(n.) To speak in defense against; to reply to in defense; as, to answer a charge; to answer an accusation.
(n.) To speak or write in return to, as in return to a call or question, or to a speech, declaration, argument, or the like; to reply to (a question, remark, etc.); to respond to.
(n.) To respond to satisfactorily; to meet successfully by way of explanation, argument, or justification, and the like; to refute.
(n.) To be or act in return or response to.
(n.) To be or act in compliance with, in fulfillment or satisfaction of, as an order, obligation, demand; as, he answered my claim upon him; the servant answered the bell.
(n.) To render account to or for.
(n.) To atone; to be punished for.
(n.) To be opposite to; to face.
(n.) To be or act an equivalent to, or as adequate or sufficient for; to serve for; to repay.
(n.) To be or act in accommodation, conformity, relation, or proportion to; to correspond to; to suit.
(v. i.) To speak or write by way of return (originally, to a charge), or in reply; to make response.
(v. i.) To make a satisfactory response or return.
(v. i.) To render account, or to be responsible; to be accountable; to make amends; as, the man must answer to his employer for the money intrusted to his care.
(v. i.) To be or act in return.
(v. i.) To be or act by way of compliance, fulfillment, reciprocation, or satisfaction; to serve the purpose; as, gypsum answers as a manure on some soils.
(v. i.) To be opposite, or to act in opposition.
(v. i.) To be or act as an equivalent, or as adequate or sufficient; as, a very few will answer.
(v. i.) To be or act in conformity, or by way of accommodation, correspondence, relation, or proportion; to conform; to correspond; to suit; -- usually with to.
(n.) A reply to a change; a defense.
(n.) Something said or written in reply to a question, a call, an argument, an address, or the like; a reply.
(n.) Something done in return for, or in consequence of, something else; a responsive action.
(n.) A solution, the result of a mathematical operation; as, the answer to a problem.
(n.) A counter-statement of facts in a course of pleadings; a confutation of what the other party has alleged; a responsive declaration by a witness in reply to a question. In Equity, it is the usual form of defense to the complainant's charges in his bill.
Example Sentences:
(1) Renal arteriography is therefore alone capable of answering two primordial questions: "Must surgery be undertaken and when operating, what surgical tactics to adopt".
(2) The accumulated evidence would strongly favor an affirmative answer.
(3) What if the court of justice refuses to answer the question?
(4) I think we are still trying to understand all that and I think that fits under the broader topic of social licence and what bringing in automation to an area does to that region as a whole, which we don’t quite know yet.” Could carbon farming be the answer for a 'clapped-out' Australia?
(5) Prior studies have provided conflicting answers to this question in part because they failed to agree on how the force of sexual selection should or could be operationalized.
(6) It’s not like there’s a simple answer.” Vassilopoulos said: “The media is all about entertainment.” “I don’t think they sell too many papers or get too many advertisements because of their coverage of income inequality,” said Calvert.
(7) The breakdown of answers to both questions revealed a significant partisan divide depending on people’s voting intention, with Labor supporters much more likely than Coalition backers to see the commission as a political attack and Heydon as conflicted.
(8) In conclusion it should be stated that there is some evidence for at least two defects of cellular immunity associated with AIDS and to some extent, with AIDS-endangered homosexuals suffering from lymphadenopathy: first the defect of PMNL to answer to concanavalin A with increased metabolic activity, and secondly the defect of PMNL to start phagocytosis induced by Zymosan with a subsequent release of oxygen radicals which are measurable as chemiluminescence.
(9) The HIV-1-positive cohort answered more questions correctly (mean = 8.5) than did the HIV-1-negative cohort (mean = 6.5), largely as a result of general information about AIDS among those with steady sexual partners.
(10) Eavis, of course, is not a man who takes "no chance" for an answer.
(11) Answer, citing Edmund Burke: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” This is a very British suicide.
(12) The survey takes roughly 8 minutes to complete and all answers are confidential.
(13) We've brought on two experts to answer your questions from 1-2pm BST in the comment thread on this article.
(14) She said since then HMRC had created the largest virtual call centre in the world that enabled 20,000 HMRC staff to answer calls at any one time.
(15) The answer comes down to Chalabi's considerable skill in elite manoeuvring.
(16) Morrison and Operation Sovereign Borders commander Lieutenant General Angus Campbell continued to insist that their refusal to answer questions about “on water matters” was essential to meet the overriding goal of stopping asylum seeker boats, and said from now on such briefings on the policy would be held when needed, rather than every week because the “establishment phase” had finished.
(17) Hinton wrote that the answers he gave in 2007 were "sincere" and "comprehensive" and that he declined to appear.
(18) Back to my favourite Tunisian poet: “If, one day, a people desire to live, then fate will answer their call.
(19) As far as the subjective experience of children is concerned, analysis of the answers of a total of 1200 primary school children (answers classified by sex, age and period of outdoor school) proved the primary correlation with age and thus also with the level of adaptation mechanisms.
(20) Recognizing that the genesis and development of the disease process are extremely complex and the basic knowledge is limited, it is not likely that conclusive answers to questions will be forthcoming soon which will provide more effective preventive or therapeutic measures.
(n.) That which is taught or authoritatively set forth; precept; instruction; dogma.
(n.) An example for instruction or warning.
(n.) An original or official paper relied upon as the basis, proof, or support of anything else; -- in its most extended sense, including any writing, book, or other instrument conveying information in the case; any material substance on which the thoughts of men are represented by any species of conventional mark or symbol.
(v. t.) To teach; to school.
(v. t.) To furnish with documents or papers necessary to establish facts or give information; as, a a ship should be documented according to the directions of law.
Example Sentences:
(1) By presenting the case history of a man who successively developed facial and trigeminal neural dysfunction after Mohs chemosurgery of a PCSCC, this paper documents histologically the occurrence of such neural invasion, and illustrates the utility of gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance scanning in patient management.
(2) Nine of 14 patients studied for documented clinical relapse had positive repeat studies.
(3) Tumor shrinkage was documented by A-scan ultrasonography in all but one patient.
(4) The performance characteristics of the CCD are well documented and understood, having been quantified by many experimenters, especially in the physical sciences.
(5) Of the 594 patients, 23.7% died and 38.7% had documented inhalation injury.
(6) There have been numerous documented cases of people being forced to seek hospital treatment after eating meat contaminated with high concentrations of clenbuterol.
(7) The patients were classified into two groups according to the presence (n = 166) or absence (n = 176) of documented episodes of atrial fibrillation preoperatively.
(8) In documents due to be published by the bank, it will signal a need to shed costs from a business that employs 10,000 people as it scrambles to return to profit.
(9) Four of the five ectopic pregnancies occurred in patients with previously documented tubal pathology.
(10) They more precisely delineate the hazard identification process and the factors important in supporting risk decisions for developmental toxicants than does any other document.
(11) The present study was done in order to document the ability of the eighth cranial nerve of the bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) to regenerate, the anatomic characteristics of the regenerated fibers, and the specificity of projections from individual endorgan branches of the nerve.
(12) Keep it in the ground campaign Though they draw on completely different archives, leaked documents, and interviews with ex-employees, they reach the same damning conclusion: Exxon knew all that there was to know about climate change decades ago, and instead of alerting the rest of us denied the science and obstructed the politics of global warming.
(13) On Friday, a spokesperson for China’s foreign ministry appeared to confirm those fears, telling reporters that the joint declaration, a deal negotiated by London and Beijing guaranteeing Hong Kong’s way of life for 50 years, “was a historical document that no longer had any practical significance”.
(14) New studies have documented otolaryngologic abnormalities.
(15) 83 well documented cases of amoebic hepatic abscess, treated in the Philippines between 1967 and 1975, are presented with a view to showing the results of 3 different methods of management and comparing the diagnostic accuracy and overall mortality in 2 separate groups.
(16) These data support a modest role for alpha 1-adrenergic coronary vasoconstriction during exercise but fail to document an additional role for postsynaptic alpha 2-adrenergic coronary vasoconstriction during exercise.
(17) A retrospective review of 388 patients who presented to the Mayo Clinic for treatment of endometrial carcinoma between 1979 and 1983 was performed and the surgical and pathologic observations were documented.
(18) However, the effect of prior jaw motion and the effect of the recording site on the EMG amplitudes and on the vertical dimension of minimum EMG activity have not been documented.
(19) The frequency of spontaneously occurring mutants resistant to 0.5, 1, 2, 4 and 8 micrograms of temafloxacin or ciprofloxacin per milliliter was documented with four Staphylococcus aureus and four Staphylococcus epidermidis strains.
(20) Documents seen by the Guardian show that blood supplies for one fiscal year were paid for by donations from America’s Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) and Britain’s Department for International Development (DfID) – and both countries have imposed economic sanctions against the Syrian government.