What's the difference between amelioration and melioration?
(n.) The act of ameliorating, or the state of being ameliorated; making or becoming better; improvement; melioration.
Example Sentences:
(1) There was prompt symptomatic relief and amelioration of signs of nephritis.
(2) One patient had amelioration of his symptoms, 5 experienced no change and in 5 their symptoms became worse.
(3) We infer from these results that endotoxin ameliorates the cyclical changes in blood cell counts by regulating hematopoietic proliferative activity at the stem cell level.
(4) Mild amelioration of sleep-wakefulness cycles and impulse and drive functions could be observed clinically in both groups.
(5) In the present experiment, cholinergic-rich grafts implanted into either the neocortex or the hippocampus of aged rats are shown to reinnervate the host neocortex and hippocampus, respectively, and to provide a significant amelioration of the host animals' short-term memory impairments.
(6) over at least 3 days can ameliorate 5-fluorouracil (FUra) toxicity; to avoid Urd-induced phlebitis in the peripheral veins of patients, a central vein is used.
(7) In spite of technical improvements, there has been no persistent amelioration of results of coronary angioplasty over time.
(8) This finding suggests that intracerebral administration of neurotrophic factors may become a generally valuable approach when attempting to ameliorate age-related neuronal deficits in experimental animals and humans.
(9) Levothyroxine therapy lowered the monoiodotyrosine and diiodotyrosine levels, ameliorated all her endocrinopathies, started her periods, and shrank the goiter.
(10) These findings suggest that health professionals, particularly nurses, who work with families in their homes, must be alert and sensitive to cues and circumstances which could indicate suffering, and in so doing, take the necessary steps to ameliorate their situation.
(11) We conclude that the fall in PaO2 that occurs with acetate hemodialysis is due to decreased ventilation secondary to decreased VCO2 and that exercise can ameliorate the fall in PaO2 by increasing ventilation.
(12) Prophylactic treatment by intra-articular injections twice weekly for 4 weeks caused amelioration of canine cartilage erosions.
(13) As management of HIV infection becomes more proactive, early identification of persons at risk for PCP and initiation of preventive therapy will become more routine, and the clinical impact of P. carinii may be ameliorated.
(14) Ultimately, the ideal treatment for the AIDS patient with KS will be a combination of antiretroviral therapy to suppress further effects of HIV, biological therapy to reverse the immunologic defects, chemotherapy to control tumor development, and hematopoietic growth factors to ameliorate treatment toxicities.
(15) Large randomized trials now confirm that myelosuppression after intensive chemotherapy can be substantially ameliorated, reducing infections and decreasing hospital days, risks, and costs.
(16) Appropriate use of varicella zoster immunoglobulin to prevent or ameliorate maternal or perinatal infection depends on accurate identification of varicella-susceptible women.
(17) This letter-writer argues that the salient action of mood elevation is a result of the supplemental pyridoxine (vitamin B) which ameliorates the deficiency induced by oral contraceptive use that leads to depression resulting from inhibition of synthesis of biogenic amines in the central nervous system.
(18) A near-total thyroidectomy resulted in rapid amelioration of thyrotoxicosis.
(19) The purpose of this study was to examine the possibility that the graft-derived 5-HT hyperinnervation is governed by target-related effects present in the host neostriatum and the question of whether grafts rich in 5-HT cells can ameliorate the drug-induced motor asymmetry resulting from unilateral 6-OHDA lesions.
(20) In this article are considered the multiple instruments today employed in cars, in order to prevent or ameliorate the lesions caused to the occupants in case of road accident.
(n.) The act or operation of meliorating, or the state of being meliorated; improvement.
Example Sentences:
(1) The favorable effect of the straw is related to its meliorating action.
(2) Drainage melioration in the Polesye resulted in a sharp increase in the number of tundra vole (Microtus oeconomus Pall.)
(3) In the general case of unequal initial links, the model derived from melioration differs from the revised model advanced by Squires and Fantino (1971) only in the factors affecting the delay-reduction terms (T - t2L) and (T - t2R).
(4) If there is no stabilisation of the haemodynamic parameters by conservative therapy, the left ventricular function is meliorated by surgical aneurysmectomy.
(5) In particular, in the case of equal initial links, the model derived from melioration coincides with Fantino's original model for full (reliable) reinforcement and with the model proposed by Spetch and Dunn (1987) for percentage (unreliable) reinforcement.
(6) Reconstruction surgery in posttraumatic deformities in the lower leg and the foot is indicated under different aspects: restoration of function, improvement of prognosis, improvement of function and melioration of physical appearance.
(7) Contrary to melioration, the absolute rate of reinforcement, not the local rate, was the controlling variable.
(8) Virus characterization studies were performed to meliorate the taxonomic status of three currently unclassified, serologically related viruses: Tanapox virus (causes vesicular skin lesions in humans), Yaba-like disease (YLD) virus (causes vesicular skin lesions in monkeys), and Yaba monkey tumor virus (YMTV, causes epidermal histiocytoma).
(9) Examinations were performed on the nervous system (directed anamnesis, neurological and vegetative status) of workers from enterprises for economic melioration and erosion control.
(10) PGE1 seems to meliorate the blood flow - causing better oxygen supply - and to inhibit thrombocyte aggregation.
(11) The subjective presentations confirm the melioration of sleep.
(12) The grain of the same sort grown under similar conditions but without the meliorative agent, served as control.
(13) Melioration theory entails that matching in concurrent schedules occurs because the subjects equalize the local reinforcement rates (reinforcers received for each alternative divided by the time allocated to each alternative).
(14) The data demonstrate, that under resting condition a normalisation and under exercise condition at least a melioration of pulse pressure and circulation is achieved after resection of the aneurysma.
(15) Many changes in the working through process could be attributed not only to meliorative effects of interpretation but to developmental progression as well.
(16) They are deepening not only because of the stresses of the new economy, which a functioning government would meliorate, or the threats brought on by global disorder, which must be managed and will be, but because fear, anxiety and resentment are the stock in trade of important media and the politicians allied or symbiotic with them.
(17) If one, however, opposes the MSR of A and B, there is a significant meliorated prognosis for patients, who have been operated in connection with a systematically applied X-ray therapy according to the sandwich method.
(18) This congruence of the models is recognized by naming the common model the delayed reinforcement model, which is then compared with other models of choice such as Killeen and Fetterman's (1988) behavioral theory of timing, Mazur's (1984) equivalence rule, and Vaughan's (1985) melioration theory.
(19) The assessment of the vibration loading of a group of tractor-drivers from the enterprise for melioration and erosion control is made on the basis of: measurement of general and local vibrations and noise of 5 tractors type C 100, C 100M and T 130; determination of the total vibration loading on the basis of data of measurements and average weekly hour individual engagement; comparison of the admissible values of vibration loading with the real determined at work with machines of different vibration characters at different hour engagement.
(20) Vaughan's (1985) melioration model, which was shown to be formally similar to Squires and Fantino's (1971) delay-reduction model, can be modified so as to predict these results without changing its underlying assumptions.