What's the difference between anantherous and anther?
(a.) Destitute of anthers.
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(n.) That part of the stamen containing the pollen, or fertilizing dust, which, when mature, is emitted for the impregnation of the ovary.
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(1) The spatial distribution of transcripts in the anther wall was confined to that region of the anther that surrounds the locule.
(2) Two hundred and twenty-six patients were scratch tested over a 10-month period with the pollen and anthers of six common hay fever plants.
(3) Houston bring on Weaver for Bruin (who has cut a rather lonely figure up front, all alone) 3.38am GMT 72 mins SKC win anther corner and Zusi puts it into the right area but again it's met by a Houston head.
(4) mRNA levels for these cDNA clones were markedly reduced in the anthers of several independent male-sterile mutants of tomato.
(5) Particulate fractions from mature rape anther tissue catalysed the incorporation of glucose from UDPglucose into endogenous lipids.
(6) In the blind mutant, whose flower limbs are transformed into antheroid structures on top of normal tubes, identical expression levels of both genes were observed in the antheroid structures as in normal anthers.
(7) The tissue localization of transcripts corresponding to five anther-specific cDNA clones isolated from tomato was determined.
(8) Rice (Oryza sativa L., 2n=24) anthers containing microspores in the early-uninucleate to first-mitosis stages were induced successfully to develop into plants in vitro through an intermediary step of callus formation.
(9) We traced the patterns of cell division during maize anther development by inducing sector boundaries that preceded the earliest events of anther initiation.
(10) Furthermore, the absence of immunoreactive CHI was demonstrated in a mutant of P. hybrida (genotype popo) which accumulates 2',4,4',6'-tetrahydroxy-chalcone in anthers as a consequence of lack of enzyme activity.
(11) The strong correlation between cell lineage and cell fate in the maize anther has implications for studies on plant evolution and the genetic improvement of cereals by DNA transformation.
(12) A total of 19 independent cDNAs have been isolated by differential screening whose temporal expression patterns overlap and which together cover the stages of anther development from pre-meiotic microsporocytes to tri-nucleate pollen grains.
(13) In anthers, expression was detected at an earlier stage of flower development with GUS activity restricted to the tapetal cell layer.
(14) With both constructs, the appearance of GUS activity in developing anthers was correlated with the onset of microspore mitosis and increased progressively until anthesis (pollen shed).
(15) This promoter construct was subsequently used to drive an antisense chs gene in transgenic petunia, which led to the inhibition of pigment synthesis in anthers of five of 35 transformants.
(16) Ultra-thin sections of vegetative tissues from birch (anthers and leaves) were labeled for pollen antigens and allergens using a commercial rabbit IgG antibody preparation directed against birch pollen antigens and allergens.
(17) At flower maturity, transcripts specified by each of the cDNAs were also detected in the epidermal and endothecial cell layers of the anther wall.
(18) In petunia, the gene Po regulates the expression of CHI in anthers: PoPo petunia lines contain CHI enzyme activity in petals and anthers, whereas popo lines contain the CHI enzyme only in petals but not in anthers.
(19) In flowers, expression was observed in sepals, anthers, and carpels, but not in petals.
(20) Transgenic plants with white anthers were male sterile due to an arrest in male gametophyte development.