(a.) Pertaining to aliment or food, or to the function of nutrition; nutritious; alimental; as, alimentary substances.
Example Sentences:
(1) Digestion is initiated in the gastric region by secretion of acid and pepsin; however, diversity of digestive enzymes is highest in the post-gastric alimentary canal with the greatest proteolytic activity in the spiral valve.
(2) Comparison between patients with pancreatic cancer and controls revealed different alimentary habits.
(3) Seventeen patients had type I complex partial seizures (CPS) with three consecutive phases: initial motionless staring, oral-alimentary automatisms, and reactive quasipurposeful movements during impaired consciousness.
(4) The virus has an affinity for the alimentary tract, especially the ileum and right colon.
(5) High incidence risk was ascertained for women who suffered previously from various diseases of reproductive organs, circulatory system, thyroid, diabetes, certain diseases of alimentary, urinary and also respiratory tract.
(6) The most frequent association was cancer in the alimentary tract (53%), followed by uterus, breast and others in that order.
(7) It should be noted nevertheless that the Casale Hospital supplies a scarcely industrialized urban area, and a wide rural environment, so that resident population might be included within one of the groups partially protected by environmental and alimentary conritions against the disease.
(8) Experimental data are presented on the formation and retention during 24 hours of a motor alimentary conditioned reflex (MCR) in a T-maze, in rats 4--5 months and 1,5--2 months old.
(9) Fungal hyphae and, occasionally, the characteristic conidial morphology of Aspergillus fumigatus were seen in sections and direct smears from lesions in the respiratory and alimentary tracts.
(10) Alimentary behaviour of the snails and reactions of modulator neurones of alimentary behaviour to carrot juice presentation were inhibited in sensitized animals.
(11) Not only conditioned positive and inhibitory reactions were affected, but unconditioned alimentary reflexes as well, while food motivation sharply decreased.
(12) This study shows the efficacy of both quinolones in eradicating gram-negative bacilli in the alimentary tract of bone marrow transplant patients; however, the finding of the overgrowth of resistant gram-positive organisms during treatment with these agents deserves further evaluation.
(13) Activation of the cholinoreactive system of the amygdalar basolateral part has an inhibitory effect and the blockade has an activating effect on the realization of the secretory component of alimentary conditioned reactions.
(14) The prognosis of congenital heart disease, of obstructions of the alimentary canal and many other conditions has improved beyond recognition.
(15) Interactions between environmental factors and the alimentary tract depend on (1) factors related to the alimentary tract that are determined by anatomic, physiologic, and biochemical considerations; (2) factors related to the environmental agents; and (3) individually determined factors.
(16) The time spent by the amphetaminil in the alimentary canal does not appear to be a critical factor in the stability and degradation of this substance.
(17) Amyloid deposits were prominent, especially in the alimentary tract, kidneys, spleen, and small blood vessels.
(18) Antibodies to erythrocytes of sheep and human serum albumin were formed in rabbits with alimentary atherosclerosis as intensively as in control.
(19) Induction of experimental neurosis (by collision of the alimentary and avoidance reflex) gave rise to changes not only in the output of HCl and gastric proteinases, but also in the ratio of macromolecular substances.
(20) However, among 27 patients examined by means of intracranial EEG recordings, it was evident that a disgust expression occurred with oro-alimentary automatisms at the beginning of mesial temporal lobe seizures, whereas a happy one occurred without oro-alimentary automatisms at the beginning of lateral temporal lobe seizures.
(n.) In the broadest sense, a process or series of processes by which the living organism as a whole (or its component parts or organs) is maintained in its normal condition of life and growth.
(n.) In a more limited sense, the process by which the living tissues take up, from the blood, matters necessary either for their repair or for the performance of their healthy functions.
(n.) That which nourishes; nutriment.
Example Sentences:
(1) Nutritionally rehabilitated animals had similar numbers of nucleoli to control rats.
(2) The absorption of ingested Pb is modified by its chemical and physical form, by interaction with dietary minerals and lipids and by the nutritional status of the individual.
(3) More research and a national policy to provide optimal nutrition for all pregnant women, including the adolescent, are needed.
(4) Nutritional factors or environmental toxins have important effects on CNS degenerative changes.
(5) The goals of treatment are the restoration of normal gut peristalsis and the correction of nutritional deficiencies.
(6) Anthropometric and nutritional (serum albumin and transferrin) values were normal in both groups both at the beginning and at the end of the treatment period.
(7) The increased muscular strength in due to a rise of calcaemia, improved muscle contraction and probably also due to the mentioned nutritional factors.
(8) With better understanding of metabolic and compositional requirements, great advances have been made in the area of total parenteral nutrition.
(9) The following possible explanations were discussed: a) the tested psychotropic drugs block prostaglandin receptors in the stomach; b) the test substances react with prostaglandin in the nutritive solution; c) the substances stimulate metabolic processes in the stomach wall that break down prostaglandin.
(10) Dietary intakes, measured by three 24-hour recalls, revealed that protein, iron and Vitamin C generally met or exceeded the Nutrition Recommendations for age.
(11) We conclude that, whereas an identical protocol of acute ND had no significant effects on diaphragm muscle structure and function in adult rats, adolescent animals exhibit significantly less nutritional reserve.
(12) Voluntary intake and nutritive value of diets selected by goats grazing a shrubland at Marin county, N.L., Mexico were determined.
(13) An intravenous catheter system for long-term (at least 6-8 weeks) parenteral nutrition of unrestrained rats is described.
(14) The observations support the idea that the function of pericytes in the choriocapillaris, the major source of nutrition for the retinal photoreceptors, resides in their contractility, and that pericytes do not remove necrotic endothelium during capillary atrophy.
(15) Silicon, a relatively unknown trace element in nutritional research, has been uniquely localized in active calcification sites in young bone.
(16) A nutritional field survey was undertaken in 11 rural districts of Kwazulu.
(17) In study III the effect on fertility of nutrition, weight and body condition was studied.
(18) The data indicate poor D-methionine utilization by postsurgical patients during total parenteral nutrition when given as DL-methionine in the presence of other amino acids and glucose.
(19) In conclusion, although the dietary pattern in our area favours a good iron bioavailability, in our population the nutritional intake was shown to have a limited relationship with the parameters of biochemical iron status parameters.
(20) During this 3-week period of no esophagus, the nutritional status can be adequately maintained by intravenous hyperalimentation.