What's the difference between angel and dominion?



  • (n.) A messenger.
  • (n.) A spiritual, celestial being, superior to man in power and intelligence. In the Scriptures the angels appear as God's messengers.
  • (n.) One of a class of "fallen angels;" an evil spirit; as, the devil and his angels.
  • (n.) A minister or pastor of a church, as in the Seven Asiatic churches.
  • (n.) Attendant spirit; genius; demon.
  • (n.) An appellation given to a person supposed to be of angelic goodness or loveliness; a darling.
  • (n.) An ancient gold coin of England, bearing the figure of the archangel Michael. It varied in value from 6s. 8d. to 10s.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) We report a retrospective study of 107 cases of carcinoma of the sigmoid colon and upper rectum treated for primary cure at the University of California at Los Angeles Hospital between 1955 and 1970.
  • (2) He missed the start of the season while rehabbing from last season's ankle injury, played exactly six games with the Los Angeles Lakers before getting hurt again and even if he's healthy he may still sit the game out .
  • (3) Cooper, who was briefly a social worker in Los Angeles, also suggests working hard to build a rapport with colleagues in hotdesking situations.
  • (4) 75 min: Real Madrid substitution: Angel Di Maria off, Ricky Kaka on.
  • (5) McQueen later worked for Gieves & Hawkes and the theatre costumiers Angels , before being employed, aged 20, by Koji Tatsuno , a Japanese designer with links to London.
  • (6) In a statement the Los Angeles County department of public health said: "Though legionella bacteria was identified in a water sample taken from the Playboy Mansion, this bacteria has not been determined as the source of the respiratory outbreak.
  • (7) This relative safety is largely unaffected by the interval since migration, even after decades of residence in Los Angeles.
  • (8) Brodetsky, Anna M. (University of California, Los Angeles), and W. R. Romig.
  • (9) The results of these studies were compared with those obtained in a sample of nonfiremen residing in the Los Angeles area who were matched by computer with the firemen for anthropomorphic characteristics and smoking status.
  • (10) Los Angeles were relentless in their vicious pursuit of a game-tying goal on Wednesday, bidding to send Game 4 into overtime.
  • (11) Ten of the 45 reviewed were court cases, and 32 workers acutely exposed at University of California-Los Angeles (UCLA) were studied with routine four views of the chest.
  • (12) Prosecutors in San Francisco and Los Angeles alleged that it was false for Uber to say it was the leader in screening drivers when its background checks were inferior to the process taxi drivers undergo, since Uber does not include fingerprint checks.
  • (13) Endocervical cultures for Neisseria gonorrhoeae were taken from 4,285 new patients attending the emergency room and outpatient clinics at Women's Hospital, Los Angeles County-University of Southern California Medical Center.
  • (14) To test these competing hypotheses, a series of health, income, life satisfaction, and social participation variables (interaction with family, kin, neighbors, and friends) was examined with data from a large (N = 1269) sample of middle-aged and older blacks, Mexican Americans and whites in Los Angeles County.
  • (15) The marquee event on Thursday, considering recent off the court events, was the sixth game between the Los Angeles Clippers.
  • (16) A new portable model of the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) instrumented clinical knee testing apparatus and the KT-1000 knee arthrometer were used to measure anterior laxity in normal and anterior cruciate absent knees.
  • (17) London might have Nelson’s column, the north its angel, Manchester its Alan Turing .
  • (18) Uribe strikes out to end the inning, an eventful one in Los Angels.
  • (19) He had huge eyes, a wide, deep brow, an angel's mouth, with the upper lip crested.
  • (20) The raids came after three separate federal indictments in the biggest investigation to date into trade-based drug money laundering, said Thom Mrozek, a spokesman for the US attorney’s office in Los Angeles.



  • (n.) Sovereign or supreme authority; the power of governing and controlling; independent right of possession, use, and control; sovereignty; supremacy.
  • (n.) Superior prominence; predominance; ascendency.
  • (n.) That which is governed; territory over which authority is exercised; the tract, district, or county, considered as subject; as, the dominions of a king. Also used figuratively; as, the dominion of the passions.
  • (n.) A supposed high order of angels; dominations. See Domination, 3.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) One exception to this rule is France, which once counted the Central African Republic amongst its dominions.
  • (2) The Dominions of Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa have assented to the new legislation, and the Free State Dail meets to-day.
  • (3) Thus, individual preganglionic axons do not require exclusive dominion over a particular part of a postsynaptic cell in order to maintain their connection with the cell.
  • (4) The Court upheld Pennsylvania's law defining medical emergency, as construed by the Court of Appeals; allowed a 24-hour waiting period for women who must 1st hear information about pregnancy and abortion to insure thoughtful informed consent; allowed a parental consent provision, with a judicial bypass; and allowed a recordkeeping and reporting requirement; but disallowed a spousal notification requirement, noting that "[a] State may not give to a man the kind of dominion over his wife that parents exercise over their children."
  • (5) A news helicopter hovered overhead, along with a swarm of television news trucks in what is ordinarily a tranquil meadow in a large, wooded section within sight of a roller coaster at the Kings Dominion amusement park along Interstate 95.
  • (6) Fortunes were made by the likes of Rockefeller, Mellon and Carnegie, living standards rose and, in 1890, the US Bureau of Census announced that there was no longer a frontier – the US, its laws and its dominion stretched "from sea to shining sea".
  • (7) The idea of taxing anybody on this "remittance basis" was introduced when income tax was first imposed - in 1799 - in order to allow those who owned land in his majesty's dominions to escape tax on their colonial wealth unless they brought it back to England.
  • (8) Some contentious issues may be clarified if this area of human dominion, namely control over genetic expression among offspring, is acknowledged to be the legitimate persisting concern of those who have produced sperm and ova after storage commences.
  • (9) It also insists that exercising the dominion granted to humankind in Genesis means tilling “ the whole Earth ”, transforming it “from wilderness to garden and ultimately to garden city”.
  • (10) When I met Boris in his office, the nucleus of his dominion, I glanced at his library.
  • (11) Ukip's total victory has transformed the electoral landscape for ever, from a world of three-party politics to a single-party dominion set to last 500,000 years.
  • (12) Mastery is a human response to difficult or stressful circumstances in which competency, control, and dominion have been gained over the experience of stress.
  • (13) Thomas Jefferson believed that the constitution should expire after 19 years, so that the dead would not have dominion over the living.
  • (14) But with the results out of the way, and the first chapter of what promises to be a long-running accounting inquiry complete, new boss Dave Lewis feels it is now safe to leave the country, at least for a couple of days, to inspect his dominion.
  • (15) This is in response to an increasingly aggressive China, which claims dominion over vast areas of the Pacific that the US considers international waters, and has alarmed smaller Asian neighbours by reigniting old territorial disputes, including confrontations over the South China Sea.
  • (16) If men turned away from "softness, play, emotional connection, all the so-called feminine attributes", society would reward the traditional man, if not with material wealth and political prominence, at least with dominion over wife and children.
  • (17) Another is the Canzuk concept, the dream of a free trade and free movement zone between the UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand – three nations from what used to be called the “white dominions”.
  • (18) Nine of 25 runners in the 1989 Old Dominion 100-mile Endurance Race took 800 mg of cimetidine 1 hr before the start and at 50 miles.
  • (19) They hit hard, as if their aim was to establish an "illimitable dominion over all".
  • (20) As Rick Santorum explained at an energy summit in Colorado : "We were put on this Earth as creatures of God to have dominion over the Earth … for our benefit not for the Earth's benefit."