What's the difference between alienate and withdrawn?



  • (a.) Estranged; withdrawn in affection; foreign; -- with from.
  • (v. t.) To convey or transfer to another, as title, property, or right; to part voluntarily with ownership of.
  • (v. t.) To withdraw, as the affections; to make indifferent of averse, where love or friendship before subsisted; to estrange; to wean; -- with from.
  • (n.) A stranger; an alien.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) But what they take for a witticism might very well be true; most of Ellis's novels tell more or less the same story, about the same alienated ennui, and maybe they really are nothing more than the fictionalised diaries of an unremarkably unhappy man.
  • (2) The difficulty has been increased with the recent Supreme Court decision which it ruled the Alien Tort Claims Act does not apply outside of the country and dismissed a case against Royal Dutch Shell.
  • (3) One of the few Tories who backed him for Speaker says that his increasingly aggressive put-downs of backbenchers have begun to alienate colleagues.
  • (4) Jackets were frozen for storage and were later thawed and placed on experimental alien lambs.
  • (5) A year after hiring, many relationships were found, including professional actual situation with job satisfaction (r = 0.26, P less than 0.05) and alienation with job satisfaction (r = -0.33, P less than 0.01).
  • (6) Less than 2% of humanitarian funds 'go directly to local NGOs' Read more Suggest to her that she’s too outspoken, that her approach is counterproductive and alienates those who are trying to drive change more gently, and she pauses.
  • (7) It describes issues related to practice, politics, and understanding of a culture alien to them.
  • (8) She [McSally] has got a lot more fire in her belly than Ron does.” Latino community Some 100 miles north, on the outskirts of Tucson, Barber’s middle-of-the road positioning is beginning to alienate an arguably even more crucial voting block.
  • (9) And how did Africans respond to Western medicine and its alien institutional social and technological structures and relations?
  • (10) Extraterrestrials Decades of searching for signs of alien life have so far turned up a blank, yet the question of whether life on Earth is a one-off is among the most compelling in science.
  • (11) The Beastie Boys alienated their frat-boy fan base with the radical boho stylings of 1989's Paul's Boutique but bought themselves enviable credibility and long-term success in the process.
  • (12) He was fearless and driven, creating music quickly, and without ever stopping to wonder whether his push for new sounds would alienate his audience."
  • (13) Every day, as part of routine targeted enforcement operations, US Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Fugitive Operations teams arrest criminal aliens and other individuals who are in violation of our nation’s immigration laws,” Byrd said in a statement.
  • (14) David Stubbs Wizards vs Aliens 5.30pm, CBBC New series of Russell T Davies’s drama, full of wizardry and big-league special effects.
  • (15) It was hypothesized that incarcerated adolescents would have significantly higher levels of isolation, normlessness, powerlessness, and total alienation than would nonincarcerated adolescents.
  • (16) The episode accelerated a renewed alienation between party activists and the leadership.
  • (17) Don’t get too hung up on identity issues “The idea of gender fluidity is an alien concept to the vast majority of people, even in Britain.” 4.
  • (18) Early on Sunday morning, Malcolm Turnbull looked out to the Australian electorate and expressed his own profound alienation from the lived experiences of the losers of globalisation – the people who had flocked to Nick Xenophon and Pauline Hanson and to Labor on the basis that the ALP had climbed down partially from the neoliberal pedestal constructed by Bob Hawke and Paul Keating.
  • (19) In this manner the society succeeded in attracting many thousands of workers to its meetings and worked without openly alienating employers, trade unions, the government, or the medical profession--a remarkable feat of diplomacy.
  • (20) Utilizing the Gottschalk-Gleser verbal behavior scales of Anxiety, Depression, Social Alienation-Personal Disorganization and Cognitive Impairment a significant correlation was revealed between low platelet MAO activity and high Total Anxiety scale and Shame Anxiety subscale scores.



  • (p. p.) of Withdraw

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Child benefit has already been withdrawn from higher rate taxpayers.
  • (2) He’s been so consistent this season.” Barkley took the two late penalties because the regular taker, Romelu Lukaku, had been withdrawn at half-time with a back injury that is likely to keep the striker out of Saturday’s trip to Stoke City.
  • (3) VP levels were measured by radioimmunoassay in liquor withdrawn from the cisterna magna.
  • (4) There were soon tales of claimants dying after having had money withdrawn, but the real administrative problem was the explosion of appeals, which very often succeeded because many medical problems were being routinely ignored at the earlier stage.
  • (5) In this study patients who had successfully been treated with loreclezole in previous studies were gradually withdrawn from their antiepileptic comedication.
  • (6) This is welcome news but it needs to be borne in mind that the manufacturing sector is still far from racing ahead and serious doubts remain about the strength of demand for manufactured goods over the medium term, particularly once stimulative measures start being withdrawn.
  • (7) Although oral contraception was withdrawn in all cases, many women continued to smoke.
  • (8) In contrast, interchange of the histones and tightly bound non-histone protein DNA complexes from hormone-withdrawn and estrogen-stimulated chromatins during reconstitution did not affect the level of mRNAOV sequences produced.
  • (9) These results are likely to underestimate the true number of complaints because participants may be withdrawn (e.g., deaths, losses to follow-up, and refusals) before they ever complain of an adverse effect.
  • (10) When reinforcement for competing behavior was withdrawn, however, rats resumed their original behavior and there were no overall savings in total responses to extinction.
  • (11) The blood samples were withdrawn in the fasting state during the week preceding the event and within 30 min after completion of the race.
  • (12) Side effects were reported in 32% of the urapidil group and in 29% of the atenolol group; however, these were mild and transient in all but two patients (urapidil = 1, atenolol = 1) who were withdrawn.
  • (13) The average housing benefit withdrawal varies across the country, with the figure reaching £15.64 a week in Birmingham, £19 in Hertfordshire and £24 in Wandsworth; a total of 55,000 tenants have had housing benefit withdrawn in London.
  • (14) Three patients were withdrawn and the remaining 56 were examined with special reference to incisional herniation at their six-month follow-up visit.
  • (15) Criteria for the determination of death are based on similar practices in other countries: permanent functional death of the brain stem constitutes brain death and, when brain death occurs, artificial life-support can be withdrawn.
  • (16) Approximately 10-20 ml fluid were withdrawn from the renal pelvis for cytology and culture.
  • (17) Two developed unstable angina, one headache, one thyreotoxicosis, one a hypertensive crisis and were thus withdrawn.
  • (18) Pedro is due in London on Wednesday to undertake a medical and discuss personal terms, with United having withdrawn their interest.
  • (19) The catheter with intact triple knots could be withdrawn without an invasive maneuver.
  • (20) The drug was withdrawn in 6 patients--lack of response in one, thrombocytopenia in one, urticaria in one, rash in one, and granulocytopenia in 2.