What's the difference between announcement and report?



  • (n.) The act of announcing, or giving notice; that which announces; proclamation; publication.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Chapter one Announcement of the Islamic Caliphate The announcement of the renewal of the caliphate in Iraq in the year 1427AH [2006] was the arbiter between division and separation as well as the glory of the Muslims.
  • (2) Paradoxically, each tax holiday increases the need for the next, because companies start holding ever greater amounts of their tax offshore in the expectation that the next Republican government will announce a new one.
  • (3) There will be no statutory inquiry or independent review into the notorious clash between police and miners at Orgreave on 18 June 1984 , the home secretary, Amber Rudd, has announced.
  • (4) Of the five committees asked to develop bills, four have completed their work, and the Senate Finance Committee announced today that it will move forward next week.
  • (5) Cameron also used the speech to lambast one of the central announcements in the budget - raising the top rate of tax for people earning more than £150,000 to 50p from next year.
  • (6) It has announced a four-stage programme of reforms that will tackle most of these stubborn and longstanding problems, including Cinderella issues such as how energy companies treat their small business customers.
  • (7) Last week the WHO said the outbreak had reached a critical point, and announced a $200m (£120m) emergency fund.
  • (8) As James said in Friday’s announcement, his goal was to win championships, and in Miami he was able to reach the NBA Finals every year.
  • (9) The PUP leader told the ABC his announcement would have international significance.
  • (10) The green fund contributions already announced (which include a $3bn pledge by the US and a $1.5bn pledge by Japan revealed during the G20 summit) “show very clearly that if we want the emerging countries and the more fragile countries to participate in this global growth, we have to ... support them,” Hollande said.
  • (11) The announcement on feed-in tariffs will be welcomed by Labour backbenchers, who staged the biggest revolt of Gordon Brown's leadership over the issue.
  • (12) I haven't had to face anyone like the man who threatened to call the police when he decided his card had been cloned after sharing three bottles of wine with his wife, or the drunk woman who became violent and announced that she was a solicitor who was going to get this fucking place shut down – two customers Andrew had to deal with on the same night.
  • (13) The decision, announced earlier this week, will see the region’s libraries reduced from 51 branches to 35.
  • (14) Three Labour MPs and a Tory peer will be charged with false accounting in relation to their parliamentary expenses, it was announced today.
  • (15) The arrival on Monday was another first for the two countries since Barack Obama and Cuban President Raúl Castro announced a historic rapprochement in December 2014, and comes weeks after Obama’s visit to the Caribbean island.
  • (16) What about the "credit easing" George Osborne announced in his conference speech?
  • (17) The announcement of Dame Helen Ghosh's departure from the top job at the Home Office the morning after the Olympics is likely to leave Whitehall looking "maler and paler".
  • (18) "We knew people would be interested in the announcement, but it's fair to say that the scale of the excitement, right across the world, took us all by surprise.
  • (19) The joint Premier League leaders announced the 21-year-old, who can play in central midfield or at right-back, had signed a contract until 2020.
  • (20) Last month Walsall council announced it would close 15 of its 16 libraries, and residents told the Guardian they stood to lose vital community spaces as well as reading resources.



  • (v. t.) To refer.
  • (v. t.) To bring back, as an answer; to announce in return; to relate, as what has been discovered by a person sent to examine, explore, or investigate; as, a messenger reports to his employer what he has seen or ascertained; the committee reported progress.
  • (v. t.) To give an account of; to relate; to tell; to circulate publicly, as a story; as, in the common phrase, it is reported.
  • (v. t.) To give an official account or statement of; as, a treasurer reports the receipts and expenditures.
  • (v. t.) To return or repeat, as sound; to echo.
  • (v. t.) To return or present as the result of an examination or consideration of any matter officially referred; as, the committee reported the bill witth amendments, or reported a new bill, or reported the results of an inquiry.
  • (v. t.) To make minutes of, as a speech, or the doings of a public body; to write down from the lips of a speaker.
  • (v. t.) To write an account of for publication, as in a newspaper; as, to report a public celebration or a horse race.
  • (v. t.) To make a statement of the conduct of, especially in an unfavorable sense; as, to report a servant to his employer.
  • (v. i.) To make a report, or response, in respect of a matter inquired of, a duty enjoined, or information expected; as, the committee will report at twelve o'clock.
  • (v. i.) To furnish in writing an account of a speech, the proceedings at a meeting, the particulars of an occurrence, etc., for publication.
  • (v. i.) To present one's self, as to a superior officer, or to one to whom service is due, and to be in readiness for orders or to do service; also, to give information, as of one's address, condition, etc.; as, the officer reported to the general for duty; to report weekly by letter.
  • (v. t.) That which is reported.
  • (v. t.) An account or statement of the results of examination or inquiry made by request or direction; relation.
  • (v. t.) A story or statement circulating by common talk; a rumor; hence, fame; repute; reputation.
  • (v. t.) Sound; noise; as, the report of a pistol or cannon.
  • (v. t.) An official statement of facts, verbal or written; especially, a statement in writing of proceedings and facts exhibited by an officer to his superiors; as, the reports of the heads af departments to Congress, of a master in chancery to the court, of committees to a legislative body, and the like.
  • (v. t.) An account or statement of a judicial opinion or decision, or of case argued and determined in a court of law, chancery, etc.; also, in the plural, the volumes containing such reports; as, Coke's Reports.
  • (v. t.) A sketch, or a fully written account, of a speech, debate, or the proceedings of a public meeting, legislative body, etc.
  • (v. t.) Rapport; relation; connection; reference.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) A report is presented of 6 surgically-treated cases of recurrent cervical carcinoma.
  • (2) Here we report that sperm from psr males fertilizes eggs, but that the paternal chromosomes are subsequently condensed into a chromatin mass before the first mitotic division of the egg and do not participate in further divisions.
  • (3) Guillain Barré syndrome following herpes zoster is rare and only 25 cases have been reported to date.
  • (4) "Zayani reportedly cited the political sensitivity of naturalising Sunni expatriates and wanted to avoid provoking the opposition," the embassy said.
  • (5) These results indicated that the PG determination was the most accurate predictor of fetal lung well-being prior to birth among the clinical tests so far reported.
  • (6) Since MIRD Committee has not published "S" values for Tl-200 and Tl-202, these have been calculated by a computer code and are reported.
  • (7) This study compares the mortality of U.S. white males with that of Swedish males who have had the highest reported male life expectancies in the world since the early 1960s.
  • (8) In this article we report the survival and morbidity rates for all live-born infants weighing 501 to 1000 gram at birth and born to residents of a defined geographic region from 1977 to 1980 (n = 255) compared with 1981 to 1984 (n = 266).
  • (9) Only 81 cases are reported in the international literature.
  • (10) Because cystine in medium was converted rapidly to cysteine and cysteinyl-NAC in the presence of NAC and given that cysteine has a higher affinity for uptake by EC than cystine, we conclude that the enhanced uptake of radioactivity was in the form of cysteine and at least part of the stimulatory effect of NAC on EC glutathione was due to a formation of cysteine by a mixed disulfide reaction of NAC with cystine similar to that previously reported for Chinese hamster ovarian cells (R. D. Issels et al.
  • (11) In contrast to previous reports, these tumours were more malignant than osteosarcomas and showed a five-year survival rate of only 4-2 per cent.
  • (12) The data from this experience as well as others previously reported can yield prognostic indicators of survival in cases of accidental hypothermia.
  • (13) This scintigraphic localization of osteomyelitis seldom has been reported.
  • (14) Confined placental chorionic mosaicism is reported in 2% of viable pregnancies cytogenetically analyzed on chorionic villi samplings (CVS) at 9-12 weeks of gestation.
  • (15) report the complications registered, in particular: lead's displacing 6.2%, run away 0.7%, marked hyperthermya 0.0%, haemorrage 0.4%, wound dehiscence 0.3%, asectic necrosis by decubitus 5%, septic necrosis 0.3%, perforation of the heart 0.2%, pulmonary embolism 0.1%.
  • (16) The purpose of the present study was to report on remaining teeth and periodontal conditions in a population of 200 adolescent and adult Vietnamese refugees.
  • (17) We report a series of experiments designed to determine if agents and conditions that have been reported to alter sodium reabsorption, Na-K-ATPase activity or cellular structure in the rat distal nephron might also regulate the density or affinity of binding of 3H-metolazone to the putative thiazide receptor in the distal nephron.
  • (18) A total of 104 evaluable patients 20-90 years old treated by direct vision internal urethrotomy a.m. Sachse for urethral strictures reported retrospectively via a questionnaire their sexual potency before and after internal urethrotomy.
  • (19) We present these cases and review the previously reported cases.
  • (20) The fate of the inhibited fungus is the subject of this report.