(n.) Hence: A full collection or set of implements, or utensils, for a given duty, experimental or operative; any complex instrument or appliance, mechanical or chemical, for a specific action or operation; machinery; mechanism.
(n.) A collection of organs all of which unite in a common function; as, the respiratory apparatus.
Example Sentences:
(1) One thing seems to be noteworthy in their opinion: the bacterial resistance of the germs isolated from the urine is bigger than the one of the germs isolated from the respiratory apparatus.
(2) The suits ensures the conditions for the function of the musculoskeletal apparatus and the cardiovascular system which are close to those on the Earth.
(3) In addition, transitional macrophages with both positive granules and positive RER, nuclear envelope, negative Golgi apparatus (as in exudate- resident macrophages in vivo), and mature macrophages with peroxidatic activity only in the RER and nuclear envelope (as in resident macrophages in vivo) were found.
(4) We applied a flow cytometry apparatus (FCM) to differentiating Exophiala dermatitidis, E. moniliae and E. jeanselmei from each other.
(5) This heretogeneity occurred mainly as a progressive, decreasing gradient in the first half of this pathway, between the rough endoplasmic reticulum and the mi-cisternae of the Golgi apparatus.
(6) The relation of the surface of the excretory apparatus to the whole kidney was studied.
(7) Electron microscopy revealed a well-developed rough endoplasmic reticulum, an enlarged Golgi apparatus and many highly electron-dense secretory granules resembling those of Clara cells.
(8) This, however will not result in normal lower leg bones, as can be concluded from the fact that spontaneous fractures have occurred partly even in the locomotor apparatus after the pseudarthroses had healed.
(9) A compensator connected to the section consisting of the pump-main line-operating member and including a pneumatic resistance and a flaxid non-elastic container enables it in combination with the feedback to maintain through the volumetric displacement of the gas, or changing the pump diaphragm position, the stability of the gas volume in the pneumatic transmission element of the assisted circulation apparatus.
(10) Especially in the old patients (over 70 years) the incisional hernias represents an invalidating pathology whose treatment, for the high incidence of associated diseases of respiratory and cardiocirculatory apparatus in the aged, offers difficulties connected both to surgical methods and to the perioperative evaluation and preparation of patients.
(11) Marked pain and great difficulty in introducing the apparatus made its use limited in respectively 15% and 14.5% of cases.
(12) The apparatus can be constructed from commercially available, inexpensive components.
(13) Non-inflammatory calcific disease of the mitral valve apparatus is a common finding in elderly patients.
(14) Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) is a semi-invasive examination that provides better images of the atrium than classical transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) due to the anatomical positioning of the captor and the high frequency Doppler apparatus used.
(15) Quite the contrary, in cases of higher nervous activity disturbances, destruction of the organelles and desintegration of spine apparatuses is clearly pronounced.
(16) The strong magnetic field of the super-conducting MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) apparatus could cause problems in the presence of metallic foreign material, such as the metal clips and loops of intraocular lenses and steel as suturing material.
(17) Evidence for Golgi apparatus-associated processing of oligosaccharides in the ER was obtained by lectin-gold cytochemistry revealing the presence of the galactose (beta 1----4)N-acetylglucosamine sequence and sialic acid residues.
(18) In the cis-trans axis of the Golgi apparatus the following compartments were observed: (a) On the cis face there was a continuous osmiophilic tubular network referred to as the cis element; (b) a cis compartment composed of 3 or 4 NADPase-positive saccules perforated with pores in register forming wells that contained small vesicles; (c) a trans compartment composed of 1 or 2 TPPAse-positive elements underlying the NADPase ones, followed by 1 or 2 CMPase-positive elements that showed a flattened saccular part continuous with a network of anastomotic tubules.
(19) This monoclonal antibody stains only the juxtaglomerular apparatus; values determined by this RIA did not change before and after activation.
(20) The novel directions in the study of the brain molecular genetic apparatus can be examinations of chromosomal behavior in the cells in various brain regions and genome imprinting.
(v.) Labor or study imposed by another, often in a definite quantity or amount.
(v.) Business; employment; undertaking; labor.
(v. t.) To impose a task upon; to assign a definite amount of business, labor, or duty to.
(v. t.) To oppress with severe or excessive burdens; to tax.
(v. t.) To charge; to tax; as with a fault.
Example Sentences:
(1) However, as the same task confronts the Lib Dems, do we not now have a priceless opportunity to bring the two parties together to undertake a fundamental rethink of the way social democratic principles and policies can be made relevant to modern society.
(2) However, the relationships between sociometric status and social perception varied as a function of task.
(3) Women seldom occupy higher positions in a [criminal] organisation, and are rather used for menial, but often dangerous tasks ,” it notes.
(4) Full consideration should be given to the dynamics of motion when assessing risk factors in working tasks.
(5) This implementation reduced a formidable task to a relatively routine run.
(6) Early detection of breast cancer is the major indication, and mammography is the single best test for this task.
(7) An operant delayed-matching task was used to assess the role of proactive interference (PI) effects on short-term memory capacity of rats.
(8) Learning ability was assessed using a radial arm maze task, in which the rats had to visit each of eight arms for a food reward.
(9) The effects of noise on information processing in perceptual and memory tasks, as well as time reaction to perceptual stimuli, were investigated in a laboratory experiment.
(10) A control experiment demonstrated that changes in general arousal could not account for the effects of task difficulty on neuronal responses.
(11) The pattern of results in simpler tasks is more difficult to interpret.
(12) In the appetitive passive avoidance task, only the substantia nigra lesion group exhibited a deficiency.
(13) For such a task, Malawi needs the best government it can get, and this will have to be demanded by the people.
(14) Stress may increase to an intolerable level with the number of tasks, with higher qualified work and due to the lack of familiarity with fellow workers in ever changing settings.
(15) The tasks which appeared to present the most difficulties for the patients were written spelling, pragmatic processing tasks like sentence disambiguation and proverb interpretation.
(16) Fifty-one severely retarded adults were taught a difficult visual discrimination in an assembly task by one of three training techniques: (a) adding and reducing large cue differences on the relevant-shape dimension; (b) adding and fading a redundant-color dimension; or (c) a combination of the two techniques.
(17) Similarities are pointed out between tasks used for the purpose of operationally defining the schizophrenic 'deficit' and tasks used to define creativity.
(18) On the reaction time task no main effects were found but the time X drinker category interaction was significant; in session 1 LSD's RT were shorter than those of HSD.
(19) Two different mental stressors were used: a mental arithmetic task with low stimulus intensity and one with high stimulus intensity characterised by more challenging instructions, a more competitive situation, and exposure to affective noise.
(20) This information then will allow the physician to determine safe levels of ventilation for a particular work task.