What's the difference between antidote and panacea?



  • (n.) A remedy to counteract the effects of poison, or of anything noxious taken into the stomach; -- used with against, for, or to; as, an antidote against, for, or to, poison.
  • (n.) Whatever tends to prevent mischievous effects, or to counteract evil which something else might produce.
  • (v. t.) To counteract or prevent the effects of, by giving or taking an antidote.
  • (v. t.) To fortify or preserve by an antidote.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) This may result in the unnecessary implementation of antidotal therapy.
  • (2) These results are in marked contrast to our results with stroma-free methemoglobin solutions (SFMS) which showed SFMS to be a highly effective antidote against four times the LD90 when administered 30 seconds after an intravenous injection of cyanide.
  • (3) Three esterase inhibitors, phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, bis-(p-nitrophenyl)-phosphate, and diisopropylfluorophosphate, had no effect on the antidote effectiveness of N-acetylcysteine, although each provided partial protection against acetaminophen poisoning.
  • (4) Sixteen chelating agents were examined to determine their relative efficacy as antidotes in acute uranyl acetate intoxication in mice after subcutaneous administration.
  • (5) The terrorists know that if Iraq and Afghanistan survive their assault, come through their travails, seize the opportunity the future offers, then those countries will stand not just as nations liberated from oppression, but as a lesson to humankind everywhere and a profound antidote to the poison of religious extremism.
  • (6) The implication of the cholinergic system in such intoxications prompted us to study the effect of different combinations of antidotes on the acetylcholine (ACh) synthesizing system in mouse brain in vivo.
  • (7) Although differences between plasma cyanide levels in the two groups only attained significance 1 h after administering the antidote (0.8 vs. 2.74 mumol .
  • (8) Since there is no specific antidot against these drugs, therapy of side effects is limited to symptomatic treatment including administration of cholinergic drugs.
  • (9) Lavage also provides an excellent route for activated charcoal and selected antidotes.
  • (10) Studies attempting to measure cyanide in the blood of methyl isocyanate-exposed rats, and attempting to affect lethality with a cyanide antidote (sodium nitrite and sodium thiosulfate) gave negative results.
  • (11) 2-Mercaptosuccinic and ascorbic acids were not effective as antidotes for parenteral vanadium intoxication.
  • (12) Oxygen, thiosulfate and hydroxycobalamin are probably the best and safest currently available antidotes to manage this difficult setting.
  • (13) He has been declared "a Shakespearean fool, the only one who can say what others can't" and "an antidote to the proliferation of neo-Nazi movements which took hold of Hungary and Greece".
  • (14) The best antidotal effect was demonstrated for the combination of atropine and methoxime (tested as therapeutic index or D50 index).
  • (15) By measuring the methemoglobin formation, the permeabilities of some cyanide antidotes passing through mouse erythrocyte membrane were studied.
  • (16) This was the first recorded case in which antidotal methemoglobin production was attempted.
  • (17) Therefore, STS was confirmed to be a powerful antidote against cis-platinum in plasma.
  • (18) Clinacanthus nutans Burm, a herb reputed in Thailand and Malaysia to be "snakebite antidote" has been tested in vitro and in vivo for antivenin activity.
  • (19) Recent literature suggests using initial charcoal therapy instead of ipecac as a first-line antidotal agent for many acute poisonings.
  • (20) A comparison of these results with the predicted relative abilities of the enantiomers to participate in each of the three antidotal mechanisms leads to the conclusion that, under these experimental conditions, the best correlation exists with the cyanide detoxification mechanism.



  • (n.) A remedy for all diseases; a universal medicine; a cure-all; catholicon; hence, a relief or solace for affliction.
  • (n.) The herb allheal.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Because of a reduction in cancelled cycles, patients might reduce their total costs in time and gonadotrophin used, however this treatment is not a panacea for the true low order responder.
  • (2) The present tendency to consider the psychiatrists as a panacea and, therefore, able to solve all the problems of today's man is discussed.
  • (3) While planing is not a panacea for the premalignant skin, this study suggests that it is of prophylactic value in the control of this condition in a reasonable proportion of cases.
  • (4) Although certain naivete about the likely panacea property of Cy occurred early, major adjustments in the original immunosuppressive protocol were required and included the use of rescue ATG, the measurement of Cy levels in the blood, the use of less Cy, and the perioperative avoidance of Cy.
  • (5) Almost daily a new method of weight reduction appears as a panacea for a weight conscious public.
  • (6) Although by themselves hospital systems are no panacea in dealing with the challenges facing hospitals today, many such arrangements offer more opportunities than problems in coping with the rapid changes currently facing the health care industry.
  • (7) No single type of prevention program should be viewed as a panacea, and a comprehensive system of programs will undoubtedly be needed.
  • (8) In the treatment of rotatory instability of the knee, no single approach has proved to be a panacea.
  • (9) At the outset, the concept of team care was suggested not as a panacea but perhaps as a better approach to acquiring help in areas of expertise not held by the physician.
  • (10) Cummings says they may have produced better results but "they are no panacea and the successes of a small number of brilliant organisations are not necessarily scaleable".
  • (11) Newer agents have been accompanied by a great deal of interest and hope but fail to be the panacea or "cure."
  • (12) At the same time, it is not the intent of this article to imply that the use of elastomer polymers is the panacea for all prosthodontic problems or that fundamental principles can be neglected.
  • (13) Public health can articulate this to a public sector which has been seduced by the over-extended promise of nudge, which has its place but is not a panacea and the counsel of despair that we can't plan long-term.
  • (14) While interpretation of transference is neither a panacea nor uniquely mutative with adolescents and young adults, the authors believe it has an important role to play in expressive psychotherapy if used judiciously and with foresight.
  • (15) This program has been in not, however, been a panacea for all residents.
  • (16) CBT and exercise have their disciples, but clearly aren’t panaceas.
  • (17) With patience and careful evaluation,,the correct place for the procedure will be found and, though it is not quite the panacea once claimed for patients with coronary artery disease, aortocoronary bypass surgery will remain an important and valuable therapeutic tool, perhaps the most significant development in cardiovascular treatment of the past decade.
  • (18) Clearly, with today's technology, IVF-ET is not a panacea of infertility, but in selected cases it may provide a child where other forms of therapy have failed.
  • (19) We will have to be much more creative in aligning resources across these boundaries as the Barker Commission recommended but integration alone is not a panacea.” Osborne : “The purse will never be as big as the aspiration, but I think the best protection for the sector lies in us all working together to recognise and support what is an outstanding workforce.
  • (20) In particular, I would like to encourage a more widespread and explicit recognition of the special merits of the mobile barrier type of mechanism (Mitchell, 1957, 1987), not as a panacea, but to explain the translocation of the characteristically hydrophilic and somewhat bulky solutes that are the main substrates of solute porters and of some osmoenzymes in bacterial membranes.