What's the difference between aristocrat and patrician?



  • (n.) One of the aristocracy or people of rank in a community; one of a ruling class; a noble.
  • (n.) One who is overbearing in his temper or habits; a proud or haughty person.
  • (n.) One who favors an aristocracy as a form of government, or believes the aristocracy should govern.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Wealthy, charismatic, aristocratic, 6ft 2ins and with a luxuriant moustache, he led a decadent life.
  • (2) The Aristocrats is a gag comedians tell each other in private.
  • (3) Wilde, however, with his high earnings and his flamboyance, made of precariousness something aristocratic; he was, if you’ll forgive the coinage, a precaristocrat.
  • (4) A rather eccentric populist-aristocratic campaign called You Forgot the Birds has also been launched against the RSPB led by the former cricketer Ian Botham, claiming that the charity neglects small songbirds in its veneration of birds of prey.
  • (5) After 12 years of Churchill, Eden and Macmillan, most people in the media were tired of aristocratic old men in tweed jackets.
  • (6) Fifty years later, Frostie, as his aristocratic nephews and nieces sometimes called him (his wife, Carina, was a daughter of the Duke of Norfolk), was still warding off brickbats from high-minded critics.
  • (7) As we speak the final 10 days of production are under way, meaning farewell to the show’s trump card, Highclere Castle, home of real-life aristocrats, the Earl and Countess of Carnarvon.
  • (8) (Shades of Louis XIV’s France, when aristocrats were exempt from tax.)
  • (9) Inspector Reg Wexford wasn’t an aristocrat or a brilliant Oxbridge wit.
  • (10) When the family arrived in England in 1938, his father anglicised the name to Lynton from an aristocratic German mouthful, though Norbert's elder brother scorned this refuge.
  • (11) Owning an island in the Pacific (Ellison owns Lanai in Hawaii) or the Caribbean (Branson owns Necker Island in the West Indies) shows your need for extreme privacy and luxury – the quintessential expression of a natural aristocrat.
  • (12) Even the king's private life, where rumours of lovers have always been rife, is no longer out of bounds – and neither is his friendship with a German aristocrat whose name is widely available in Spain and Germany, but whose lawyers say she denies any inappropriate relationship and have threatened legal action against any British newspapers that reveal her name.
  • (13) Clodia Metelli The epitome of the chic, sexy, scandalous aristocrat of 1st century BC Rome, Metelli was supposedly the "Lesbia" to whom the love-lorn poems of Catullus are addressed (and if so, a total ball-breaker).
  • (14) The idea of the vampire as a silver-tongued aristocrat, like Count Dracula, is mirrored in Irving's thespian mannerisms, and his fascination with theatrical villains.
  • (15) It will determine whether Russia will be dominated by an "aristocratic" or "arrestocratic" dynamic into the second decade of the 21st century.
  • (16) Ishiguro's flawed but introspective narrators are always fascinating portraits of unusual characters: in A Pale View from the Hills, the narrator is a Japanese widow living in England, The Remains of the Day is narrated by the butler of an Nazi-sympathising English aristocrat, and a callow English private detective is the central character in When We Were Orphans.
  • (17) Thinking about it, the best metaphor might be a row among one of those aristocratic families whose stately home is falling down around them.
  • (18) Is the collapse of the party that turned this country from an enclave of aristocratic power into a functioning democracy inevitable?
  • (19) The ITV drama, telling the story of the aristocratic Crawley family, is to return to screens later this year for the fifth series since its debut in 2010.
  • (20) "You have to remember that, back in India, we came from an aristocratic background," Desai says.



  • (a.) Of or pertaining to the Roman patres (fathers) or senators, or patricians.
  • (a.) Of, pertaining to, or appropriate to, a person of high birth; noble; not plebeian.
  • (n.) Originally, a member of any of the families constituting the populus Romanus, or body of Roman citizens, before the development of the plebeian order; later, one who, by right of birth or by special privilege conferred, belonged to the nobility.
  • (n.) A person of high birth; a nobleman.
  • (n.) One familiar with the works of the Christian Fathers; one versed in patristic lore.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Yet unlike his fellow ex-Bullingdon men and Tory patricians, Cameron and London mayor Boris Johnson, Osborne does not make a consistent effort to play down his privilege or make it endearing.
  • (2) There must have been people who told him he was too patrician, too intelligent, as well as too old to break through in America.
  • (3) These patrician warnings that Corbyn only serves to drag Labour backwards serve to make me, as a young voter, feel patronised and unwanted.
  • (4) Most crucial of all, the patrician Tory moderates were diluted and eventually driven from power.
  • (5) And producers have given up on the [old BBC] patrician thing, the vision thing.
  • (6) This second population segment lived between the 12th and 18th century and belonged to a lower social class than the patricians from Worb.
  • (7) But, disliking the patrician RADA accents, she set off for America by walking to Liverpool.
  • (8) As his friends have been quick to point out, it was an outcome that reflected well on Profumo's patrician sense of duty and decency: few modern politicians would have the courage to follow his example.
  • (9) --In the last quarter of the nineteenth century, Lausanne had to assert its own position between the patrician power of Bern, meanwhile elevated to federal capital, and industrious Geneva.
  • (10) It would be lazy and unreasonable to brand the 6,200 or so voting Academy members as bigots, yet their choices – and the choices made available to them – are shaped by a largely white, patrician hegemony in Hollywood’s executive suites.
  • (11) Following a crushing 61 to 20 defeat in the upper house, she will be replaced for the remaining two years and four months of her term by Michel Temer, a centre-right patrician who was among the leaders of the campaign against his former running mate .
  • (12) That may have been more indicative of a clunky attempt to fuse the supposed cost of living crisis with recent events than any deep thought but still, to a lot of people it will have sounded like a patrician voice, apparently unaware that working-class people think about much more than their own lot and have just as strong feelings about the state and democracy as the residents of upscale neighbourhoods in London.
  • (13) She recalls one lunch with a literary editor of the Times who "got there and said [she puts on a patrician drawl]: 'I told all the girls in the office I'm going out with a Virago today!'
  • (14) In Le Carré’s book Burr was a patrician gent in the mould of George Smiley.
  • (15) There are many reasons why this will no longer wash. Those days of deference to patrician authority are over, and probably for the better.
  • (16) One critic shrewdly observed that Robinson exemplified the meritocratic arrogance that had replaced the patrician version.
  • (17) Though both are gaffe-prone, Eurosceptic populists, quietly scornful of Cameron's patrician reserve, Hutchings's fiery brand makes Johnson's sound quite thoughtful.
  • (18) For Hoggart, humane reading and humane education and humane culture and society should be open to everyone, and he deeply deplored those who saw themselves as privileged, not least the patrician William Rees-Mogg who, as chairman of the Arts Council, took it for granted that his journeys from London to his Somerset home and back should be provided by an Arts Council-funded chauffeur-driven car.
  • (19) But he enjoys the advantage of incumbency and a patrician-like reputation in Colorado.
  • (20) Cameron, who cultivates an image of middle class normality, will be horrified at the way the episode links him to a lethal cocktail of urban journalistic cynicism, patrician country pursuits, police corruption and Downing Street evasion.