What's the difference between anthologiser and anthologist?



Example Sentences:

  • (1) In quick succession he published three more stories in Novy Mir, the most memorable being the much anthologised Matryona's Place (1963), about a saintly peasant woman, with its celebrated conclusion: "None of us who lived close to her perceived that she was that one righteous person without whom, as the saying goes, no city can stand.
  • (2) To this end, Duffy will on Wednesday launch Anthologise, a competition for secondary school pupils, which invites them to create their own poetry anthologies.
  • (3) As with most such collections, some of the jokes included were already decidedly old by the time they were anthologised.
  • (4) Having said that, one prisoner I spoke to, Martin - 25, serving a six-year sentence - was putting together a programme called Poetic Justice, anthologising poetry and short stories from other prisoners.
  • (5) After Anthologise, she reveals, she has even bigger plans for poetry in schools.



  • (n.) One who compiles an anthology.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) John Mullan pointed out in the Guardian that, unlike many anthologists, Gross came up with the unfamiliar – less than 10% of his material had previously appeared in other Oxford anthologies.

Words possibly related to "anthologiser"

Words possibly related to "anthologist"