(a.) Making, or having the disposition to make, exorbitant claims of rank or estimation; giving one's self an undue degree of importance; assuming; haughty; -- applied to persons.
(a.) Containing arrogance; marked with arrogance; proceeding from undue claims or self-importance; -- applied to things; as, arrogant pretensions or behavior.
Example Sentences:
(1) In a poll before the debate, 48% predicted that Merkel, who will become Europe's longest serving leader if re-elected on 22 September, would emerge as the winner of the US-style debate, while 26% favoured Steinbruck, a former finance minister who is known for his quick-wit and rhetorical skills, but sometimes comes across as arrogant.
(2) Arrogant, narcissistic, egotistical, brilliant – all of that I can handle in Paul,” Levinson writes.
(3) There was a real risk of "judges arrogating to themselves greater power than they have at the moment."
(4) It’s the failure of an over-centralised prime ministerial office, too small to have real intellectual and research heft yet arrogant enough to overrule FCO advisers.
(5) On Wednesday she declared that if Sir Gideon had sent Chloe Smith unprotected on to Newsnight, then he was "cowardly as well as arrogant".
(6) Extensive research among the Afghan National Army – 68 focus groups – and US military personnel alike concluded: "One group sees the other as a bunch of violent, reckless, intrusive, arrogant, self-serving profane, infidel bullies hiding behind high technology; and the other group [the US soldiers] generally views the former as a bunch of cowardly, incompetent, obtuse, thieving, complacent, lazy, pot-smoking, treacherous, and murderous radicals.
(7) Standing on stage in Korea, visibly nervous in front of the crowd, he said that “I will not be too comfortable in approaching the challenge, and I will not be too arrogant in my preparation.” But, he added, the company had had only five months to improve the system since its game against Fan Hui.
(8) It considers arrogance a key component in its make-up, and trusts the single-minded, as long as they conform to specific local desires.
(9) He has that belief and football arrogance and the best teams have that.” Balotelli claimed he made a mistake in returning to Italy from Manchester City in January 2013 and that his experience would help the young players in Rodgers’ team.
(10) Israel’s leader epitomizes what Senator J William Fulbright once called “the arrogance of power”.
(11) No sufferer of fools, he also found it difficult to put up with what he felt to be the arrogance of some colleagues.
(12) You have a secret hope but you like to keep it a secret because it sounds so arrogant to say I can win a medal and then don't get one."
(13) It was hard to imagine a more arrogant and self-serving statement, as the people of Tunisia were fighting for their freedom.
(14) For many of us, the attitude of the European commission, the ECB, certain European leaders, has been arrogant, dismissive and even anti-democratic,” he said.
(15) "The American people themselves have been put at risk by these actions that I believe are arrogant, misguided and ultimately not helpful in any way," he said.
(16) Without trying to sound arrogant, hopefully the awards will be an opportunity to talk to our contemporaries as peers, not just a crappy prison project, and say, 'This is what you can do'."
(17) Their policy decisions, including increases in the cost of living, the sale of TIO [Territory Insurance Office], savage cuts to health and education and general arrogance has burned public trust in their integrity and competence,” said Snowdon, who called the party “a joke” and said nobody could take the territory seriously now.
(18) It was the arrogance of power, written in huge letters.
(19) There was also a certain arrogance that comes from being part of an elite that “gets the numbers”, and an entrenched hierarchy meant that predictions weren’t properly scrutinised.
(20) To express guarded optimism about the Greek deal is not to condone the provocative arrogance of former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis or the pointless vindictiveness of the German finance minister, Wolfgang Schäuble .
Example Sentences:
(1) Sandberg's book essentially gives us permission to be pushy broads.
(2) He knew what he wanted, but he was never too pushy.
(3) Then I was seen as someone who, when she was in power, didn’t want anything to do with them.” She was portrayed as meddlesome and pushy, with an undue influence on both Hollande’s policies and his wardrobe.
(4) At worst, they say, it would pave the way for the privatisation of the school system - in Sweden they are allowed to make a profit - and at best the system would simply be exploited by pushy middle-class parents who would exclude disadvantaged children by dint of their address.
(5) Prince Charles is much more pushy and writes letters about his views which are on the edge of the mainstream.
(6) In another time, a pushy, brainy young Norman made his way to Europe's art metropolis: Poussin would make Rome his base until his death 41 years later in 1665.
(7) "There have been books written about why people do things and don't do things, and they point to things like: I am second generation, my grandparents came from Russia in 1907, you can go through it all … I think I had a pushy mother, a pushy Jewish mother," he laughs, "who used to wrap everything in plastic."
(8) In addition, women who ask for more money are often punished for what is seen as breaking out of their stereotype of “communal, caring and submissive” , and accused of being pushy or aggressive.
(9) It's not those with pushy parents who think they should study maths for the sake of it.
(10) But I take some comfort from his suggestion that I would possibly be easier to train to IAM standards than my husband (if I could keep my pushiness under control).
(11) Bellingham reported it was because Hall believed that “even if I was the worst actress in the world, I would always work because I was so pushy”.
(12) These effects were specified by leadership self-concept (little difference between groups when confronting pushy followers, more when confronting passive ones), prompting an interpretation in terms of role incongruity.
(13) I was put across as the pushy parent who wanted a grammar school place for her son and nothing else.
(14) True to stereotype, the caller is a pushy salesman, trying to work an angle.
(15) It's not particularly powerful, which makes it easier to drive in a less pushy way, keeping speed limits in mind.
(16) But it may not be right for everyone and I’d hate to have a system in which pushy parents demanded home births, overriding the professionals’ advice.
(17) They are not, generally, short, pushy, vulgar, uncultured, impetuous, shamelessly admiring of money and those who have it, or married – three months after divorcing his last wife, two months after meeting the new one – to ex-supermodels whose past conquests reportedly include Eric Clapton and Mick Jagger.
(18) And sometimes I say "sorry" because, if I don't, the person to whom I'm apologizing will think I'm a pushy bitch.
(19) Speculating aloud, I hazard a guess that it has something to do with her character, that she is not pushy enough, not an attention-seeker.
(20) Yes he's a good little runner but I'm certainly not going to be a pushy parent – I'm just going to see what he enjoys."