing that alchemy within MLS and its rolling state of exception, involves an almost parodic version of standard managerial practices.
  • (5) They know about alchemy in Aswan, for it is a place that has always shifted from one thing into another.
  • (6) Johnson, holding the press conference in the Foreign Office, said: “We can spend an awfully long time going over lots of stuff that I’ve written over the last 30 years … All of which, in my view, have been taken out of context, through what alchemy I do not know – somehow misconstrued that it would really take me too long to engage in a full global itinerary of apology to all concerned.
  • (7) The alchemy is, as we have seen, extraordinarily powerful.
  • (8) Greek alchemy, the earliest record of which dated about 200 A.D., presents a similar version, was originally Chinese and was introduced by the Arabs who brought herbal drugs of longevity to Alexandria.
  • (9) With gorgeously savoury ribs, a rib-sticking Italian soup, and a creamy Keralan fish curry on the menu, it was particularly tough to pick a favourite, but for sheer alchemy, James Connery's magically melting ox cheek ragu took some beating.
  • (10) In China the development of alchemy has been ruled by two theories: first, as like makes like, a perennial plant can make human life perennial: likewise, certain substances can prolong human life as they are rich in Life-force or Soul-content.
  • (11) This glorious reverse alchemy was at play outside Buckingham Palace today, as Gordon Brown made his historic – and historically uneventful – journey to see Her Majesty.
  • (12) Jon Moulton, founder, Alchemy Partners "An iceberg is definitely awaiting a victim - one day.
  • (13) Koolhaas describes the elevator as “the product of technological alchemy: a fusion of several boring existing innovations which had a dramatic impact on the shape of our cities and the shape of our bodies alike”.
  • (14) "Those plans are being worked through right now – the alchemy of that will be very exciting."
  • (15) There is another theory that Alchemy arose in China.
  • (16) The theory generally accepted maintains that Alchemy arose at Alexandria as a child of Greek culture.
  • (17) Few have pulled off this alchemy quite as effectively as Angelina Jolie and William Hague in their joint campaign for international action against mass rape in conflicts.
  • (18) And we’ve got more weapons of our own: Solidarity, Wit, the remarkable alchemy that is Nonviolence.
  • (19) The Radio 1 and BBC Asian Network DJ Nihal has curated the event as part of the centre's Alchemy festival , which celebrates art from the Indian subcontinent.
  • (20) The Europeans must do more to share their military capabilities – co-operating more effectively rather than cutting across the board or, as he put it, indulging "in some reductionist alchemy which leaves everyone doing less of the same".



  • (n.) See Alchemic, Alchemist, Alchemistic, Alchemy.

Example Sentences:

Words possibly related to "alchymy"