What's the difference between angular and lank?



  • (a.) Measured by an angle; as, angular distance.
  • (a.) Relating to an angle or to angles; having an angle or angles; forming an angle or corner; sharp-cornered; pointed; as, an angular figure.
  • (a.) Fig.: Lean; lank; raw-boned; ungraceful; sharp and stiff in character; as, remarkably angular in his habits and appearance; an angular female.
  • (n.) A bone in the base of the lower jaw of many birds, reptiles, and fishes.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The angular distribution of the scattered light was obtained as a function of time and compared with the rates at which hydrolysis products were formed.
  • (2) Proper maintenance of body orientation was defined to be achieved if the net angular displacement of the head-and-trunk segment was zero during the flight phase of the long jump.
  • (3) The angular distribution of the scattered acoustic field from an inosonifying source will directly relate to the distribution of surface fibrillatory changes.
  • (4) The kainate and quisqualate types of excitatory amino acid receptor were visualized autoradiographically in brain sections from rats kindled by stimulating the angular bundle.
  • (5) To meet these prerequisites we have introduced some technical refinements: (1) computer-controlled rectilinear translations of the target in combination with different angular positions of the source and (2) computer-controlled rotations of the target around a vertical axis in combination with different angular positions of the source.
  • (6) The purposes of this study were to detect eventual late complications and to compare late results with postoperative angular curve correction.
  • (7) In severely impaired limbs, there was a marked shift in both the peak EMG angle and the angular domain of EMG activity for both biceps and triceps muscle groups, away from the normal elbow flexion-extension axis towards external humeral rotation and shoulder girdle elevation.
  • (8) Neither the sufferers and their spouses, nor the 20 couples who constituted the control group, showed any relationship between partners with respect to angular displacement.
  • (9) When a meridional-size lens is used to provide magnification in the horizonal meridan for one eye the resulting stereopsis distortion is readily accounted for in the terms of the binocular disparity caused by changed angular relations.
  • (10) The significant difference found in calculating the angular mandibular opening may be the result of difficulties in maintaining maximum passive opening.
  • (11) In keeping with current theories of training, gains were largest with prolonged, high intensity activity at angular velocities approximating those adopted during training.
  • (12) A new device for the intraoperative anterior correction of angular kyphoses is presented.
  • (13) 15 linear and angular measurements were performed on 80 lateral cephalometric films of 40 subjects.
  • (14) Type II cells are angular or stellate and contain numerous secretory granules averaging 200-220 nm in diameter.
  • (15) These results are compared with experimental data on angular scattering from liver, muscle, and blood, reported in a companion paper [J. Acoust.
  • (16) The preliminary experiments described here suggest that tilt aftereffects and illusions induced by projected slides of tilted real-object scenes have angular functions similar to that induced by a line grating.
  • (17) Comparison of Experiments 1 and 2 showed that the presence of gravireceptor stimuli increased the range of detectable angular accelerations and reduced the time required for detection.
  • (18) There was some correlation between substituents on aromatic ring and angular position, and antiarrhythmic activity.
  • (19) Rat TSH cells were ovoid or angular to stellate, and contained granules ranging in size from 60-175 nm.
  • (20) Histograms of cell orientation angles were plotted and the mean and angular deviation of each sample were calculated.



  • (superl.) Slender and thin; not well filled out; not plump; shrunken; lean.
  • (superl.) Languid; drooping.
  • (v. i. & t.) To become lank; to make lank.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) In the glow of the thing's own flame they saw edificial flanks, the concrete and rust of them, the iron of the pylon barnacled, shaggy with benthic growth now lank gelatinous bunting.
  • (2) Comparison with the data of Swenander-Lanke (1957) [Acta odont.
  • (3) A handsome, lank-haired South American striker moving to Manchester United from a high profile Ligue 1 club?
  • (4) Plastic-adherent lymphokine-activated natural killer (LANK) cells were generated from nylon wool-nonadherent murine splenocytes cultured in recombinant interleukin-2 (IL-2).
  • (5) But that morning we see afresh the lank, lost squalor in which he is choosing to live, the wilful self-destructiveness, and finally we understand the inevitable flow of cannabis from him to his younger siblings.
  • (6) She describes her insecurities: her high forehead (as a teenager, she longed to look like Doris Day, but everyone said she looked like Amelia Earhart, who she thought looked like Dwight Eisenhower); the bump in her nose, which she tried to fix by sleeping with a clothes peg on it; her sunken eyes; and, her greatest bugbear, her hair – thin, lank, flyaway.
  • (7) Adherent LANK cells proliferated rapidly and closely resembled NK cells in their morphology, cytotoxic reactivity, and surface marker expression.
  • (8) The present study extends our previous observation (Kasambalides and Lanks, J.
  • (9) Mice with severe combined immunodeficiency (scid) were used to generate adherent LANK cells to define the role of T cells in LANK cell development.
  • (10) If some greasy, lank-haired French lad called Didier came and stayed in your house when you were 11, wearing his rucksack on his front, you are pretty much guaranteed to vote "non" on the big day.
  • (11) Anything that can make a superstar of a lank-haired, slighly gauche enthusiast such as Moore has to have some cultural interest.
  • (12) The image-analyzing system described in the companion paper (Thorén and Lanke, 1989) is considered from a statistical point of view.
  • (13) Scid lymphocytes responded to IL-2 by becoming adherent LANK cells with potent NK-like activity, suggesting that soluble lymphokines other than IL-2 that may have been produced by T cells were not required for the generation of LANK cell activity in mice.
  • (14) The once-imposing spin doctor looks terrible – cheeks hollowed, jeans unfilled, hair lank, a tube inserted into his stomach to feed him – but is talking with such tenderness, such love and hope.
  • (15) This is a rather surprising turn of events, considering that Boyd, a lank-haired midfielder, was reported to be in talks with Crystal Palace this time yesterday after the two clubs had agreed terms over the transfer.
  • (16) The rice flour and salt packet together cost Sri Lanka Rs 1.50 (US$0.06), which is significantly less than the glucose based ORS, which costs Sri Lanks Rs 5.00 (US$0.20).
  • (17) A cartoon published in 1904 , during the height of a contentious campaign to eradicate smallpox, shows the celebrated Brazilian public health pioneer Oswaldo Cruz combing degenerate slum dwellers out of the lank hair of an ugly head labelled “ favella ”.
  • (18) This is the second report of listeriosis in Sri Lanke.