What's the difference between argentous and silver?
(a.) Of, pertaining to, or containing, silver; -- said of certain silver compounds in which silver has a higher proportion than in argentic compounds; as, argentous chloride.
Example Sentences:
(1) Roger Madelin, the chief executive of the developers Argent, which consulted the prince's aides on the £2bn plan to regenerate 27 hectares (67 acres) of disused rail land at Kings Cross in London, said the prince now has a similar stature as a consultee as statutory bodies including English Heritage, the Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment and professional bodies including Riba and the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors.
(2) The composition of the triglycerides of liver, egg yolk and adipose tissue of laying hens fed on a standard diet were investigated by using argentation thin-layer chromatography to separate the triglycerides according to their degree of unsaturation.
(3) David Loewi, co-owner of the group behind high-end London restaurants Le Pont de la Tour, Coq D’Argent and Quaglino’s, who is also chairman of the Restaurant Association trade body, said erecting barriers to the employment of workers from Europe would be “extremely detrimental and would stop the growth of businesses”.
(4) Their occurrence in phospholipid molecules also having docosahexaenoate (22:6) explains the separation of major dipolyunsaturated phosphatidylcholines from retina into dodecaenoic, undecaenoic, and decaenoic fractions after argentation thin layer chromatography.
(5) The endothelial lining (EL) of ventricular endocardium and coronary arteries of a dog, minipig and humans, as well as that of the abdominal aorta of a rat and superior vena cava (minipig) was studied using luminescent microscope in the reflected light after staining of the non-fixed tissue with thioflavine-T and argentation.
(6) The relative retention times of estrogen sulphates for reversed-phase, ion-pair and argentous chromatography have been determined.
(7) In a legal agreement with Camden council, Argent pledged that of the 1,946 homes to be built on the site, 750 would be affordable.
(8) Nathan Argent, the head of Greenpeace's energy solutions unit, also hit out at the plans.
(9) Based on evidence by chemical ionization and electron impact mass spectrometry before and after catalytic hydrogenation, and argentation t.l.c., these lipids have been tentatively identified as 26:5, 28:5, 30:5, 30:6, 30:7, 32:5, 32:6, 32:7, 34:5 and 34:6 fatty acids.
(10) Please contact us if you have any useful information,” it read, above a picture of Bélanger, who works at the Coq d’Argent in the City.
(11) In Marcel L'Herbier's L'Argent the camera is moving on a dolly throughout the entire movie.
(12) The reaction products were identified as their methyl ester derivatives by argentation thin-layer chromatography, gas-liquid chromatography, and reductive ozonolysis followed by gas-liquid chromatography.
(13) 53, 509-518) were resolved into molecular species by argentation thin-layer chromatography.
(14) Rufus Norris on Trevor Argent I met Trev when I joined his decorating team on a block of flats in Kidderminster, probably in 1984.
(15) For characterization of the plasma LCAT-derived reaction products formed in vitro, [14C]cholesterol was used as the substrate and the newly formed molecular species of [14C]CE were separated by argentation thin-layer chromatography.
(16) The medullary nuclei and the primary projections of the octaval nerve have been studied in the Teleost Chelon labrosus, using argentic impregnations, NISSL stains and anterograde marking with peroxidase.
(17) 14C-prostaglandins detected by high-performance liquid chromatography and argentation thin-layer chromatography were: PGF1 alpha and PGE1 (derived from 20:3n-6) and PGF2 alpha and PGE 2 (derived from 20:4n-6) from line 4526; PGE1 and PGE2 from line 168.
(18) Argentation thin-layer chromatography was effective in resolving the isomeric mixture into a single isomer or mixture of two isomers.
(19) The fatty acid was identified as 9-trans-hexadecenoic acid by gas chromatography, argentation thin-layer chromatography, and infrared absorption spectrometry.
(20) The fatty acid was identified as oleic by argentation thin-layer chromatography.
(n.) A soft white metallic element, sonorous, ductile, very malleable, and capable of a high degree of polish. It is found native, and also combined with sulphur, arsenic, antimony, chlorine, etc., in the minerals argentite, proustite, pyrargyrite, ceragyrite, etc. Silver is one of the "noble" metals, so-called, not being easily oxidized, and is used for coin, jewelry, plate, and a great variety of articles. Symbol Ag (Argentum). Atomic weight 107.7. Specific gravity 10.5.
(n.) Coin made of silver; silver money.
(n.) Anything having the luster or appearance of silver.
(n.) The color of silver.
(a.) Of or pertaining to silver; made of silver; as, silver leaf; a silver cup.
(a.) Resembling silver.
(a.) Bright; resplendent; white.
(a.) Precious; costly.
(a.) Giving a clear, ringing sound soft and clear.
(a.) Sweet; gentle; peaceful.
(v. t.) To cover with silver; to give a silvery appearance to by applying a metal of a silvery color; as, to silver a pin; to silver a glass mirror plate with an amalgam of tin and mercury.
(v. t.) To polish like silver; to impart a brightness to, like that of silver.
(v. t.) To make hoary, or white, like silver.
(v. i.) To acquire a silvery color.
Example Sentences:
(1) Another Guardian podcast, Days in the Life, won silver in the same category.
(2) Sulphides, which possibly form on silver alloys, showed cytotoxicity.
(3) We repeat our call for them to do so at the earliest opportunity, and to share those findings so that we can take any appropriate actions.” In the BBC programme the 29-year-old Rupp, who won 10,000m silver at the London 2012 Olympics behind Farah, was accused of having taken testosterone and being a regular user of the asthma drug prednisone, which is banned in competition.
(4) Using a silver staining technique (AgNOR technique), we have investigated the nucleolar organizer-associated proteins (NORs) in formalin-fixed paraffin embedded conjunctival specimens of 15 intraepithelial squamous carcinomas, 10 hyperplastic-dysplastic samples and 10 control epithelial fragments; the mean number of intranuclear black dots was determined for each case.
(5) By contrast, SAP-35, the major surfactant-associated glycoprotein of molecular weight = 35,000, and other higher molecular weight proteins were not detected in significant quantities in the CLSE or surfactant-TA replacement surfactants, either by highly sensitive silver stain analysis or by immunoblot using monospecific antisera generated against bovine SAP-35.
(6) Average number of metaphase Ag-NOR chromosomes (calculated per diploid chromosome set) in haploid parthenogenones exceeded that in the control; in some cases all NORs were stained by silver.
(7) They continuously produced heteropolymeric G6PD and showed strictly additive patterns of silver staining of both parental sets of nucleolar organizing chromosomes.
(8) The nerve endings in the heart of fishes were studied using silver impregnation techniques.
(9) The silver impregnated axons of these cells converge to a paired centrosuperficial tract forming terminal enlargements at the ventrolateral surface of the spinal cord.
(10) On the upside, this year's monsoon will lead to bumper agricultural production, and the cheaper rupee also comes with a thick silver lining.
(11) Some proteins stained with silver can be directly transfer, almost all proteins can be transferred comparably to non-stained controls.
(12) Treatment of the nucleoli with 80 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.5) -- 0.15 M NaCl did, however, eliminate silver binding.
(13) Light microscope autoradiography revealed the development of specific silver grains in the medial layer of epineurial and perineurial arteries in sections of sciatic nerve exposed either to [3H]DHA or [3H]QNB.
(14) The ammoniacal silver method, which identifies basic proteins, gives a positive reaction in cytoplasmic granules of rat peritoneal mast cells.
(15) In this study we confirmed this finding in two cases of PSP by using Bodian silver staining and immunohistochemistry with antibody to human tau protein.
(16) The problem, said Dr Kinsey, was that Shakespeare's "sceptred isle ... set in a silver sea" is now set in a sea of rubbish.
(17) Several hundred polypeptides were resolved as seen by silver staining.
(18) The Bielschowski silver stain revealed intracellular, argentophilic deposits, which were birefringent when stained with Congo red and viewed in polarized light.
(19) Since no evaluation of the relative merits of electro and chemical cautery has been reported, a prospective randomized study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of electro-cautery and cautery with silver nitrate.
(20) The labelling intensity (as estimated by the number of silver grains per unit of cytoplasmic area) was maximum in cells having dense-cored vesicles whose mean diameter was between 130 and 170 nm, but decreased for cells with mean diameter of dense cores smaller than 130 nm, or larger than 170 nm.