What's the difference between antenna and intuitive?



  • (n.) A movable, articulated organ of sensation, attached to the heads of insects and Crustacea. There are two in the former, and usually four in the latter. They are used as organs of touch, and in some species of Crustacea the cavity of the ear is situated near the basal joint. In insects, they are popularly called horns, and also feelers. The term in also applied to similar organs on the heads of other arthropods and of annelids.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Since the employment of microwave energy for defrosting biological tissues and for microwave-aided diagnosis in cryosurgery is very promising, the problem of ensuring the match between the contact antennas (applicators) and the frozen biological object has become a pressing one.
  • (2) Animals continued to display escape responses after removal of eyestalks and antennae.
  • (3) In all cases, the antennas were omnidirectional co-linear arrays.
  • (4) Cyanobacteria utilize multimeric protein complexes, the phycobilisomes, as their major light-harvesting antennae.
  • (5) This substrate specificity correlates with the oligosaccharide residues thus far defined on glycoproteins of CHP 134 cells since NeuAc and Fuc alpha 1----3GlcNAc have yet to be detected on the same oligosaccharide antenna.
  • (6) Some antennae were equipped with an external cooling jacket.
  • (7) As illustrated by some antennas the dependence of sanitary and limitation zones on the wavelength, radiated power and the type of soil has been studied.
  • (8) Linkage crosses and X-autosome translocations were used to assign short antenna to the right arm of chromosome 3 about 45 map units proximal to stripe (st+), and melanotic was located on chromosome 2 near the centromere.
  • (9) Representative blood flow values were assigned within the tumour, and the applied SAR distribution was based on a previously developed antenna theory.
  • (10) Subfamilies II and III are expressed in both male and female antennae, appear to associate with general-odorant-sensitive neurons, and are highly conserved when compared among species.
  • (11) The 2450 MHz antenna array was the most effective at heating the shorter tumours, while the 433 MHz antenna array heated the longer tumours most effectively.
  • (12) Theoretical three-dimensional power deposition and temperature distributions were calculated for interstitial hyperthermia microwave antenna arrays driven at 915 and 2450 MHz in brain tissue.
  • (13) Diantennary structures without GalNAc were present as partially sialylated and partially (1-->6)-alpha-L-fucosylated structures in Fractions A and B. Sequences containing alpha-D-Galp-(1-->3)-beta-D-Gal on the alpha-D-Man-(1-->6) antenna, and beta-D-GalpNAc-(1-->4)-beta-D-GlcNAc and alpha-NeuAc-(2-->6)-beta-D-GalpNAc-(1-->4)-beta-D-GlcNAc on the alpha-D-Man-(1-->3) antenna were characterized in the oligosaccharide-alditols obtained by reductive cleavage of Fraction B.
  • (14) The antennas are made of thin coaxial cables with a radiation gap or gaps on the outer conductor.
  • (15) The severity and distribution of these histological changes correlated well with the thermal profile of the helical antenna.
  • (16) The structure of the antennae of PBLs was characterized by glcNac-gal and galNac-gal-Sa sequences, while in lymphomas additional asialo as well as sialylated galNac containing antennae have been identified.
  • (17) These results provide evidence that chlorophyll-protein complexes closely represent the state of the bulk of antenna chlorophyll in vivo.
  • (18) An accidental deep intraorbital penetration of a radio antenna tip damaged the optic nerve and caused immediate amaurosis in a 19-year-old female with normal funduscopic, electroretinographic and computerized tomographic orbital findings.
  • (19) Excellent qualitative agreement is found between the theoretical heating pattern and the measured pattern in a non-perfused phantom on a 2 cm x 2 antenna array.
  • (20) In the present investigation, flash-induced absorbance changes at 605 nm have demonstrated that the upper fraction is enriched two-fold in photochemical reaction center activity when compared to chromotophores; a similar enrichment in the reaction center-associated B-875 antenna bacteriochlorophyll complex was also observed.



  • (a.) Seeing clearly; as, an intuitive view; intuitive vision.
  • (a.) Knowing, or perceiving, by intuition; capable of knowing without deduction or reasoning.
  • (a.) Received. reached, obtained, or perceived, by intuition; as, intuitive judgment or knowledge; -- opposed to deductive.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The proposition put forward in this paper is that standards of nursing practice can only be assured if the profession is able to find ways of responding to the intuitions and gut reactions of its practitioners.
  • (2) …" Platt: "Everything was intuitive, the way I met and hit the ball and then dropping to my knees.
  • (3) Intuitively, weight lost should be determined by the difference between the total energy consumed and the total energy expended.
  • (4) In a series of analyses guided by intuitive hypotheses, the Smith and Ellsworth theoretical approach, and a relatively unconstrained, open-ended exploration of the data, the situations were found to vary with respect to the emotions of pride, jealousy or envy, pride in the other, boredom, and happiness.
  • (5) What's more, she said several times, her intuition told her she was on the right path.
  • (6) Scale items that differed from the raters' intuition tended to be omitted more than others.
  • (7) In the process, however, we forgot about Huxley's intuition.
  • (8) The analysis of the relation of time and speed led Piaget to conclude that the time-speed confusion characterizing the intuitive stage undergoes development.
  • (9) Humanism is centred upon the agency of human individuality and subjective intuition, rather than on received ideas and authority.
  • (10) Essential traits of this personality are an independent mind capable of liberating itself from dogmatic tenets universally accepted by the scientific community; the capacity and courage to look at things from a new angle; powers of combination, intuition and imagination; feu sacré and perseverance--in short, intellectual as well as moral qualities.
  • (11) The doubts over what some see as Miliband's lack of presentational skills and "wonkiness" have, in part, been stilled by his flashes of courage and intuitive accord with the public mood – on Libor, on predatory capitalism, on Murdoch.
  • (12) A phenomenological approach permits to confirm the intuition of language in showing that the living experience of anguish is different from the one of anxiety.
  • (13) This controversy should be resolved in the light of fact, not intuition.
  • (14) The idea that huge, intractable social issues such as sexism and racism could be affected in such simple ways had a powerful intuitive appeal, and hinted at the possibility of equally simple, elegant solutions.
  • (15) It prevents him from attending to the slight promptings of his subconscious, and when these emotions and intuitions are not amplified by being brought into focus, he loses a sense of himself.
  • (16) Then it happened again … and again … and then we realised it was worldwide and curiously, and counter-intuitively, we calmed down.
  • (17) On intuitive grounds, many have felt that Hamilton's Rule, br greater than c, should describe the evolution of reciprocal altruism and "green beard" genes.
  • (18) If this ability has been considered only as an artful and intuitive process neither subjected to theoretical analysis nor to be captured in a formal quantitative model, now things have changed to such an extent that it becomes broadly shared that a science of medical decision making can be reasonably founded and this threefold: 1) Upon a formulated logic, 2) The probability theory, and 3) A value theory.
  • (19) (3) Intuitive judgments can be categorized by several, distinctive propositional beliefs from which the judgments are apparently derived.
  • (20) Decisions concerning the indications for diagnostic and therapeutic interventions must not be made by intuition but by professionally balancing the influencing factors such as psycho-social variables or marked deficits in mental, motor or sensory areas of the child's development.