What's the difference between antipode and diametrically?



  • (n.) One of the antipodes; anything exactly opposite.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) R-(+)-Nicotine is a substrate Km = 1.42 X 10(-5)M for an SAM-dependent guinea pig lung aromatic azaheterocycle N-methyltransferase, whereas S-(-)-nicotine acts as a competitive inhibitor (Ki = 6.25 X 10(-5)M) of the N-methylation of its antipode.
  • (2) The 5-HT depleting potency of (+)-MDMA was significantly greater than that of its (-)-antipode at 3 hr in PB pretreated, but not in SKF-525A pretreated animals.
  • (3) Potential in the Antipodes for production of unique and abundant fishery products is immense for both local and export markets.
  • (4) In general antipodals have maximum accumulation of physiologically active substances and intense activity of different enzymes.
  • (5) Since the transformation goes from the inactive to the pharmacologically active form, the (R)-enantiomer can be considered as a prodrug of its (S)-antipode.
  • (6) The determination of the enantiomeric composition of the excreted 2-phenylpropionic acid after a single oral dose indicated that the (R)-(-)-enantiomer given as such or in the racemate was inverted to its antipode, which strongly suggests that (S)-(+)-2-phenylpropionic acid is responsible for the inductive effects observed.
  • (7) The area under the concentration versus time curve values for the two enantiomers were approximately 10% higher for the (R)-antipode because of a slightly slower elimination of this compound.
  • (8) Both optical antipodes of the pivotal epoxy alcohol intermediate were prepared in 95% enantiomeric excess by the Sharpless epoxidation of a (Z)-allylic alcohol.
  • (9) Chiral analysis of the human renal epoxyeicosatrienoic acids shows the formation of 8,9-, 11,12- and 14,15-epoxyeicosatrienoic acids in a 1:1, 4:1 and 2:1 ratio of antipodes, respectively.
  • (10) The limit of determination for the L-antipode is ca.
  • (11) However, this stereoselectivity of action is not manifest in vivo, due to the thus-far-unique unidirectional metabolic inversion of the chiral centre from the inactive R(-)-isomers to the S(+)-antipodes.
  • (12) The summation of the results fully defines the overall stereochemistry of the coupled isomerization and cyclization of geranyl pyrophosphate to the antipodal pinenes.
  • (13) The Bernburg physician and pharmaceutist Bucholz became there for many years his consultee for questions of natural sciences; Gren, who also came from Bernburg, became the antipode in the dispute about problems of optics.
  • (14) 8a showed potent antifungal activity, while its antipode (+)-cis-2-ACPC (8b) had no activity.
  • (15) A novel approach to the optical resolution of racemic enones has been introduced by using the binding properties of the transport protein albumin, which chemically binds preferentially one antipode of some alpha, beta-unsaturated cyclic enones in a reversible manner.
  • (16) The model successfully: (1) explained the relative activity or inactivity of compounds such as cis- and trans-1-methyl-5-hydroxyl ATN derivatives and the corresponding cis- and trans-octohydrobenzo[f]quinolines; (2) predicted the more potent antipode of 2-aminoindan dopaminergic agonists; and (3) explained the structure--activity peculiarities of 3-(3-hydroxyphenyl)-N-alkylpiperidines in which the potency is increased for (3S)-isomers and decreased for (3R)-isomers when the N-alkyl group is greater than propyl.
  • (17) The three antipodal wave forms were displayed as a single 3-D Lissajous trajectory which contained four apices, corresponding to P40 (apex A), N70 (apex B), P100 (apex C) and N125 (apex D).
  • (18) Patch currents recorded at the soma cap, antipodal to the origin of the axon, and whole-cell currents were recorded simultaneously and normalized to membrane capacitance.
  • (19) Structures for such chirally symmetric organisms are outlined, as is the gradual decoupling of their integrated antipodal metabolisms upon an evolutionary progression from meso organism to racemic organism to racemate of organisms.
  • (20) A marked antipodal potency ratio was observed in strains TA100 and TA1535 when racemic and L-azidoalanine were compared.



  • (adv.) In a diametrical manner; directly; as, diametrically opposite.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Each axon had a characteristic head position which was maximally excitatory to it, and a diametrically opposed head position which was minimally excitatory.3.
  • (2) Since there exist transitory forms between diametrically opposite manifestations of such behavior, possibly the process of individual acquirement of capabilities necessary for fulfilling foraging function occurs.
  • (3) A hybrid composite resin, Prisma APH, and a microfilled composite resin, Silux Plus, were compared regarding diametral tensile strength values following conventional visible light polymerization and argon lasing.
  • (4) The interaction with troponin T from white skeletal muscle or with the phosphorylated 42-residue N-terminal peptide of troponin T restores in the trypsin-treated AMP deaminase the sensitivity to adenine nucleotides and increases the KA for K+ activation of the enzyme from 1 mM to 12 mM, this effect being diametrically opposite to that exerted by limited proteolysis on the native enzyme.
  • (5) Furthermore, it seems that two diametrically opposed mechanisms underlie depressive behavior: increase or decrease of behavioral mode frequency.
  • (6) RF applicators were placed on the lateral sides of the scalp and applied to diametrically opposite sides of the tumor.
  • (7) We conclude that neither the angulation of the circumflex artery as it appears on a two-dimensional projection nor the proportional diametric stenosis of the lesion can serve as easily assessible predictors fro the success of the procedure.
  • (8) There have been many conflicting reports leading to diametrically opposed views.
  • (9) The point is a self-developed Suction-curette-system, consisting of a suction-curette of diametres of 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 und 8 mm, a cervicometer and a filter.
  • (10) There were different and, occasionally, diametrically opposite effects of the spatial arrangement of the nitrogen-containing descriptors on gram positive and gram negative organisms.
  • (11) Unexpectedly, the CCK-B receptor antagonist, L-365,260, enhanced the response to CCK-8, an effect diametrically opposite to that produced by CCK-A antagonists.
  • (12) In vertically oriented red blood cells (RBCs) the diameter, central thickness, and toroidal thickness were measured at the diametrical cross section.
  • (13) The tensile strength of a dental gypsum was measured indirectly using both the diametral and the double-punch tests.
  • (14) The difference of the chemical composition of the sugar moiety is believed to account for the diametric difference in the immunochemical character, in particular the different behaviour in the electric field, of both endotoxin types.
  • (15) The ever-growing recourse to profit-driven firms to provide prisons is diametrically opposed to the provision of reform and rehabilitation in prisons.
  • (16) Additionally, the data show that the differential capacity of these two steroids to produce embryotoxic effects is diametrically opposite to earlier reported patterns of their carcinogenic potential in the Syrian hamster kidney.
  • (17) An additional observation was the presence of incomplete superficial and deep palmar arches in all instances, a finding which diametrically contrasts with anatomical studies purporting to demonstrate complete palmar arches in 80% of the normal population.
  • (18) Surely the whole point of The Heat's dynamic in the first place is that Sandra Bullock's character is skinny and prissy and uptight and Melissa McCarthy's character is bigger and bolshier and her diametric opposite?
  • (19) A study was conducted to compare the compressive strength, diametral tensile strength, transverse flexural strength, and flexural modulus of a microfilled and a small particle composite resin restorative material following argon laser and conventional visible light polymerization techniques.
  • (20) Despite their each inducing MHC-unrestricted cytolytic activity in overnight PBMC cultures mediated predominantly by CD56+ non-T cells, anti-CD3 mAb and rIL2 induce diametrically opposite effects on subsequent polyclonal T cell-dependent B cell differentiation.

Words possibly related to "antipode"