What's the difference between antelope and pronghorn?



  • (n.) One of a group of ruminant quadrupeds, intermediate between the deer and the goat. The horns are usually annulated, or ringed. There are many species in Africa and Asia.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Species whose embryos have been successfully preserved include mouse, rat, rabbit, sheep, goat, cattle, horse, antelope, baboon, and human.
  • (2) Dik-dik antelopes lost about 50% more heat evaporatively when exposed to the sun compared to the shade at an ambient temperature (Ta) of 28 degrees C or a Ta of 40 degrees C in a climatic chamber.
  • (3) The maintenance crude protein (CP) requirements of subadult nilgai antelope (Boselaphus tragocamelus) were determined by nitrogen balance.
  • (4) The course of experimental infection of a type SAT 1 FMDV strain was studied in buffalo, sable antelope and eland following tongue inoculation and contact and has been compared with that in cattle.
  • (5) The Antelope Valley Hospital Medical Center Family Practice Program has initiated an innovative project which involves residents serving as team physicians for local college athletic teams.
  • (6) Proteinaceous extracts of deer and antelope antlers and bovine and rhinoceros horn were prepared by solubilizing 10 mg of horn sample in 200 microL of a solution containing 12M urea, 74mM Trizma base, and 78mM dithiothreitol (DTT).
  • (7) This report describes a study of goiter in a nondomesticated bovine species, bongo antelope (Tragelaphus eurycerus), an African bovid.
  • (8) The Antelope on Mitcham Road has a choice of three open fires where you can affix your undergarments.
  • (9) Twelve species of ixodid ticks were recovered; the antelope each harboured 9 species and the hares 11.
  • (10) Animal species included black-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus columbianus), mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus), sika deer (Cervus nippon nippon), fallow deer (Dama dama), and pronghorn antelope (Antilocapra americana).
  • (11) Alkaline phosphatase values in the 4 cervid species were higher than in the pronghorn antelope.
  • (12) He suffered several injuries in the crash and was being treated at Antelope Valley hospital, the sheriff’s office said in a statement.
  • (13) A trio of antelope species found in Africa are also now near threatened for the same reason.
  • (14) These DNA probes distinguish among deer, elk, and antelope, although not between different species of deer.
  • (15) Under controlled conditions, the rate of oxygen consumption (VO2) respiratory frequency, evaporative water loss, heat balance, rectal (Trec) and surface temperatures were determined in the dik-dik antelopes at ambient temperatures (Ta) ranging from 1 to 44 degrees C. 2.
  • (16) The parasite was recovered from the subdural space of one reindeer and was seen histologically within the neuropil of another reindeer and a sable antelope.
  • (17) Eagle-eyed viewers noticed that two male antelopes in last year’s Zootopia – which won the best animation Oscar at the 2017 awards – shared a double-barrelled surname, but their exact relationship was never made explicit.
  • (18) ), tule elk (Cervus elaphus nannodes), Roosevelt elk (C. e. roosevelti), pronghorn antelope (Antilocapra americana), California bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis californiana), Peninsular bighorn sheep (O. c. cremnobates) and desert bighorn sheep (O. c. nelsoni) and analyzed them for agar gel precipitating (AGP) antibodies to bluetongue (BT) virus (BTV).
  • (19) In addition, blood from 36 of the above antelope and from a further 48 buffalo was inoculated into rodents to test for the presence of trypanosomes.
  • (20) A 10-week-old, black buck antelope calf, from the Mesker Park Zoo in Evansville, Indiana was found dead without observed signs of illness.



  • (n.) An American antelope (Antilocapra Americana), native of the plain near the Rocky Mountains. The upper parts are mostly yellowish brown; the under parts, the sides of the head and throat, and the buttocks, are white. The horny sheath of the horns is shed annually. Called also cabree, cabut, prongbuck, and pronghorned antelope.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Animal species included black-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus columbianus), mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus), sika deer (Cervus nippon nippon), fallow deer (Dama dama), and pronghorn antelope (Antilocapra americana).
  • (2) Alkaline phosphatase values in the 4 cervid species were higher than in the pronghorn antelope.
  • (3) Differential white blood cell counts for the white-tailed deer were markedly different from those of the pronghorn and bison.
  • (4) These two pronghorns exhibited a 0.5% or higher A. ovis parasitemia within 48 days after exposure, and an anaplasmosis-positive serological response 91 days after exposure.
  • (5) In 17 pronghorn examined postmortem, hemorrhages and edema were the most common gross pathologic changes.
  • (6) ), tule elk (Cervus elaphus nannodes), Roosevelt elk (C. e. roosevelti), pronghorn antelope (Antilocapra americana), California bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis californiana), Peninsular bighorn sheep (O. c. cremnobates) and desert bighorn sheep (O. c. nelsoni) and analyzed them for agar gel precipitating (AGP) antibodies to bluetongue (BT) virus (BTV).
  • (7) Exposure of pronghorns (Antilocapra americana) in western Nebraska in 1983 to selected livestock pathogens was examined by serology and attempted virus isolation.
  • (8) Chronic or intermittent diarrhea was observed in most individuals in two groups of hand-raised 1- to 8-mo-old pronghorns.
  • (9) In August and September 1984, another BT epizootic occurred in northeastern Wyoming resulting in 300 known pronghorn deaths.
  • (10) Nasal secretions, leukocytes and preputial or vaginal swabs from a group of 15 captive wild ruminants, comprising six pronghorn antelope (Antilocapra americana), seven fallow deer (Dama dama) and two mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus), and from 50 free-ranging pronghorns in southern Alberta, were examined for viral agents.
  • (11) Blood samples were collected from captive and free-ranging elk (Cervus canadensis), mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus), white-tailed deer, (Odocoileus virginianus), black-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus columbianus), pronghorn (Antilocapra americana), moose (Alces alces), and bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) for cultural evidence of Trypanosoma sp.
  • (12) Pancreatic ribonuclease from pronghorn (Antilocapra americana) was isolated and its amino acid sequence was determined from a tryptic digest of the performic acid-oxidized protein.
  • (13) Blood from the infected pronghorns produced disease in four splenectomized sheep.
  • (14) Gross and histologic lesions were observed in the large muscles of the hindlimbs of most affected pronghorns.
  • (15) Chlamydial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) agglutinated mouse and rabbit erythrocytes but not human, guinea pig, or pronghorn antelope erythrocytes.
  • (16) Bluetongue virus serotype 17 was isolated from pronghorn in both epizootics.
  • (17) The X chromosomes of the male pronghorn (Antilocapra americana) is larger than the "original" type and carries a large segment of late-labelling chromatin.
  • (18) In a most parsimonius tree of pancreatic ribonucleases, pronghorn and giraffe were placed together and these two were placed with the bovids, leaving the deer as a taxon separate from the other ruminants.
  • (19) Free-ranging pronghorns were sampled only once, at the time of capture.
  • (20) Trophozoites and cysts of an amoeba resembling Entamoeba bovis were recovered from soft stools of captive pronghorn fawns (Antilocapra americana).

Words possibly related to "pronghorn"