(a.) Ascending rivers from the sea, at certain seasons, for breeding, as the salmon, shad, etc.
(a.) Tending upwards; -- said of terns in which the lowest secondary segments are on the upper side of the branch of the central stem.
Example Sentences:
(1) Mortality of pelyad (Coregonus peled) caused by Tetraonchus alaskensis took place in winter 1973 in the Voikara and Syn rivers (the Ural tributaries of the Lower Ob) during anadromous and catadromous migrations.
(2) The latter undergo marked hypertrophy and active state just at the time of entering the river (February), while no detectable change was seen in the former throughout anadromous migration.
(3) The latter attained their maximal size in the earliest time of anadromous migration.
(4) The aim was to find simple and sensitive test parameters and to simulate exposure situations typical for anadromous fish species (salmonids), which generally cross heavily polluted coastal areas or estuaries before they reach uncontaminated upstream spawning areas.
(5) This work is part of a continuing series of studies on the connective tissues in the anadromous sea lamprey.
(6) It was shown that during anadromous migration before spawing, the level of corticosteroids in the blood increases, the increases beginning already during the sea period.
(7) Since the latter finding was questionable because of short immunization times, and data from more than a single fish species were desirable, both the cunner and an anadromous fish, the striped bass (Morone saxatilis), were examined for antibody responses against the bacterium Bacillus cereus in Freund's complete adjuvant during a 6- to 8-wk time period.
(8) To explore the evolutionary nature of the salmonid mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region (D-loop) and its utility for inferring phylogenies, the entire region was sequenced from all eight species of anadromous Pacific salmon, genus Oncorhynchus; the Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar; and the Arctic grayling, Thymallus arcticus.
(9) Four types of acidophilic granular cells, in addition to B-cells, are identified in the islet organ of anadromous specimens of two subspecies of Petromyzon marinus by light and electron microscopy.
(10) The flagellar olfactory receptors appeared to predominate in both ten-days larvae and adults of the anadromous sturgeons and sevrugas, while the microvillar olfactory receptors predominate in freshwater sterlets in ten-days larvae as well in adults.
(11) The parr-smolt transformation (smoltification) of juvenile anadromous salmonids involves a morphological, physiological and behavioural metamorphosis of the fish from a freshwater-adapted form to a salt-water-adapted form.
(12) We used single-family crosses to confirm the Mendelian interpretation of allozyme variation and to examine linkage relationships at five polymorphic loci in freshwater and anadromous threespine sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) from the Little Campbell River, British Columbia.
(13) We observed significant quantitative and qualitative changes of the neurons both in the parvo- and magnocellular preoptic nucleus and in the lateral tuberal nucleus during anadromous migration and during spawning and fertilization.
(14) The effect of injections of arginine vasotocin (AVT) on plasma free fatty acid (FFA) levels was studied in anadromous sea lampreys collected in the St. John River, New Brunswick, during their upstream spawning migration.
(15) The different ratios of these cells in the olfactory organs of anadromous and fresh-water Acipenseridae may be a result of their ecological adaptations.
(16) The ultrastructural changes that take place in the ventral dermis along with the development of iridophores were examined in the anadromous sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus, during metamorphosis.
(17) The thyroid glands of coho salmon collected at different stages of their anadromous migration exhibited progressive and extensive hyperplasia and hypertrophy.
(18) It is postulated that reduced adult male hypoosmoregulatory ability explains skewed sex ratios in anadromous brook trout populations and may limit the extent of brook trout anadromy.
(19) Thyroglobulin (TG) was localized in the endostyle of the anadromous sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus L. by means of the unlabeled antibody peroxidase-antiperoxidase immunocytochemical method.
(20) The occurrence of female-specific serum protein (FSSP) was examined in the anadromous lamprey, Lampetra japonica, and a freshwater lamprey, Lampetra reissneri, by an immunodiffusion technique using antiserum raised against the serum of sexually mature female lamprey.
(n.) An order of cryptogamous plants, the Filices, which have their fructification on the back of the fronds or leaves. They are usually found in humid soil, sometimes grow epiphytically on trees, and in tropical climates often attain a gigantic size.
Example Sentences:
(1) After being thawed at room temperature, the two CM samples were compared as to their pH, spinnbarkeit and ferning patterns, and it was found that they are quite similar.
(2) Crude ferredoxin preparations were obtained from blue-green algae, green algae, ferns, and higher plants.
(3) A typical fern-like pattern was demonstrated by the crystallized mucus of the healthy individuals.
(4) Water ferns (Salviniaceae) and seed ferns (Pteridospermae) are known as the arbitrary type of Lycopsida which did not reach the state of shot structure of the body.
(5) Astrocyte endfeet of the GLM became irregular in contour, protruding in a fern-leaf fashion into the pial connective tissue.
(6) Thus, the fern bioassay may be an inexpensive means of detecting both chronic low dose and episodic high dose inputs of mutagenic pollutants into aquatic ecosystems.
(7) Cervical mucus from 6 demonstrated a 3 to 4+ fern phenomena, indicating significant endogenous estrogen production.
(8) Two of the epitopes (I and III) are widely conserved in 34 kDa proteins (presumably B-36 homologues) from the various species tested (Chlamydomonas, moss, fern, oat, onion, carrot, and bean).
(9) Words included in this title include mistletoe, gerbil, acorn, goldfish, guinea pig, dandelion, starling, fern, willow, conifer, heather, buttercup, sycamore, holly, ivy, and conker.
(10) Parameters studied were Schirmer's test, lacrimal meniscus height, break-up time, fluorescein and rose Bengal stains, conjunctival impression cytology, mucus staining, and the ferning test.
(11) The only parameter that correlated with sperm migration into post-partum mucus was ferning formation.
(12) ), Fern Probstmeyer, Robert McCombs, Jean P. Brunschwig, and Vladimir Vonka.
(13) Two glucosides to enhance histamine release from rat peritoneal mast cells were isolated from rhizomes of bracken fern (Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn) by column chromatography on Sephadex LH-20 and droplet counter-current chromatography, and named braxin A1 and A2.
(14) I picked the strawberries growing up the side of my compost loo for breakfast; physalis and ferns were growing inside my shower; I snacked on pitanga, a delicious sweet-sour berry.
(15) Ferning was present in 29% of pipette samples, averaging 0.41 mm2 in the form of FR in the total series.
(16) The anisotropic period, 7 days long, is inscribed within the ferning period.
(17) Axonemes from the heterosporous water fern Marsilea vestita were fixed in the presence of tannic acid and examined by thin-section electron microscopy.
(18) Powdered bracken fern mixed with a basic commercial diet (1:4 by weight) was fed to a group of 40 ICR strain mice for 20 weeks after the implantation of a glass bead into the bladder.
(19) I’m obviously a big supporter of the change, I think there are a lot of strong arguments in favour of the change.” Key has previously said he would prefer a new flag featuring the silver fern on a black background.
(20) For all the memorable showdowns between Paxman and Tony Blair, it was Fern Britton who extracted the critical admission from Blair that he would have wanted to remove Saddam whether or not Iraq had WMD.