What's the difference between anatomical and commissure?



  • (a.) Of or relating to anatomy or dissection; as, the anatomic art; anatomical observations.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The typical findings have been related to their anatomical localisation and frequency.
  • (2) Some common eye movement deficits, and concepts such as 'the neural integrator' and the 'velocity storage mechanism', for which anatomical substrates are still sought, are introduced.
  • (3) Examination of the SON in such animals revealed that the oxytocinergic system is already modified by day 12 of dioestrus; during suckling-induced lactation, the anatomical changes are identical to those seen during a normal post-partum lactation.
  • (4) Anatomic and roentgenographic criteria used for the assessment of reduction in ankle fractures are highlighted in this review of ankle trauma.
  • (5) An anatomic study of the peroneal artery and vein and their branches was carried out on 80 adult cadaver legs.
  • (6) The present study was done in order to document the ability of the eighth cranial nerve of the bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) to regenerate, the anatomic characteristics of the regenerated fibers, and the specificity of projections from individual endorgan branches of the nerve.
  • (7) The anatomic and functional development of the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) was studied in the gray short-tailed opossum, Monodelphis domestica.
  • (8) For consistent identification of the normal pancreas, preliminary longitudinal scanning at, or near, the mid-line and subsequent oblique scanning in the long axis are necessary prerequisites in delineating the anatomic outline of the pancreas.
  • (9) Some fundamentals of the causes of diagnostic errors depending upon anatomophysiological and topographo-anatomical peculiarities of woman's organism are given.
  • (10) Nonetheless, anatomical continuity was restored at the site of injury, axons projected across this region, and rostral spinal and brainstem neurons could be retrogradely labelled following HRP injections administered caudal to the lesion.
  • (11) Although no anatomical 'barrier' has been described, it has been suggested that the gel mucus and epithelial phospholipids are constituents.
  • (12) Precise excision of the masses was thus accomplished and functional and aesthetic reconstruction aided by the conservation of normal anatomical structures.
  • (13) Even if it does not always provide the solution to a particularly delicate problem, which is often of vital importance, it provides data which, modifiable and better used, should provide an adequate notion of the anatomical and physiopathological state in aortic stenosis.
  • (14) This is due to the fact that the SPECT images contain more anatomical and physiological information than similar planar images.
  • (15) Because of the wide range of human nasal anatomic configurations, some people sniff odorants against comparatively high resistances.
  • (16) The anatomic information provided by aortography was of great value in the surgical management of patients with AAA, but aortography was of limited value in accurate measurement and should not be employed for this purpose.
  • (17) But leading British doctors Sarah Creighton , consultant gynaecologist at the private Portland Hospital, Susan Bewley , consultant obstetrician at St Thomas's and Lih-Mei Liao , clinical psychologist in women's health at University College Hospital then wrote to the journal countering that his clitoral restoration claims were "anatomically impossible".
  • (18) This contrasts sharply with the reduction in both the frequency and surface area of sensory neuron active zones that accompanies long-term habituation, and suggests that modulation of active zone number and size may be an anatomical correlate that lies in the long-term domain.
  • (19) This contrasted sharply with the markedly increased occurrences of anatomic abnormalities in these body regions of the sirenomelia and VATER patients.
  • (20) We describe a computer program for stereotactic surgery planning based on multimodality imaging and the display of intracranial EEG data in relation to anatomical data.



  • (n.) A joint, seam, or closure; the place where two bodies, or parts of a body, meet and unite; an interstice, cleft, or juncture.
  • (n.) The point of union between two parts, as the angles of the lips or eyelids, the mandibles of a bird, etc.
  • (n.) A collection of fibers connecting parts of the brain or spinal marrow; a chiasma.
  • (n.) The line of junction or cohering face of two carpels, as in the parsnip, caraway, etc.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) While the heaviest anterogradely labeled ascending projections were observed to the contralateral ventral posterolateral nucleus of the thalamus, pars oralis (VPLo), efferent projections were also observed to the contralateral ventrolateral thalamic nucleus (VLc) and central lateral (CL) nucleus of the thalamic intralaminar complex, magnocellular (and to a lesser extent parvicellular) red nucleus, nucleus of Darkschewitsch, zona incerta, nucleus of the posterior commissure, lateral intermediate layer and deep layer of the superior colliculus, dorsolateral periaqueductal gray, contralateral nucleus reticularis tegmenti pontis and basilar pontine nuclei (especially dorsal and peduncular), and dorsal (DAO) and medial (MAO) accessory olivary nuclei, ipsilateral lateral (external) cuneate nucleus (LCN) and lateral reticular nucleus (LRN), and to a lesser extent the caudal medial vestibular nucleus (MVN) and caudal nucleus prepositus hypoglossi (NPH), and dorsal medullary raphe.
  • (2) Inferior colliculus and commissural neurons form two populations that differ in their distribution in layer V, in somatic area, and in the form of their apical dendritic arbors.
  • (3) The habenular and the posterior commissures coursed anteriorly and were unassociated with the pineal.
  • (4) The homologies of the respective neuron types regard their locations in the cerebral ganglia, their clustering in groups, location of their neurohemal area (CDC: cerebral commissure; DC: median lip nerves), and ultrastructural characteristics (e.g., abundance of rough endoplasmic reticulum, well-developed Golgi apparatus, presence of two types of neuron-specific secretory granules, and release of granule contents by exocytosis into the hemolymph).
  • (5) We have shown that an untreated Millipore implant inserted between the neuromas in young acallosal animals can support the migration of immature astrocytes that, in turn, support the de novo growth of commissural axons between the hemispheres.
  • (6) The ruptures and calcifications of the cusps were most commonly observed in commissure.
  • (7) Eight brains had injections involving more than one subfield; in 5 of these brains, the results were consistent with the CA3 to CA3 commissural projection demonstrated by the more restricted injections.
  • (8) This unencumbered view allows a more thorough removal of diseased tissue, especially in the posterior commissure and subglottis.
  • (9) The present results thus clearly indicate that dopamine D1 receptors within the sub-commissural part of the globus pallidus are involved in mediating oro-facial dyskinesia in cats.
  • (10) The duration of long-term potentiation (LTP) of the monosynaptic excitatory Schaffer collateral-commissural input to hippocampal neurons of the CA1 region was examined in the in vitro slice.
  • (11) Eighty-three consecutive functional stereotactic procedures (56 thalamotomies, 1 medial thalamotomy, and 26 chronic brain stimulatory electrode introductions) were done using CT to identify the three-dimensional coordinates of anterior and posterior commissures.
  • (12) For prophylactics of the commissural process the area of connection of main vessels of the artificial circulation apparatus (ACA) in 56 patients was wrapped up by teflon in order to ease reoperation.
  • (13) This conclusion is based on 2 cases with combined commissural myelotomy and anterolateral cordotomy.
  • (14) Dedo and Sooy (1984) reported a significant improvement in the management of posterior commissure, subglottic, and high tracheal stenoses with the use of a microtrapdoor flap.
  • (15) Bilateral labeling was present caudal to the obex in both the medial and commissural nuclei.
  • (16) This inhibition is mediated by commissural interneurons that are electrotonically coupled to the Mauthner axon and cross the spinal cord to monosynaptically inhibit cells on the opposite side.
  • (17) Ventral Hippocampal Commissure (vhc) had no significant effect on reversal learning set.
  • (18) Ascending contralateral projections exit rostrally and possibly laterally, enter the posterior and postoptic commissures and terminate in the contralateral AP, LGN, NP, NR, and rostral tectum.
  • (19) Dynamic processing takes place via commissural connections that link the VN bilaterally.
  • (20) Of these five classes we analyzed pathfinding by the RB, DoLA, early ascending commissural, and VeLD neurons.

Words possibly related to "commissure"