What's the difference between animal and traction?



  • (n.) An organized living being endowed with sensation and the power of voluntary motion, and also characterized by taking its food into an internal cavity or stomach for digestion; by giving carbonic acid to the air and taking oxygen in the process of respiration; and by increasing in motive power or active aggressive force with progress to maturity.
  • (n.) One of the lower animals; a brute or beast, as distinguished from man; as, men and animals.
  • (a.) Of or relating to animals; as, animal functions.
  • (a.) Pertaining to the merely sentient part of a creature, as distinguished from the intellectual, rational, or spiritual part; as, the animal passions or appetites.
  • (a.) Consisting of the flesh of animals; as, animal food.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) These variants may serve as useful gene markers in alcohol research involving animal model studies with inbred strains in mice.
  • (2) This trend appeared to reverse itself in the low dose animals after 3 hr, whereas in the high dose group, cardiac output continued to decline.
  • (3) It is supposed that delta-sleep peptide along with other oligopeptides is one of the factors determining individual animal resistance to emotional stress, which is supported by significant delta-sleep peptide increase in hypothalamus in stable rats.
  • (4) The animals were sacrificed every 12 hr from D12.0 through D17.0.
  • (5) Nutritionally rehabilitated animals had similar numbers of nucleoli to control rats.
  • (6) After two weeks all animals were killed and autopsies of the animals were performed.
  • (7) Spectrophotometric determination of the sulfhydryl content in the animal tissue before (control) and after using 6,6'-Dithiodinicotinic acid is applied.
  • (8) When chimeric animals were subjected to a lethal challenge of endotoxin, their response was markedly altered by the transferred lymphoid cells.
  • (9) Increased dietary protein intake led to increased MDA per nephron, increased urinary excretion of MDA, and increased MDA per milligram protein in subtotally nephrectomized animals, and markedly increased the glutathione redox ratio.
  • (10) Measurement of the intraspinal monoamine level revealed a decrease in the intraspinal norepinephrine level in the treated animals.
  • (11) Pretraining consumption did not predict (among animals) post-training consumption.
  • (12) A group I subset (six animals), for which predominant cultivable microbiota was described, had a mean GI of 2.4.
  • (13) As the percentage of rabbit feed is very small compared to the bulk of animal feeds, there is a fair chance that rabbit feed will be contaminated with constituents (additives) of batches previously prepared for other animals.
  • (14) Using mini-pigs with an indwelling vascular catheter, the pharmacokinetics of chloramphenicol were investigated in healthy and liver-damaged animals.
  • (15) Tests showed the cells survive and function normally in animals and reverse movement problems caused by Parkinson's in monkeys.
  • (16) Neuroleptics (chlorpromazine, reserpine and haloperidol) had not such an influence, though they somewhat increased the general activity of the animals.
  • (17) To examine the central nervous system regulation of duodenal bicarbonate secretion, an animal model was developed that allowed cerebroventricular and intravenous injections as well as collection of duodenal perfusates in awake, freely moving rats.
  • (18) Since 1987, it has become possible to obtain immature ova from the living animal and to let them mature, fertilize and develop into embryos capable of transplantation outside the body.
  • (19) In the present investigation we monitored the incorporation of [14C] from [U-14C]glucose into various rat brain glycolytic intermediates of conscious and pentobarbital-anesthetized animals.
  • (20) In animal experiments pharmacological properties of the low molecular weight heparin derivative CY 216 were determined.



  • (n.) The act of drawing, or the state of being drawn; as, the traction of a muscle.
  • (n.) Specifically, the act of drawing a body along a plane by motive power, as the drawing of a carriage by men or horses, the towing of a boat by a tug.
  • (n.) Attraction; a drawing toward.
  • (n.) The adhesive friction of a wheel on a rail, a rope on a pulley, or the like.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) After 3-5 days of side-arm traction, swelling had usually diminished sufficiently to allow the elbow to be safely hyperflexed to stabilize the fracture after elective closed reduction.
  • (2) The effects exerted on the cervical spine by a traction of 150 N was studied by means of an improved radiographic technique.
  • (3) The tractional resistance carried out on the laminate fronts where a treatment of only silane and resin of connection was applied, was greater where the treatment of silane was employed.
  • (4) Although the entire cohort of neck patients, regardless of group assignment, improved significantly on all the outcome variables over the 6-week period, patients receiving intermittent traction performed significantly better than those assigned to the no traction group in terms of pain (P = 0.03), forward flexion (P = 0.01), right rotation (P = 0.004) and left rotation (P = 0.05).
  • (5) In a group of 35 patients with cervical painful syndromes due to degenerative changes the authors applied traction treatment together with pharmacological agents.
  • (6) To avoid the complications attributable to the cervical spine, we recommend roentgenographic examination in all neurofibromatosis patients who are about to have general anesthesia or skull traction for treatment of scoliosis.
  • (7) Traction spurs with segmental hypermobility were found more commonly at the L4-5 level in patients whose spines were not fused, particularly women.
  • (8) Eight macerated human child skulls with a dental age of approximately 9.5 years (mixed dentition) were consecutively subjected to an experimental standardized high-pull headgear traction system attached to the maxilla at the first permanent molar area via an immovable acrylic resin splint covering all teeth.
  • (9) Kirschner improved the wire traction procedure decisevely.
  • (10) The pair arrived back in the office shortly before 6pm, as reports that the incident was a terrorist attack began to gain traction.
  • (11) The procedure consists of a Kirschner wire used as the means of traction on the remaining soft tissue of the lower lip, using the upper teeth or pyriform aperture bone as remote fixed points for tissue traction.
  • (12) Normal neck-shaft angle accounted to 53.1% in the traction group.
  • (13) Most arteries follow a straight course because they are stretched by longitudinal traction.
  • (14) Postoperatively, the patient is placed in traction for a time and then is allowed to walk with non-weight-bearing.
  • (15) It was also recorded that patients with edematous fibroplastic process in the central zone accompanied by vitreoretinal tractions often develop equatorial dystrophies, this being a risk factor of retinal detachment.
  • (16) Peroneal nerve traction does not result in abnormalities of the dorsalis pedis pulse, pain on passive muscle stretch or a tense anterior tibial compartment.
  • (17) It is concluded that the coefficient of limiting friction obtained during full-sole contact with the floor is a suitable means of distinguishing between tractional qualities of shoes.
  • (18) Patients with a femoral neck fracture often undergo skeletal traction until surgery.
  • (19) Retinal traction can be counteracted by the oil up to a calculated threshold value, depending on the size and shape of the tear, the strength of the surface tension and, most importantly, the distance between the retina and choroid.
  • (20) An area of translucence around a dense zone, appearing more clearly with traction, is suspicious.