(n.) An alteration or change for the better; correction of a fault or of faults; reformation of life by quitting vices.
(n.) In public bodies; Any alternation made or proposed to be made in a bill or motion by adding, changing, substituting, or omitting.
(n.) Correction of an error in a writ or process.
Example Sentences:
(1) We have amended and added to Fabian's tables giving a functional assessment of individual masticatory muscles.
(2) People have grown very fond of the first and fifth amendments,” she reports.
(3) Now, as the Senate takes up a weakened House bill along with the House's strengthened backdoor-proof amendment, it's time to put focus back on sweeping reform.
(4) • This article was amended on 1 September 2014 because an earlier version described Platinum Property Partners as a buy-to-let mortgage lender.
(5) It is a moment to be grateful for what remains of Labour's hard left: an amendment to scrap the cap was at least tabled by John McDonnell and Jeremy Corbyn but stood no chance.
(6) Wharton feared that if his bill had not cleared the Commons on this occasion, it would have failed as there are only three sitting Fridays in the Commons next year when the legislation could be heard again should peers in the House of Lords successfully pass amendments.
(7) The resolution must be passed by both houses but cannot be amended.
(8) The Clean Air Act (CAA) Amendments of 1990 was signed into law by President Bush on November 15, 1990.
(9) Earlier this week the Obama administration said it would veto the bill unless major amendments were made.
(10) The Lords will vote on three key amendments: • To exclude child benefit from the cap calculation (this would roughly halve the number of households affected).
(11) During evidence in chief, he said the only people who would amend a settlement or information about a trade would be "the person who knew of the transaction, who would be the trader."
(12) • Criminal sanctions should be introduced for anyone who attempts to manipulate Libor by amending the Financial Services and Market Act to allow the FSA to prosecute manipulation of the rate • The new body that oversees the administration of Libor, replacing the BBA, should introduce a "code of conduct" that requires submissions to be corroborated by trade data • Libor is set by a panel of banks asked the price at which they expect to borrow over 15 periods, from overnight to 12 months, in 10 currencies.
(13) This article was amended on 29 January 2016 to correct statistics from the BASW survey.
(14) The factsheet, concerning NSA's powers under Section 702 of the 2008 Fisa Amendments Act, was also supplied to members of Congress.
(15) During the night the Government has to do whatever it takes to re-include those amendments – on which they will attach a vote of confidence – otherwise Italians will see their taxes increase again without important compensatory measures being passed.
(16) • The headline on this article was amended on 20 January 2015.
(17) The Vitter amendment is popular with the Tea Party, which takes it to be an accountability measure.
(18) They all owe their existence to him.” This article was amended on 2 July 2015 to correct the name of the hospital where Sir Nicholas Winton died.
(19) This article was amended on 10 May 2016 to correct the wording of Labour’s Clause IV.
(20) The amendment has sparked a particular backlash against the senator widely regarded as responsible for the decision, Ahmed Yerima, who is reported to have married a 13-year old Egyptian girl.
(n.) Same as Indorsement.
Example Sentences:
(1) To confront this evil – and defeat it, standing together for our values, for our security, for our prosperity.” Merkel gave a strong endorsement of Cameron’s reform strategy, saying that Britain’s demands were “not just understandable, but worthy of support”.
(2) Federal endorsement of the HMO concept has resulted in broad understanding of a number of concepts unknown in fee-for-service medicine.
(3) Within a treatment program, the use of various kinds of assessment methods and treatment modalities did not appear to be closely associated with the endorsement of abstinence vs nonabstinence treatment goals.
(4) This demonstrates a considerable range in surgeons' attitudes to day surgery despite its formal endorsement by professional bodies, and identifies what are perceived as the organizational and clinical barriers to its wider introduction.
(5) By using a quasi-A-B-A experimental design for the six abortion items that appeared in the Edmonton Area Survey for the years 1984, 1987, and 1988, we found that the order of presentation of the items affected dramatically the endorsement of the abortion items.
(6) Of our sample, 31 per cent endorsed use of sex selection technology, with the small subsample of nonwhites more accepting of utilization than were whites.
(7) April 12, 2016 Gardner, who previously supported Marco Rubio’s presidential bid, has yet to endorse any of the remaining three candidates.
(8) It’s a damp squib, a bit of a nothing result,” a leading energy analyst said of a report that is widely expected to endorse provisional findings released in March , and recommend price controls on prepayment meters and setting up a customer database to help rival suppliers target customers stuck on expensive default tariffs.
(9) The head of the TUC, Frances O'Grady, said she supported the aims of the foundation, but was wary of endorsing changes that allowed retailers to squeeze under the wire without raising the pay of the lowest-paid workers.
(10) Their endorsement would be a significant coup for Farage’s party as it seeks to build on the two by-election victories following the defection of Tory MPs, Mark Reckless and Douglas Carswell.
(11) The usefulness of micronutrient antioxidant therapy for recurrent (non-gallstone) pancreatitis has recently been endorsed by a 20-week double-blind double-dummy cross-over trial in 20 patients.
(12) The code, endorsed by the Department of Health , has been piloted by eight organisations.
(13) Projects that are not endorsed or supported by the Lego group.
(14) Government officials said they saw the massed forces as an endorsement of the new Greek administration's determination to enforce unpopular changes on an economy that has lost close to 20% of GDP since its first bailout in May 2010.
(15) Referencing these dismal truths on the website Race Files , Soya Jung criticised Chua and Rubenfeld for "buying into exceptionalist arguments to explain disparities means endorsing a dehumanising system of racialised norms".
(16) Stand by Trumpenstein, as some are now doing, and you risk seeming to endorse his ideas, statements and ludicrous antics.
(17) Nick Clegg has endorsed the government's decision to ask the Guardian to destroy leaked secret NSA documents on the grounds that Britain would face a "serious threat to national security" if they reached the "wrong hands".
(18) He asked Cameron to write to Bawtree to say he believed the idea was worthy of endorsement.
(19) Unfortunately, Hillary Clinton was advised once again by Beltway advisers who knew it all, had the models and the projections, but who called it wrong.” The USHCC was singularly invested in the outcome of Tuesday’s election, as it had endorsed Clinton for the presidency – the first time it has done so for any candidate in its 38-year history.
(20) Candidates have 60 minutes to submit their forms, which must be endorsed by 12 to 15 MPs, at least three of whom must be from a party different to the candidate's own.