What's the difference between announcement and notification?



  • (n.) The act of announcing, or giving notice; that which announces; proclamation; publication.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Chapter one Announcement of the Islamic Caliphate The announcement of the renewal of the caliphate in Iraq in the year 1427AH [2006] was the arbiter between division and separation as well as the glory of the Muslims.
  • (2) Paradoxically, each tax holiday increases the need for the next, because companies start holding ever greater amounts of their tax offshore in the expectation that the next Republican government will announce a new one.
  • (3) There will be no statutory inquiry or independent review into the notorious clash between police and miners at Orgreave on 18 June 1984 , the home secretary, Amber Rudd, has announced.
  • (4) Of the five committees asked to develop bills, four have completed their work, and the Senate Finance Committee announced today that it will move forward next week.
  • (5) Cameron also used the speech to lambast one of the central announcements in the budget - raising the top rate of tax for people earning more than £150,000 to 50p from next year.
  • (6) It has announced a four-stage programme of reforms that will tackle most of these stubborn and longstanding problems, including Cinderella issues such as how energy companies treat their small business customers.
  • (7) Last week the WHO said the outbreak had reached a critical point, and announced a $200m (£120m) emergency fund.
  • (8) As James said in Friday’s announcement, his goal was to win championships, and in Miami he was able to reach the NBA Finals every year.
  • (9) The PUP leader told the ABC his announcement would have international significance.
  • (10) The green fund contributions already announced (which include a $3bn pledge by the US and a $1.5bn pledge by Japan revealed during the G20 summit) “show very clearly that if we want the emerging countries and the more fragile countries to participate in this global growth, we have to ... support them,” Hollande said.
  • (11) The announcement on feed-in tariffs will be welcomed by Labour backbenchers, who staged the biggest revolt of Gordon Brown's leadership over the issue.
  • (12) I haven't had to face anyone like the man who threatened to call the police when he decided his card had been cloned after sharing three bottles of wine with his wife, or the drunk woman who became violent and announced that she was a solicitor who was going to get this fucking place shut down – two customers Andrew had to deal with on the same night.
  • (13) The decision, announced earlier this week, will see the region’s libraries reduced from 51 branches to 35.
  • (14) Three Labour MPs and a Tory peer will be charged with false accounting in relation to their parliamentary expenses, it was announced today.
  • (15) The arrival on Monday was another first for the two countries since Barack Obama and Cuban President Raúl Castro announced a historic rapprochement in December 2014, and comes weeks after Obama’s visit to the Caribbean island.
  • (16) What about the "credit easing" George Osborne announced in his conference speech?
  • (17) The announcement of Dame Helen Ghosh's departure from the top job at the Home Office the morning after the Olympics is likely to leave Whitehall looking "maler and paler".
  • (18) "We knew people would be interested in the announcement, but it's fair to say that the scale of the excitement, right across the world, took us all by surprise.
  • (19) The joint Premier League leaders announced the 21-year-old, who can play in central midfield or at right-back, had signed a contract until 2020.
  • (20) Last month Walsall council announced it would close 15 of its 16 libraries, and residents told the Guardian they stood to lose vital community spaces as well as reading resources.



  • (n.) The act of notifying, or giving notice; the act of making known; especially, the act of giving official notice or information to the public or to individuals, corporations, companies, or societies, by words, by writing, or by other means.
  • (n.) Notice given in words or writing, or by signs.
  • (n.) The writing which communicates information; an advertisement, or citation, etc.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) These findings indicated that notifications from the clinic were being made in accordance with internationally accepted practice.
  • (2) A survey of all notifications of tuberculosis in children (aged less than 15 years) in England and Wales in 1983 showed a decline of 35% in the estimated annual number of previously untreated children notified since the previous survey in 1978-9.
  • (3) To have a blanket rule of pre-notification really concerns me in terms of the crucial importance for journalists to go out there and investigate wrongdoing," he said.
  • (4) Of these 361 notifications, 59 (16%) patients have had concurrent mycobacterial infection.
  • (5) For these 578 cases there were 884 notifications coming principally from the control services of the Social Security and public hospitals.
  • (6) The EAW is one of 35 measures the government is seeking to opt back into after having opted out of a raft of more than 100 EU policies relating to justice and home affairs last year, when Cameron wrote to the EU council presidency to give formal notification of the government’s intention to exercise the block opt-out.
  • (7) However, she was also clear that she was sticking to the mantra of the EU27 when it came to Brexit – that there would be no negotiation without notification , even on the issue of EU citizens.
  • (8) Accidents were identified using the notification system from accident and emergency departments to health visitors.
  • (9) Cases were selected from notifications of tuberculosis and controls were selected from child health or school health records in 14 English health districts.
  • (10) In 1990, the Norwegian Directorate of Health recommended that victims of rape and violence all over the country--independent of police notification--be offered a medical and a medico-legal examination and follow-up.
  • (11) Accurate notification of the underlying cause of death and associated diseases is required for the precise monitoring of trends in mortality from AIDS and possible identification of unrecognised conditions associated with HIV infection.
  • (12) The Paediatric Association is not in favor of a central registry or any form of notification, and decisions should not be delegated to ethical committees.
  • (13) On Wednesday, the director of the charity said the US military did not give prior notification of the airstrike, in an apparent violation of the Pentagon’s own instructions on the rules of war.
  • (14) Central Command also said at the time Iran had provided only 23 minutes of advance notification of its intention to fire rockets.
  • (15) They have only introduced about half of the national standard … it’s bloody incredible.” Harris and others pushed for Western Australia to copy New South Wales, which has had a mandatory custody notification scheme since 2000.
  • (16) Evaluation of the official notifications from 1971 to 1983 shows that viral disease represented only 2.7% of the diseases with public health impact in Transkei, and that measles and poliomyelitis are prevalent.
  • (17) The Aboriginal Legal Service in New South Wales has a 24-hour custody notification service – a measure recommended by the 1991 royal commission but enacted in no other states or territories.
  • (18) However, cancer screening and risk notification might have adverse psychologic and social consequences as well.
  • (19) The much greater reduction in the rate of decline in the Indian ethnic group is due to the substantial decline between the surveys in the proportion of recent immigrants, the group with the highest annual notification rate, in that population.
  • (20) Extrapulmonary tuberculosis (TB) remains a major health problem in Australia, with 24.3% of all new tuberculosis notifications in 1984 of extrapulmonary origin.