What's the difference between arrange and reorganization?



  • (v. t.) To put in proper order; to dispose (persons, or parts) in the manner intended, or best suited for the purpose; as, troops arranged for battle.
  • (v. t.) To adjust or settle; to prepare; to determine; as, to arrange the preliminaries of an undertaking.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) When compared with lissencephalic species, a great horizontal fibrillary system (which is vertically arranged in gyral regions) was observed in convoluted brains.
  • (2) These sequences are also conserved in the same arrangement in minor sequence classes of minicircles from this strain.
  • (3) The choice is partly technical – what kind of trading arrangement do we want with the EU?
  • (4) Each L subunit contains 127 residues arranged into 10 beta-strands connected by turns.
  • (5) Unions have complained about the process for Chinese-backed companies to bring overseas workers to Australia for projects worth at least $150m, because the memorandum of understanding says “there will be no requirement for labour market testing” to enter into an investment facilitation arrangements (IFA).
  • (6) Shorten said any arrangement needed to be consistent with international obligations, with asylum seekers afforded due process and their claims properly assessed.
  • (7) The building block of cytokeratin IFs is a heterotypic tetramer, consisting of two type I and two type II polypeptides arranged in pairs of laterally aligned coiled coils.
  • (8) This includes cutting corporation tax to 20%, the lowest in the G20, and improving our visa arrangements with a new mobile visa service up and running in Beijing and Shanghai and a new 24-hour visa service on offer from next summer.
  • (9) Two mechanisms are evident in chicks' spatial representations: a metric frame for encoding the spatial arrangement of surfaces as surfaces and a cue-guidance system for encoding conspicuous landmarks near the target.
  • (10) The findings provide additional evidence that, for at least some cases, the likelihood of a physician's admitting a patient to the hospital is influenced by the patient's living arrangements, travel time to the physician's office, and the extent to which medical care would cause a financial hardship for the patient.
  • (11) Since only a few of these medium sized terminals in any one cluster degenerate after tectal lesions, and none degenerate after cortical lesions, it is suggested that the morphological arrangement of these clusters may permit the convergence of axons from several sources, some of which are unidentified, onto the same dendritic segment.
  • (12) Histochemical and immunocytochemical staining of the outgrowths with reagents that depict epithelial, myoepithelial, and lactating alveolar cells (peanut lectin alone, monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies to rat caseins) indicate similar cell compositions and arrangements for all outgrowths irrespective of their source; these are also similar to the mammary glands of the perphenazine-stimulated or lactating hosts.
  • (13) The crystallographic parameters of four different unit cells, all of which are based on hexagonal packing arrangements, indicate that the fundamental unit of the complex is composed of six gene 5 protein dimers.
  • (14) Comparison with values predicted from theory shows that the distribution of protein among the various cross-linked species, obtained after different extents of exposure to cross-linker, is consistent with a two-layered arrangement of subunits involving one type of interaction between subunits from different layers and another between subunits within the same layer.
  • (15) This technique is sensitive to the optical anisotropy within the muscle, including that due to intrinsic properties of the protein molecules as well as that due to the regular arrangement of proteins in the surrounding medium.
  • (16) This study introduces a simple in vitro arrangement to measure current densities of implant metals.
  • (17) A model for the arrangement of the epitopes is proposed.
  • (18) This approach permits easy preparation of input data on the dimensions of the blocks and their positions in a 3-D arrangement.
  • (19) Thinning of the dermis and the arrangement of collagen in parallel bundles appear to be constant findings.
  • (20) Ribosomes attached to the reticulum lost polysomal arrangement.



  • (n.) The act of reorganizing; a reorganized existence; as, reorganization of the troops.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) It is argued that exposure to a linguistic structure that induces the child to operate on that structure can lead to a reorganization of linguistic knowledge even though no direct feedback has been given as to its correct adult interpretation.
  • (2) It is therefore suggested that salt water adaptation triggers a cellular reorganization of the epithelium in such a way that leaky junctions (a low resistance pathway) appear at the apex of the chloride cells.
  • (3) Functional reorganization of interconnections between the limbic and thalamo-cortical brain structures is supposed to underly phenomena observed.
  • (4) Although many of these centrally observed alterations can be attributed to altered peripheral projections in axotomized V primary afferents, others must reflect central reorganization.
  • (5) Regeneration and reorganization of the proximal cut end of the pituitary stalk is demonstrated in Ompok bimaculatus with the aid of in situ staining technique.
  • (6) The lack of a strict correlation between the changes in tubulin composition and changes in organization of microtubular structures indicates that accumulation of beta 2-tubulin and disappearance of alpha 3-tubulin isotypes are not sufficient to bring about reorganization of microtubules during development.
  • (7) It is concluded that chronic peripheral nerve section affects the anatomical and physiological mechanisms underlying the formation of light touch receptive fields of dorsal horn neurons in the lumbosacral cord of the adult cat, but that the resulting reorganization of receptive fields is spatially restricted.
  • (8) Stimulation of the nucleus inhibits the output of the hippocampus in both genders and reorganizes behavior for a period of 15-20 min.
  • (9) Considering that chromatin reorganizations during spermatogenesis may be directly or indirectly related to changes of the nuclear lamina we have decided to further investigate lamin expression during this process.
  • (10) Actin reorganization provoked by forskolin coincide with redistribution of vinculin to the cell periphery and rapid elimination of surface-associated fibronectin.
  • (11) A careful reorganization of priorities would thus be helpful in improving neonatal care in Jamaica, even in the presence of financial constraints.
  • (12) This sequence of age-related changes probably results from a progressive reorganization of the hyaluronic acid and collagen molecular networks.
  • (13) The analysis reveals that the destabilization and reorganization of the synthetic and viral bilayers are as fast as in pure phospholipid systems.
  • (14) Conduction through demyelinated fibers may require structural reorganization, for example, redistribution or production of new channels, in the internodal membrane.
  • (15) A genetic screen was devised to detect evidence of expression of essential genes in the vegetative micronucleus by identification of thermosensitive-lethal mutations expressed in the absence of nuclear reorganization.
  • (16) Cortical microtubule networks of both animal and vegetal hemispheres were reorganized at times corresponding to the cortical rotation responsible for specification of the dorsal-ventral (D-V) axis.
  • (17) From these experiments it can be concluded that there exists a central motor program tightly coordinating each thoracic ganglion and that the alternating pattern could be due to a reorganization of the synchronous system by a peripheral proprioceptive inflow.
  • (18) Examination of the cells with indirect immunofluorescence using monoclonal antibodies reveals a considerable reorganization of cytokeratin filaments without a major change in the pattern of microtubules or microfilaments.
  • (19) Conclusions regarding guidelines for reorganization of present services and establishment of new services are proposed.
  • (20) In an effort to address these problems, some centers have reorganized their traditional clinics into group practices.