(n.) The act of applying; application; [Obs.] subservience.
(n.) The thing applied or used as a means to an end; an apparatus or device; as, to use various appliances; a mechanical appliance; a machine with its appliances.
Example Sentences:
(1) This article examines the history of Dr. Crozat and his appliance, discusses the development and divergence in its use, and demonstrates this divergence with a few selected, documented case reports.
(2) It is not same to the stainless steel wire of traditional removable appliances which must be activated every time to produce a little tooth movement.
(3) Following orthodontic treatment the canine's incisal edge occlusion demonstrates the tip and torque present in the appliance that was used.
(4) The effects of maxillary protracting bow appliance were the maxillary forward movement associated with counter-clockwise rotation of the nasal floor and the mandibular backward movement associated with clockwise rotation.
(5) Adjustment of posterior arch width and dental alignment, using semi-rapid maxillary expansion by means of an upper removable appliance, to co-ordinate the anticipated positions for the arches.
(6) There was a significant increase in gingival index at day 21 in areas where the appliance covered the gingival margin.
(7) The appliance provides the orthodontist with an extensive range of options in treatment mechanics--from anchorage conservation and rapid movement of limited tipping by light forces to translation or stabilization with precise three-dimensional control.
(8) An infant with a complete unilateral cleft of the lip and palate underwent maxillary expansion treatment using an oral orthopedic appliance.
(9) Six individuals wore the appliances while rinsing daily with a neutral 0.2% NaF solution for 4 wk.
(10) Although prostheses are not anatomical avatars, careful appliance prescription and training, coordinated with the child's growth and developmental changes, can optimize the benefits the child derives from the prosthesis.
(11) Orthodontic closure of the space from both sides was performed with fixed appliance, leaving the remaining central incisor in the midline.
(12) Far too frequently, however, the clinician limits his appliance design to a selective number of appliances with which he is conversant and attempts to modify any one of them to fit a specific situation.
(13) The treatment effects of continuous bite jumping with the Herbst appliance in the correction of Class II malocclusions have been analysed in previous investigations.
(14) Conservative treatment consists of exercises and shoe appliances.
(15) Experience from the use of feeding plates for babies with cleft palate and from the treatment of dysphagia in patients recovering from stroke led to the design of a simple intraoral appliance.
(16) Three cases of asphyxial deaths as a result of aspiration of dental appliances are presented.
(17) Although the muscles of untreated children also showed shifts of mean frequency to lower frequency values as a function of time, there was a greater downward shift of mean frequency in those treated with functional appliances.
(18) Annual savings in tonnes of CO 2 Install 2 kilowatt solar PV panels 0.4 Buy a new A++ refrigerator if yours is more than 4 years old, and only use a small-screen TV 0.1 Use LED or fluorescent lights where you currently have halogen lights installed 0.1 Buy an automated system to turn off appliances when not in use; get a meter that shows actual energy use and use it to monitor your household 0.1 Only use your washing machine and dishwasher when full to capacity and at lowest temperature 0.1 Never use the tumble dryer 0.1 Get rid of the freezer if you can, and replace your small appliances with "eco" varieties 0.1 Car (1.5 tonnes of CO 2 ) There is one car for every two people in the UK, and each one travels an average of about 9,000 miles a year.
(19) The mandible does tend to rotate in a counterclockwise manner following enucleation of four first premolars without appliance therapy.
(20) The purpose of the study was to analyse and compare deep overbite correction in adult patients carried out by a straight wire appliance and the segmented arch technique as recommended by Burstone.
(v. t.) To dissolve the union or connection of; to disunite; to sever; to separate; to disperse.
Example Sentences:
(1) Then the esophagogastric variceal network was thrombosed by means of a catheter introduced during laparotomy, which created a portoazygos disconnection.
(2) It helped pay the bills and caused me to ponder on the disconnection between theory and reality.
(3) A pre-operative diagnosis of otosclerosis was made but at tympanotomy, the stapes crura in each ear was found to be disconnected from the footplate, the ossicular chain being otherwise normal.
(4) Two years later, the Guardian could point to reforms that owed much to what Ashley called his "bloody-mindedness" in five areas: non-disclosure of victims' names in rape cases; the rights of battered wives; the ending of fuel disconnections for elderly people; a royal commission on the legal profession; and civil liability for damages such as those due to thalidomide victims.
(5) In an emergency, the devices use multiple mechanisms – including clamps and shears – to try to choke off the oil flowing up from a pipe and disconnect the rig from the well.
(6) Nearly three quarters (73%) said if they were disconnected, they would find their ability to use vital commercial services, such as shopping and banking, completely disrupted or fairly harmed.
(7) Keep asking questions like that and you’re going to get hung up on, like right now,” he said, then disconnected the line.
(8) Frontal hypothalamic deafferentation (FHD), which disconnects the anterior hypothalamus from the preoptic area, stops the twice daily surges of prolactin secretion of pregnancy or pseudopregnancy in the rat, and causes rapid luteolysis.
(9) The results of these studies support the contention that anterolateral MBH neural connections may constitute a dynamic neural substrate contributing to a gradual improvement in neuroendocrine function observed after early surgical disconnections.
(10) O2 has warned that it will disconnect anyone it discovers doing that, though it would not say how it would identify them.
(11) For me, the simple reason is I tried a three-day week and found I struggled to keep on top of work, felt disconnected from my colleagues' rhythm, felt guilty about so much time off, and was so bad at freelancing I ended up working many more hours for less money.
(12) The stages of recognition are analysed through this case of visual verbal disconnection and the importance of memory in perception is highlighted.
(13) Similarities were increased number of lipid droplets in the cumulus cells, widened peri-vitelline space, peripheral displacement or breakdown of the oocyte nucleus and disconnection of the junctions between cumulus cell projections and the oolemma.
(14) Attempts to estimate mean skin temperature for subjects during prolonged experiments in field conditions are often made difficult because probes become disconnected or cease to function.
(15) Where are Cisco and other companies whose equipment is used to connect the net and by some governments to disconnect it?
(16) The emergency operation which has effectively achieved the stopping of the esophageal bleeding has been the porto-azygos disconnection, which allows later a portosystemic shunt with a greater probability of success.
(17) Surgery, performed under cardio-pulmonary bypass after epicardial mapping, consisted in atrioventricular disconnection using no special physical agent.
(18) Hypoemotionality was found only for visual stimuli, since auditory and tactile modalities were totally spared, suggesting a visual-limbic disconnection mechanism.
(19) In the first case the exhaust system intentionally had been disconnected.
(20) Forced removals and dumping of millions of people into small, disconnected, barren, poor reserve areas, bereft of adequate medical, psychiatric and public health services (the 'final solution' of the 'native problem') causes widespread malnutrition, infectious and other diseases, and high mortality and mental-illness rates.