What's the difference between anapnograph and spirometer?



  • (n.) A form of spirometer.

Example Sentences:



  • (n.) An instrument for measuring the vital capacity of the lungs, or the volume of air which can be expelled from the chest after the deepest possible inspiration. Cf. Pneumatometer.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Bench testing for accuracy of volume loss was checked by ventilating the device into another calibrated spirometer and achieving equal volumes.
  • (2) Five acceptable forced expiratory maneuvers were obtained with a portable spirometer from each person in a population of 1,670 selected from a stratified random sample of a community.
  • (3) A model originally designed to fit population growth data was investigated to determine whether it could fit spirometric traces as a function of time in normal and ill humans and in normal rats, obtained, respectively, by spirometer and whole-body plethysmography.
  • (4) We observed, that under controlled ventilation the expiration valve of the circle system "8 ISO" did not close and rebreathing occurred, as the spirometer run counterclockwise.
  • (5) With increasing altitude PEF as measured by the spirometer increased linearly with decreasing pressure, so that at a barometric pressure of 380 mm Hg* (half an atmosphere, corresponding to an altitude of 5455 m) there was a 20% increase over sea level values.
  • (6) Water-sealed spirometer (Harvard), dry bellow wedge spirometer (Vitalograph) and computerized pneumotachograph (Gould), all of them satisfying the ATS recommendations were compared.
  • (7) After volume determination, the O2 and CO2 content of the collected air is determined in analysers connected to the displacement spirometer.
  • (8) The performance of a new turbine spirometer, which has several advantages over equipment previously used to measure lung function, was compared with that of a conventional spirometer (Vitalograph) in a cross-over trial on 368 children six to 11 years old.
  • (9) The apparatus (Oscillaire) was connected with a spirometer forming a closed respiratory circuit in which gas concentrations were kept constant.
  • (10) We measured the changes in FRC with nasal CPAP and ESAP using the weighted spirometer technique.
  • (11) Waveforms from the American Thoracic Society's spirometer testing set were used to drive a computer-controlled syringe.
  • (12) A great difference could not be found in escape rate from the nasal cavity between before and after insertion of prostheses, but there was a remarkable change in the spirometer.
  • (13) Measurements of lung compliance (C(L)) and total pulmonary resistance (R(L)) were made in 10 women in the last trimester of pregnancy and 2 months postpartum, employing an esophageal balloon and recording spirometer.
  • (14) Ventilation was measured with a spirometer or with a pneumatic thoracic transducer: an accordion shaped balloon, strapped around the thorax.
  • (15) The trapped gas can be rapidly released and returned to the spirometer.
  • (16) Pulmonary Function tests were measured in 261 healthy boys and 254 healthy girls in the age group of 6 to 15 years with standard Benidects Roth type recording spirometer and Wrights Peak Flow Meter.
  • (17) In 28 healthy newborn infants (median age 3.5 days), we compared the weighted spirometer (WS) with the multiple occlusion (MO) method for measuring respiratory system compliance (Crs).
  • (18) All examinations were performed with a half--open dry bellows spirometer.
  • (19) PEF values in 475 healthy children (age 9-15 years, 138 females, 337 males) measured with a Vitalograph meter and an automatic spirometer SA-02 were compared.
  • (20) Biological calibration of the Hewlett-Packard electronic spirometer against a Stead-Wells 13.5-litre spirometer shows a good concordance for forced vital capacity (FVC; systematic error 0% in women, 1% in men, probable error 4% in both sexes).

Words possibly related to "anapnograph"

Words possibly related to "spirometer"