What's the difference between amphibious and trunk?



  • (a.) Having the ability to live both on land and in water, as frogs, crocodiles, beavers, and some plants.
  • (a.) Pertaining to, adapted for, or connected with, both land and water.
  • (a.) Of a mixed nature; partaking of two natures.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) MT" In late April, it became known that the Spanish were planning to hold an amphibious exercise "at a training area about 35 miles west of the Rock", an Ministry of Defence note said.
  • (2) Facebook Twitter Pinterest ‘Amphibious camels returning to Africa’ at Bamba Issa in Forte dei Marmi, 1969.
  • (3) Amphibious vision is provided by a flattened area within the cornea.
  • (4) The Marine Air-Ground Task Force stationed there specialises in the exact amphibious operations and integration with air assets which would be necessary to enforce the kind of intervention that Tillerson has called for.
  • (5) Abu Khattala is currently held aboard the USS New York, an amphibious transport dock, similar to the unwitting trips on US navy ships taken by two earlier terrorist suspects, the Somalian Ahmed Abdulkadir Warsame and Abu Khattala's fellow Libyan, Liby.
  • (6) Research on the transmission of Hemiurid Trematode Halipegus ovocaudatus in experimental and natural conditions demonstrates the following: --the miracidium grows into a sporocyst producing rediae in the Mollusc Planorbis planorbis; -- the cystophorous cercariae become mesocercariae in the hemocoele of Copepodes or finally Ostracodes when swallowed; -- the mesocercariae become matacercariae in the mesenteron of larval Odonates (Zygoptera and Anisoptera) when these larvae swallow the Crustacea; -- the metacercariae become become adults in the Amphibial Rana ridibundal perezi which feeds on dragonflies.
  • (7) This is the Royal Navy’s description of the vessel : Echo was launched at Appledore in Devon in 2002, and was designed to carry out a wide range of survey work, including support to submarine and amphibious operations, through the collection of oceanographic and bathymetric (analysis of the ocean, its salinity and sound profile) data.
  • (8) George Little, the Pentagon press secretary, said Abdulkadir Mohamed Abdulkadir, also known as Ikrima, was the focus of the pre-dawn amphibious assault that was beaten back after a heavy firefight.
  • (9) Commander Gavin Edward, coordinating the ship’s arrival on the jetty at Taranto, southern Italy, said: “The speed with which the Italian Red Cross, police and government officials have received these survivors has been really impressive and as a result we should be able to set sail later this afternoon.” Inside the towering grey sides of the amphibious warship, the 450 members of the ship’s company were preparing to return to its search and rescue mission.
  • (10) The number of destroyers and frigates will be cut from 23 to 19 and the navy will loose an amphibious landing vessel.
  • (11) Most of the work will be carried out from the banks because it is safer, but workers also hope to use an amphibious dredger and could operate from pontoons in the river.
  • (12) Capable of collecting an array of military hydrographic and oceanographic data, due to her multi-role capability Echo is also equipped to support mine warfare and amphibious operations.
  • (13) Officials said the USS San Antonio, an amphibious ship with several hundred US Marines on board, had arrived in the region for a different reason but given the current situation it was being kept near the destroyers "as a precaution", the Reuters news agency reported.
  • (14) The morphology of the ophthalmic cornea in the blenniid fish Coryphoblennius galerita (Teleostei) shows adaptation to the amphibious life.
  • (15) To rapidly deploy troops as the situation unfolds, mobile deployment capability and amphibious capability are also important."
  • (16) The morphology of the incomplete cranial remains, however, gives no evidence that Pakicetus was an amphibious intermediate stage.
  • (17) The navy also secured a new amphibious assault capability.
  • (18) Using natural openings as routes for penetration probably provides a selective advantage in a host-parasite system in which the target mollusc is amphibious: we presume that the miracidia inside these natural openings are protected against desiccation when the snail leaves the water, and that they can subsequently invade the tissues.
  • (19) On Wednesday China reportedly sent two amphibious ships equipped with anti-air missiles as further defence.
  • (20) The navy's fleet of frigates, amphibious vessels, and other surface ships, will also be cut.



  • (n.) The stem, or body, of a tree, apart from its limbs and roots; the main stem, without the branches; stock; stalk.
  • (n.) The body of an animal, apart from the head and limbs.
  • (n.) The main body of anything; as, the trunk of a vein or of an artery, as distinct from the branches.
  • (n.) That part of a pilaster which is between the base and the capital, corresponding to the shaft of a column.
  • (n.) That segment of the body of an insect which is between the head and abdomen, and bears the wings and legs; the thorax; the truncus.
  • (n.) The proboscis of an elephant.
  • (n.) The proboscis of an insect.
  • (n.) A long tube through which pellets of clay, p/as, etc., are driven by the force of the breath.
  • (n.) A box or chest usually covered with leather, metal, or cloth, or sometimes made of leather, hide, or metal, for containing clothes or other goods; especially, one used to convey the effects of a traveler.
  • (n.) A flume or sluice in which ores are separated from the slimes in which they are contained.
  • (n.) A large pipe forming the piston rod of a steam engine, of sufficient diameter to allow one end of the connecting rod to be attached to the crank, and the other end to pass within the pipe directly to the piston, thus making the engine more compact.
  • (n.) A long, large box, pipe, or conductor, made of plank or metal plates, for various uses, as for conveying air to a mine or to a furnace, water to a mill, grain to an elevator, etc.
  • (v. t.) To lop off; to curtail; to truncate; to maim.
  • (v. t.) To extract (ores) from the slimes in which they are contained, by means of a trunk. See Trunk, n., 9.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) It is likely that trunk mobility is necessary to maintain integrity of SI joint and that absence of such mobility compromises SI joint structure in many paraplegics.
  • (2) When subjects centered themselves actively, or additionally, contracted trunk flexor or extensor muscles to predetermined levels of activity, no increase in trunk positioning accuracy was found.
  • (3) A triphasic pattern was evident for the neck moments including a small phase which represented a seating of the headform on the nodding blocks of the uppermost ATD neck segment, and two larger phases of opposite polarity which represented the motion of the head relative to the trunk during the first 350 ms after impact.
  • (4) The same dose of clonidine evoked a much larger drop in blood pressure in another group of rats in which an equialent increase in blood pressure was produced by bilateral section of the vagosympathetic trunks and occlusion of both carotid arteries.
  • (5) Anomalous origin of the left coronary artery from the main pulmonary trunk results in myocardial ischemia or infarction, and may be a cause of death in the first months of life.
  • (6) Proper maintenance of body orientation was defined to be achieved if the net angular displacement of the head-and-trunk segment was zero during the flight phase of the long jump.
  • (7) In 1 patient there was concomitant aneurysmal dilatation of the brachiocephalic trunk.
  • (8) In anesthetized cats, the enhancement of sympathetic activity and increase of the blood pressure in exclusion of afferents (section of vagosympathetic trunks and clamping of common carotid arteries) as well as the disappearance of the activity in enhanced afferentation, were shown to be transient and to disappear within a few minutes-scores of minutes in spite of the going on deafferentation or enhancement of afferentation.
  • (9) Contact guidance has been suggested to direct NC cells ventrally in the trunk, but this has been subject to doubt (see Newgreen and Erickson, 1986, Int.
  • (10) This compared favorably with similar patients with melanoma arising either in the trunk or the extremity.
  • (11) This was true even when the locations of low resistance areas along the dorsal trunk were compared to only those vertebral palpatory findings rated as "severe."
  • (12) With the use of the method Chick Embryotoxicity Screening Test II (CHEST II), the potential neuropeptides L-prolyl-L-leucyl-glycinamide (MIF), cyclo(1-aminocyclo-pentanecarbonyl-L-alanyl)[cyclo(Acp-Ala)] and cyclo(glycyl-L-leucyl)[Cyclo(Gly-Leu)] were tested in the critical developmental periods of d 1.5 to 4 of chick embryogenesis in order to objectively examine their undesirable interactions with the developing morphogenetic systems of the brain, eye, face, body wall, limbs, trunk and heart.
  • (13) It occurred chiefly in the upper and lower extremities (40 cases) and less frequently in the trunk (11 cases) and the head and neck region (eight cases).
  • (14) In males, the predominant site was in the head, neck and trunk while in females it was in the lower limbs Clark level V was found in 35.6% of the cases.
  • (15) One patient harbored a basilar trunk aneurysm, 1 an aneurysm of the proximal posterior cerebral artery, 3 an aneurysm of the superior cerebellar artery, and 10 an aneurysm at the basilar tip.
  • (16) Microautoradiography showed that melanin-containing cells in the trunk and head kidney and in the olfactory rosettes also accumulated high amounts of radioactivity.
  • (17) The cervical sympathetic trunk (CST) was split into two bundles.
  • (18) The affected twin had classical loss of sc fat from her face, upper arms, and trunk as well as associated hypocomplementemia, microscopic hematuria, and a borderline oral glucose tolerance test without hyperinsulinism.
  • (19) Secretory function of the operated stomach was studied in 188 patients after trunk and selective vagotomy with distal resection and pyloroplasty of various extent.
  • (20) The relatively small reservoir and the maintenance of a minimum flow of water on the trunk river means the plant will work on average at barely 40% of its 11,200MW capacity.

Words possibly related to "amphibious"