(n.) Munitions of war; implements for warfare, as slings, bows, and arrows.
(n.) Cannon; great guns; ordnance, including guns, mortars, howitzers, etc., with their equipment of carriages, balls, bombs, and shot of all kinds.
(n.) The men and officers of that branch of the army to which the care and management of artillery are confided.
(n.) The science of artillery or gunnery.
Example Sentences:
(1) Rather than being deterred, the Serbs drove forward with tanks, infantry and heavy artillery.
(2) Civilian buildings, including a mosque, reportedly came under fire from tanks and artillery in Misrata, the last rebel stronghold in the west of the country.
(3) On top of that, a campaign to retake the north will pit largely Shia soldiers against Sunni fighters and, if air power and artillery are used in civilian areas, will risk further alienating the population.
(4) The night before, my home town of Sarajevo had come under the heaviest artillery fire we had seen in the 52 days since the war began.
(5) We are an independent nation and we have a right to defend our people … Our lack of defensive capability triggers offensive attacks and brings escalation.” He suggested equipment Ukraine needs did not have to be lethal, saying that anti-artillery radar, communications and jamming technology would improve defences.
(6) By nightfall the Ukrainian forces were just 10 miles south of the city, bringing the two sides within artillery range of each other.
(7) Television news reports later said locals armed with clubs had blocked an artillery brigade moving toward Donetsk and forced it to turn around.
(8) Among dozens of other cases on which the military attorney general's office has yet to rule are those that involve the question of whether Israel's heavy use of artillery in an urban area – said to have shocked US officials – was proportionate and justified and over the invoking of the Hannibal Protocol, which saw large-scale destruction around Rafah during an attempt to rescue an Israeli officer who it was feared had been kidnapped.
(9) Qusair had come under heavy bombardment from artillery and shells dropped by the Syrian air force and rebel supply lines had been severed by regime forces to the north and east while Hezbollah had advanced from the south and west.
(10) It covered all conventional arms in the categories of battle tanks, armoured combat vehicles, large-calibre artillery systems, combat aircraft, attack helicopters, warships, missiles and missile launchers, and small arms and light weapons.
(11) So, should you incur a public-spirited 50,000-volt warning shot – perhaps for brandishing your pension book in an aggressive manner or because a young PC has mistaken your tartan shopping trolley for a piece of field artillery – don't accidentally shout "Oh fuck!"
(12) "The artillery department gave the specs for a new weapon.
(13) Imagine the frustration of the likes of the Australian general Sir John Monash , engineer and polymath, who advocated of infantry, artillery, aircraft and tanks and was told he “lacked dash”.
(14) Rockets and artillery are directed at the airport and half a dozen districts, with the Zintanis replying in kind.
(15) Underpinning both will be the force troops, or "theatre troops", which will comprise all the units required to support the frontline – such as the artillery, engineers, signals, intelligence and medical corps.
(16) Zlitan's uprising began on Friday with battles around the town's hospital, but sources in Misrata say the rebels are now pinned into one district under heavy artillery fire.
(17) They have tanks and artillery supplied by the Russians and others against people who demonstrate peacefully.
(18) Government soldiers who were trying to tow a damaged ambulance out of the partly ruined town of Luhanske admitted that anyone who went further down the highway towards Debaltseve would come under heavy fire from rebel small arms and artillery.
(19) Sung-ha Joo, in his 40s, was a reservist artillery officer, in the North Korean military before he left in 2001.
(20) He added: "It may also fail to reduce the violence or shift the momentum because the regime relies overwhelmingly on surface fires – mortars, artillery, and missiles."
(pl. ) of Cannon
(n.) A great gun; a piece of ordnance or artillery; a firearm for discharging heavy shot with great force.
(n.) A hollow cylindrical piece carried by a revolving shaft, on which it may, however, revolve independently.
(n.) A kind of type. See Canon.
(n. & v.) See Carom.
Example Sentences:
(1) He is a leader and helps manage the defence, while Pablo Armero can be a bit of a loose cannon but he is certainly a talented player.
(2) The authorities had said they used water cannon, teargas and smoke grenades to break up the protest.
(3) Cannon bone circumference at weaning was increased (P less than .05) by growth implants.
(4) The spectacle earlier this year of London's mayor, Boris Johnson , rushing ahead to buy water cannon for use in the capital before the home secretary had authorised the use of such equipment, is hardly helpful.
(5) Sound velocities, breaking strengths calculated from velocities adjusted for estimated soft tissue cover, measured bone mediolateral diameters and cannon diameters minus estimated soft tissue increased as quadratic functions of chronologic age (r greater than .840; P less than .0001).
(6) A protester is knocked back by a police water cannon as riot police advance towards Gezi Park.
(7) You'd have to throw him, pick him up and then fire him from a cannon.
(8) Security forces deployed teargas and water cannon against around 20,000 protesters in Izmir.
(9) You’re practically handing your personal information over to a fraudster,” says John Cannon, fraud and ID director at credit report provider Noddle.
(10) Barthez may or may not have got a touch, and the ball cannons off the bar.
(11) The coupling of ion channels to receptors by G proteins is the subject of this American Physiological Society Walter B. Cannon Memorial "Physiology in Perspective" Lecture.
(12) The Police Service of Northern Ireland has six water cannon but has told Acpo it is unable to lend them for use in England and Wales.
(13) The water cannons (mentioned at 10.53 ) are also new, Helena explains: The coalition government is keen not to be seen to be heavy-handed during the protests that will mark today's strike.
(14) Outside Sana'a University, riot police armed with water-cannons used batons and shields to disperse protesters.
(15) Walter Cannon with his concept of homeostasis and Henderson, Gamble, Peters and Van Slyke with their definition of the chemical anatomy of the organic fluids and their quantitative analysis, opened the way to Francis Moore's concept of surgery and trauma as metabolic problems.
(16) The policies have begun to infringe on the private lives of media professionals, dictating what they can and can’t say in a private capacity, outside of their work.” SBS colleagues of McIntyre said he is a “contrarian” and “a loose cannon”.
(17) Chief constables are to press the home secretary, Theresa May , to authorise the use of water cannon by any police force across England and Wales to deal with anticipated street protests.
(18) Size 75 Cannon-Manning semimicro viscometers yielded the most precise viscosity measurements.
(19) Sonic cannons are already used in the western Gulf of Mexico, off Alaska and in other offshore oil operations around the world.
(20) Presented here is a case of first degree A-V block with cannon waves.