What's the difference between arguably and ostensibly?



Example Sentences:

  • (1) It arguably became too comfortable for Rodgers' team, with complacency and slack defending proving a dangerous brew.
  • (2) Ukip and the Greens are beneficiaries of this new political reality – as, arguably, is the SNP as it prepares to invade Labour’s heartland in Scotland next May.
  • (3) Hitchcock's attempts to keep Hedren in a gilded cage arguably ruined her career.
  • (4) benj67 asks: How do you continue to justify continued your role in financing the Canadian tar sands, arguably a greater crime than the Libor scandal?
  • (5) Goalkeeper Pepe Reina had arguably his worst season at Liverpool in 2011-12 and Rodgers may be tempted to bring Michel Vorm with him from Swansea City.
  • (6) Like low blood pressure after a heart attack, then, cheap oil should arguably be regarded not as a sign of rude health, but rather as a consequence of malaise.
  • (7) With its huge corps of jihadists hardened by years of fighting in Kashmir, it is arguably too big to confront at a time when Pakistan is battling the TTP.
  • (8) Arguably the national interest would have been better served if some of that dividend cash had been diverted to research that would produce new technologies, and new jobs, 10 years from now.
  • (9) She [McSally] has got a lot more fire in her belly than Ron does.” Latino community Some 100 miles north, on the outskirts of Tucson, Barber’s middle-of-the road positioning is beginning to alienate an arguably even more crucial voting block.
  • (10) Mood Indigo (18 July) Arguably the most French movie ever made, Romain Duris and Audrey Tautou are quite adorable as fairy tale lovers in Michel Gondry's adaptation of Boris Vian's Froth on the Daydream.
  • (11) Picking positives from a third successive league loss, the first time Chelsea have endured that since Gianluca Vialli’s stewardship, must have felt onerous even if Willian was excellent once again and Eden Hazard – for all that he has gone 1,375 minutes without a Premier League goal – arguably produced his best performance of the season.
  • (12) His seventh goal of the season was arguably his most important.
  • (13) The name may have changed, but the play and many of its leading characters remain the same – arguably the most brutal and tragic situation anywhere in the world during the last 20 years.
  • (14) While the ice’s extent is readily visible from satellites, ice thickness has been more difficult to measure, and it is arguably the more important dimension in measuring the volume of ice being lost.
  • (15) Impressively, David Axelrod left the White House and actually managed to find the only place on earth arguably more devoted to Barack Obama.
  • (16) Alastair Campbell, who, as director of communications at Number 10, arguably faced similar unpopularity issues, insists that Kennedy remains unfazed.
  • (17) The right is very flexible on industrial action: in the 80s striking miners were characterised as violent and feckless, despite being unarmed against mounted police and arguably the opposite of feckless – battling to keep backbreaking jobs.
  • (18) Paterson’s contribution is to identify the Australian prime minister, Tony Abbott , and the Canadian premier, Stephen Harper , who have arguably done more harm to the living planet than anyone else alive, as champions of environmental protection .
  • (19) He called on Lib Dem MPs, who he claimed had "arguably committed electoral fraud of a sort", to be lobbied as part of the drive to shift the political debate.
  • (20) However, the ONS survey does not include group personal pensions or stakeholder pensions, which many firms brought in as a replacement for their final salary arrangements, so arguably does not provide the complete picture.



  • (adv.) In an ostensible manner; avowedly; professedly; apparently.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) In January 2007 the Guardian disclosed that BAE had used an offshore front company, Red Diamond , to secretly pay £8.4m, 30% of the radar's ostensible price, into a Swiss account.
  • (2) Bell made the comment in response to a blogpost from Emily Bell , in which the Guardian columnist claimed that "the great VC‑backed media blitz of 2014", including Vox, FiveThirtyEight and eBay founder Pierre Omidyar's First Look Media, is being led almost exclusively by white males as it ostensibly aims to reform journalism.
  • (3) Deposition of laminin labelled exfoliation material in the dilator muscle was a noteworthy feature, as was an apparent depletion of laminin in the basement membranes of ostensibly unaffected vessels.
  • (4) endoparasiticus (Benedek) simulate the various types of micro-organism described by previous workers as associated with ostensibly noninfective conditions, notably cancer and arthritis; e.g., mycoplasmas, mycobacteria, corynebacteria and actinomycetes.
  • (5) These results demonstrate that intense anxiety can be associated with decreased rather than increased cortical perfusion and that ostensibly related states of anxiety (eg, anticipatory and obsessional anxiety) may be associated with opposite effects on regional cerebral blood flow.
  • (6) International aid officials admit that Russia's ostensibly humanitarian operation is particularly sensitive given the backdrop of what Ukraine claims is an undercover "hybrid" war waged by Moscow on Ukrainian territory.
  • (7) Ostensibly, Cook was there to take his place in the Alabama Academy of Honour, a distinction granted by the state legislature to its most accomplished citizens.
  • (8) 3. the high frequency of occult nodal metastases in NSCLC raises questions in regard to our presently used criteria for staging, prognosis and treatment of ostensibly stage I disease.
  • (9) As Marina tells it, she and Anatoly had taken what was ostensibly a holiday trip to Malaga, Spain.
  • (10) This mutation has previously been found in two Canadian patients who are members of ostensibly unrelated Mennonite families.
  • (11) These data suggest that, in spite of an ostensible predisposition to upper airway obstruction in the supine position and during rapid eye movement sleep, neither sleeping position nor sleep state appears to affect the rate of duration of apneic events.
  • (12) Given, for example, that over half of them have identified as devout, it is hard to imagine what would have persuaded the 11 peers behind an anti-Falconer paper, An Analysis of the Assisted Dying Bill , to look kindly upon its provisions, but the document constructs an ostensibly faith-free, "clear-thinking" case against, which is nonetheless replete with routine frighteners and selective misrepresentation.
  • (13) "It's going in two directions at the same time: ostensibly allowing more banning, but also easier authorisation at the EU level," she said.
  • (14) He ends the song with something that is ostensibly scat but sounds like an old man being scared witless by a spider.
  • (15) Marco Rubio officially entered the race for the White House on Monday, declaring that “yesterday is over” and that the 2016 US presidential campaign would pose “a generational choice” – ostensibly toward what the Florida senator called “a new American future” but also between himself, Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush.
  • (16) The obsession of "For Fatherland and Freedom" to pay public homage to the Latvian-SS Legion in contradiction to all historical logic and sensitivity to Nazi crimes is not a product of ostensibly harmless nostalgia as Pickles would have us believe, but part of a rather insidious plan to gain recognition for a perversely distorted version of European history which will officially equate Communism with Nazism.
  • (17) The proponents of automated anesthetic records list the ostensibly logical reasons for them and then claim that automated records will make everything better.
  • (18) The conclusions were drawn: that Q(s) reflected the pumping of cations to restore the ionic imbalance following activity, particularly reflecting the extrusion of sodium ions from the fibre; that this pumping was normally absolutely dependent on the presence of potassium externally and that no pumping could occur in its absence; and that Q(s) was not reduced to zero in ostensibly potassium-free solutions because enough potassium was released into the periaxonal space during activity to maintain pumping.6.
  • (19) Ostensibly, Ukip’s binding principle was a belief in Britain’s exit from the European Union, a process that has now begun under Tory auspices.
  • (20) Assisted reproductive technologies have enhanced our understanding of the physiopathology of spermatozoal disorders and also have ostensibly improved pregnancy rates in male factor patients.

Words possibly related to "arguably"