What's the difference between altruism and anger?



  • (n.) Regard for others, both natural and moral; devotion to the interests of others; brotherly kindness; -- opposed to egoism or selfishness.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) In Study 3, three forms of experimenter-guided mastery imagery reduced AIDS social anxiety and increased AIDS altruism.
  • (2) These included: (1) medical problems; (2) continuity of care; (3) impression of parents; (4) impression of the infant; (5) altruism; (6) nurses' self-esteem; and (7) impression of other staff.
  • (3) In the former case it is shown that even when Hamilton's conditions for the success of genetically determined altruism are met, genes that increase the transmission of altruism may not invade the population.
  • (4) "There is no such thing as altruism in consumption.
  • (5) On intuitive grounds, many have felt that Hamilton's Rule, br greater than c, should describe the evolution of reciprocal altruism and "green beard" genes.
  • (6) Chronically insecure people easily lose their altruism, tolerance and respect for non-conformity.
  • (7) These days, he gives slightly bitter talks , arguing that we're doing altruism all wrong.
  • (8) Downie holds that there is nothing to distinguish the doctor or lawyer from other occupations in terms of the criteria of self-interest and altruism.
  • (9) Biological and psychological research into the antecedents of altruism has considerable significance for those involved in the teaching or practice of medicine.
  • (10) Happiness-ecstacy and global altruism were exclusively recorded in cycloid psychosis.
  • (11) An upper bound is imposed on altruism by the condition that there must remain a net fitness advantage for docile behavior after the cost to the individual of altruism has been deducted.
  • (12) After this evidence has been collected, moral issues of altruism and beneficence can be balanced against the possible detriment to both patient and health care provider, with the highest priority given to the patient's concerns.
  • (13) Historically, nurses were expected to act out of on obligation to care, taking on Caring more as an identity than as work, and expressing altruism without, thought of autonomy either at the bedside of in their profession.
  • (14) This eclipse is to be regretted not just because widescale altruism has the capacity to provide important social goods and correct injustices in distribution, but for intrinsic reasons as well.
  • (15) The factors which may facilitate or inhibit altruism in medical students and doctors are discussed.
  • (16) Two systems of altruism are considered: parent-to-offspring and sib-to-sib.
  • (17) Nonmathematical (but mathematically acceptable) models are now proposed for evolution of negative altruism in dual-determinant and of positive altruism in tri-determinant systems.
  • (18) The institute, in fact, turned against the wars on the grounds attempted nation-building and democracy-spreading were "misguided altruism" which did not advance US interests.
  • (19) The changes in the duty to protect have mitigated this dilemma, by moving the duty in a direction consistent with the evolutionary theory of altruism.
  • (20) This occurs because of nonrandom associations that develop between genes that cause altruism and those that affect female mating behavior.



  • (n.) Trouble; vexation; also, physical pain or smart of a sore, etc.
  • (n.) A strong passion or emotion of displeasure or antagonism, excited by a real or supposed injury or insult to one's self or others, or by the intent to do such injury.
  • (v. t.) To make painful; to cause to smart; to inflame.
  • (v. t.) To excite to anger; to enrage; to provoke.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) To become president of Afghanistan , Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai changed his wardrobe and modified his name, gave up coffee, embraced a man he once denounced as a “known killer” and even toyed with anger management classes to tame a notorious temper.
  • (2) Polls indicated that anger over the government shutdown, which was sharply felt in parts of northern Virginia, as well as discomfort with Cuccinelli's deeply conservative views, handed the race to McAuliffe, a controversial Democratic fundraiser and close ally of Bill and Hillary Clinton.
  • (3) The figures, published in the company’s annual report , triggered immediate anger from fuel poverty campaigners who noted that energy suppliers had just been rapped over the knuckles by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) for overcharging .
  • (4) Black males with low intentions to use condoms reported significantly more negative attitudes about the use of condoms (eg, using condoms is disgusting) and reacted with more intense anger when their partners asked about previous sexual contacts, when a partner refused sex without a condom, or when they perceived condoms as interfering with foreplay and sexual pleasure.
  • (5) Make Quinn stay with B613 I think it would be difficult to bring her back to the fold at Pope and Associates (unless they’re playing the long con and her infiltration of B613 is part of the plan), but her anger would be well utilized against her former coworkers.
  • (6) Republicans remain wary of a contentious debate on the divisive issue, which could anger their core voters and undercut potential electoral gains in the November elections when control of Congress will be at stake.
  • (7) Although it never really has a sense of fun and burns with ill-focused anger, The Paperboy represents a kind of triumph, surely, even if it's just in getting such high-profile actors to do such low-down deeds.
  • (8) The territory’s chief executive Leung Chun-ying, has become a lightning rod for the protesters’ anger .
  • (9) But instead, he is going to crack under public anger over the huge amounts senior bankers have been paying themselves.
  • (10) Was that misreading the mood music of the referendum?” He claimed that many Tories had expressed their anger directly to Rudd about the controversial policy, which has since been watered down.
  • (11) Even in the best case this would cause a serious shock to the UK economy.” The CBI report angered Brexit campaigners, who believe the government is trying to scare voters into supporting Britain remaining in the EU.
  • (12) The walk-out is by far the most serious confrontation with the government since the elevation of the conservative-led, three-party coalition to power in June – and, says unionists, underlines the scale of public anger over cuts that are widely seen to be unfair.
  • (13) There was already simmering anger over the deaths of civilians in US drone attacks aimed at alleged terrorists inside Pakistan and over an incident in February in which a CIA contractor, Raymond Davis, shot dead two men on the street in Lahore he said were trying to rob him.
  • (14) Photograph: Rex Features If Brookstein had confined his anger to legitimate provocations, it would be easier to sympathise, for he seems to have suffered more than enough of them on The X Factor.
  • (15) I have in the past predicted anger, as the consequences of the recession for public spending become clear; I think the process of expressing that anger has barely begun.
  • (16) Photograph: Guardian Environmental activists now argue that if Obama fails to recognise that anger and block the pipeline, he could hurt his chances in the 2012 elections.
  • (17) Five needs were reported by more than 30% of the sample as not being met: 1) being able to talk about fears of the future, illness, or death; 2) being occupied and having things to do; 3) having up-to-date information about HIV; 4) having someone to help them with their feelings of depression, helplessness, anxiety, or anger; and 5) help for the patient's family.
  • (18) But I have heard from other people who have lost spouses in this way, and fathers and mothers, and anger is perfectly appropriate.
  • (19) The Kremlin has so far refrained from dealing with mounting anger against people from Russia's turbulent North Caucasus region, as well as migrant workers from central Asia, which has grown as the country's oil-fuelled economic boom has given way to the hardship of the global financial crisis.
  • (20) Denial, minimization, anger, withdrawal and noncompliance may occur.