What's the difference between appreciation and depreciation?



  • (n.) A just valuation or estimate of merit, worth, weight, etc.; recognition of excellence.
  • (n.) Accurate perception; true estimation; as, an appreciation of the difficulties before us; an appreciation of colors.
  • (n.) A rise in value; -- opposed to depreciation.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) There was appreciable variation in toothbrush wear among subjects, some reducing their brush to a poor state in 2 weeks whereas with others the brush was rated as "good" after 10 weeks.
  • (2) Although solely nociresponsive neurons are clearly likely to fill a role in the processing and signalling of pain in the conscious central nervous system, the way in which such useful specificity could be conveyed by multireceptive neurons is difficult to appreciate.
  • (3) Once the normal variations are mastered, appreciation of retinal, choroidal, optic nerve, and vitreal abnormalities is possible.
  • (4) Grisham said she and other aides had not been aware of the trip and “appreciate everyone’s understanding”.
  • (5) The results suggest that involucrin-like proteins have a wider species distribution than originally appreciated.
  • (6) The independent but combined use of both antigens, appreciably raises the diagnostic success percentage with regard to that obtained when only one tumour marker was used.
  • (7) In assessing damaged nets and curtains it must be recognised that anything less than the best vector control may have no appreciable impact on holoendemic malaria.
  • (8) Furthermore, the AMDP-3 scale and its manual constitute a remarkable teaching instrument for psychopathology, not always enough appreciated.
  • (9) In retrospect, this parotid disease has similarity to the sonographic finding of Sjögren's syndrome, except for the finding of cervical adenopathy, an observation not previously appreciated.
  • (10) The rates of oxidation of various substrates and the acceptor control ratios did not differ appreciably between the two types of mitochondria.
  • (11) Faecal excretion of T3 declined appreciably relative to that of T4.
  • (12) During ischaemia M1 stretch responses showed a more rapid and pronounced decline than did M2 responses and were abolished before voluntary power was appreciably affected.
  • (13) No appreciable fusion of vesicles by apocytochrome c is observed.
  • (14) For Burroughs, who had been publishing ground-breaking books for 20 years without much appreciable financial return, it was association with fame and the music industry, as well as the possible benefits: a wider readership, film hook-ups and more money.
  • (15) and the turnover of (22)Na in this fluid it does not appreciably affect the turnover of (22)Na in the brain tissue of either rat or rabbit, the small inhibition observed being probably secondary to the effects on the c.s.f.3.
  • (16) PTH, an inducer of shape change, did not affect the number of gap junctions appreciably.
  • (17) He speeded the process of decolonisation, and was the first British prime minister to appreciate that Britain's future lay with Europe.
  • (18) Only the pyroglutamyl-AMC derivative was appreciably hydrolysed.
  • (19) Diminished pressor responsiveness was considered to be due to concurrent reduction of central sympathetic vasomotor activity, because sympathetic nerve responses to hypothalamic stimulation were appreciably lessened in tripamide-treated SHR.
  • (20) Gynaecological and neurological lesions are reaffirmed as important causes and pathology within the urinary tract is found to be a more frequent component that is usually appreciated.



  • (n.) The act of lessening, or seeking to lessen, price, value, or reputation.
  • (n.) The falling of value; reduction of worth.
  • (n.) the state of being depreciated.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The researcher is completing a PhD on the superyacht scene and says the vessels are unique among prestige assets: unlike private jets they are not a useful mode of transport; unlike art and property, they always depreciate in value.
  • (2) If the notes aren't spent, they can be renewed by buying a stamp that costs 2% of the note's face value – so over a year, the currency depreciates 8%.
  • (3) Olivier Blanchard, IMF director of research, said: “New factors supporting growth – lower oil prices, but also depreciation of euro and yen – are more than offset by persistent negative forces, including the lingering legacies of the crisis and lower potential growth in many countries”.
  • (4) Depreciation and salaries represented the major components of cost.
  • (5) "The ISM noted that some of the recent strength is due to the effects of the accelerated investment depreciation tax allowance, which expired at the end of last year.
  • (6) However, much of the gains followed a depreciation of the currency, which is not something Cyprus can follow while it remains inside the euro.
  • (7) The depreciation in the Australian dollar is also helping.
  • (8) The credit rating agency said that according to its estimate of ITV's adjusted debt to Ebitda – earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation – it believes the ratio will "exceed" four times for 2008 "with a possible increase to about five times in 2009".
  • (9) No one buys homes there, because your money will probably depreciate.
  • (10) Weaker growth in China weighs on demand, while the depreciation of the yen is making supply more competitive."
  • (11) The Black Lives Matter movement is about more than just justice for our deaths – it’s about a depreciation of black life The War Machine has always had an insatiable need for bodies of color from before the birth of this nation.
  • (12) Britain and the United States have at least been able to relieve some of the pressure on their economies through a depreciating currency.
  • (13) We expect the composition of growth to rebalance towards net trade, as the headwinds facing households from the erosion of their real incomes weigh on consumer spending while the depreciation of sterling supports net trade,” said Simon Kirby, NIESR’s head of macroeconomic forecasting.
  • (14) It is now profitable before interest, tax and depreciation charges, and looking to expand again.
  • (15) "If it persisted, the recent further depreciation of sterling was likely to put additional upwards pressure on inflation over the next few quarters," the minutes said.
  • (16) Currently there is no basis for the renminbi exchange rate to continue to depreciate,” PBoC assistant governor Zhang Xiaohui said on Thursday .
  • (17) For example, Kate and Matt Maloney , a young couple from Moranbah in Queensland who were honoured as investors of the year in 2012 by Your Investment Property Magazine, owe lenders $5.8m in mortgage debt on a depreciated property portfolio currently worth $2.3m.
  • (18) Across the world, protectionist trade measures have been on the rise.” Apart from the sharp depreciation of the pound, the IMF said financial markets’ reaction to Brexit vote had “generally been contained”, with shares up and the appetite for taking risk recovering after an initial plunge.
  • (19) But even though its share price has fallen since the depreciation of the Chinese currency began on Tuesday, the Swiss company said the move will prove positive in the end.
  • (20) The slim document predicts that underlying earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation will leap by more than 80% from £31.7m in 2010 to almost £60m in 2012.