What's the difference between appendix and schedule?



  • (n.) Something appended or added; an appendage, adjunct, or concomitant.
  • (n.) Any literary matter added to a book, but not necessarily essential to its completeness, and thus distinguished from supplement, which is intended to supply deficiencies and correct inaccuracies.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Life events were collected (using the Bedford College method) in 78 women patients aged 15-40 yr, of whom 39 were admitted for the removal of an appendix which proved to be normal at operation and in whom no organic cause for their pain was found, and a matched group of 39 parasuicide patients.
  • (2) The age distribution for Caulobacter cells in an exponential population has been calculated (Appendix by Robert Tax) and used to analyze some of the results.
  • (3) As the differential diagnosis between Crohn's disease and appendicitis is difficult and the surgical approach to the appendix in the presence of Crohn's disease is controversial, we illuminate some practical points in the preoperative evaluation of these patients and deal with the question of whether appendectomy should be performed in these patients.
  • (4) Pathologic examination revealed no endometriosis, but examination of the distal appendix showed structural disorganization of its entire wall, with lack of proper differentiation of its normal coats and irregular overgrowth of fibroadipose, fibromuscular, and neural elements.
  • (5) The appendix or appendix stump was visualised on 53% of the barium examinations.
  • (6) This study reports eight patients who underwent appendicectomy between 1978 and 1986 for apparently isolated, previously undiagnosed Crohn's disease of the appendix.
  • (7) The appendix of the laryngeal ventricle courses superiorly between the laryngeal vestibule and the thyroid cartilage which differentiates this normal structure from ulcerations and fistulous tracts of laryngeal tumors.
  • (8) We report on a 47-year-old man with a granular cell tumour of the appendix, discovered incidentally during surgery for a rectal adenocarcinoma that had been irradiated preoperatively.
  • (9) A mathematical model for Mab binding and inactivation of nuclease, taking into account multiple binding events for one or two Mabs interacting with nuclease, was used to derive affinities and maximum reductions of the enzymatic rate (details on the derivation of the equations and on the hypotheses of the model are given in an appendix).
  • (10) All patients with partial filling of the appendix had appendicitis.
  • (11) In another patient, the diagnosis of polyarteritis nodosa was established after a retrospective identification of one additional site of arteritis in the appendix removed 5 years prior to cholecystectomy.
  • (12) The relationships between thermodynamic quantities in a quaternary system of electrolytes are discussed in Appendix 2.
  • (13) All T1's were determined within 30-60 min of removal of the appendix at operation.
  • (14) It corresponds well with the working of the normal human appendix as regards tissue type and characteristics.
  • (15) Two of the six cases showed pseudoinvasion of the appendix and in a further case the appendix had perforated with extrusion of a misplaced neoplasm.
  • (16) The arterial blood supply, position, and length of the appendix were studied 103 Zambian cadavers.
  • (17) Pertinent data regarding the fate and transport of PCNB in air could not be located in the available literature as cited in the Appendix.
  • (18) The final pathologic report was a cystadenocarcinoma of the appendix.
  • (19) Thus it is important to distinguish between cystic neoplasms (cystadenomas) and non-neoplastic retention cysts of the appendix.
  • (20) A subpopulation of appendix sIg-negative, RTLA-negative cells has a relatively high concentration of RT2.



  • (n.) A written or printed scroll or sheet of paper; a document; especially, a formal list or inventory; a list or catalogue annexed to a larger document, as to a will, a lease, a statute, etc.
  • (v. t.) To form into, or place in, a schedule.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Snooker, which became and remains a fixture in the BBC2 schedules, was chosen for showing because it is the sport in which different shades are most significant.
  • (2) A previous study, on grade IV astrocytomas, compared a combination of photons and fast neutron boost to photons only, both treatments being delivered following a concentrated irradiation schedule.
  • (3) The schedule proposed is easy to use and reproducible.
  • (4) In contrast, the late component of the thrombopoietic response was demonstrated best on the most toxic drug schedules.
  • (5) While the mouse P388 cells were sensitive to OP in vitro, no effect was seen when OP was administered in vivo, even when schedules designed to take advantage of OP's time-dependent toxicity were used.
  • (6) Comparison of the seroconversion results showed the presence of protective antibodies against all the 3 types of polio in 100% of the children in both the groups, but there was no statistical difference in the geometric mean antibody titre in the two immunization schedules.
  • (7) This schedule appears workable in the community setting and yields response rates similar to those reported for 5-FU with high-dose leucovorin, but without the gastroin testinal toxicity profile of the latter combination.
  • (8) No significant quantitative differences in AFB1-DNA adduct formation between the dietary groups were observed following the first exposure to [3H]AFB1; however, total aflatoxin-DNA adduct levels in the choline-deficient animals were significantly increased during the multiple dose schedule.
  • (9) After 40 programmed minutes of acquisition and 12 min of maintenance, without notice, both schedules changed to extinction for 28 min.
  • (10) These observations indicated a novel mechanism that in the absence of light-dark schedule, mothers taught the circadian rhythm to the pups as they raised them.
  • (11) Different possible combinations between neutrons and photons (boost, mixed schedule) are discussed.
  • (12) The interresponse-time reinforcement contingencies inherent in these schedules may actually mask the effects of overall reinforcement rate; thus differences in response rate as a function of reinforcement rate when interresponse-time reinforcement is eliminated may be underestimated.
  • (13) in rabbits according to schedules designed to yield approximately level activity in plasma for periods up to 5 hr.
  • (14) Squirrel monkeys trained to respond under a schedule in which each response postponed the delivery of electric shock developed a steady rate of responding.
  • (15) Twenty-four hours later, a stimulus generalization test was conducted in the absence of drug; during this session, tones that varied in frequency around 4.5 KHz were presented while the animals were responding under the VI schedule.
  • (16) It was found that DI rats responded less than LE rats on the progressive-ratio schedule and that DI rats suppressed drinking as much as LE rats at each concentration of quinine used on the drinking-suppression test.
  • (17) Two experiments reported the effects of prefeeding normal and septal rats prior to their daily sessions on a differential reinforcement of low rates (DRL-20) schedule.
  • (18) This dose and schedule of beta interferon did not result in significant anti-tumor effects in advanced NSCLC.
  • (19) Isoeffect distributions derived from time-dose fractionation values are examined, emphasizing alternate treatment schedules of the same plan.
  • (20) Our findings suggest that adoption of a sequential vaccination schedule (inactivated poliovirus vaccine followed by OPV) would be effective in decreasing the risk of VAPP while retaining the proven public health benefits of OPV.