What's the difference between asper and serious?



  • (a.) Rough; rugged; harsh; bitter; stern; fierce.
  • (n.) The rough breathing; a mark (/) placed over an initial vowel sound or over / to show that it is aspirated, that is, pronounced with h before it; thus "ws, pronounced h/s, "rh`twr, pronounced hra"t/r.
  • (n.) A Turkish money of account (formerly a coin), of little value; the 120th part of a piaster.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The presence of proteins antigenically related to Bothrops asper myotoxins in various snake venoms, mainly from South America, was investigated by using polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies.
  • (2) The myotoxin shows partial immunologic identity with a myotoxic phospholipase A2 isolated from Bothrops asper venom.
  • (3) Mice that received antivenom (0.4 ml) by the iv or im route 15 min after im injection of B. asper venom (100 micrograms) had lower levels of plasma anti-myotoxin antibodies than controls injected with antivenom only, suggesting that at least a fraction of the antibodies combines with myotoxins in vivo.
  • (4) Metalloproteinase from the venom of Bothrops asper (proteinase G) is a glycoprotein with 1% neutral hexose and 3.5 moles of sialic acid per mole of protein.
  • (5) A new instrumentation for posterior spinal surgery consists of metallic rods carved with diamond-shaped asperities on which vertebral hooks or screws can be screwed in any position, level, or degree of rotation.
  • (6) Conditions that inhibited phospholipase A2 activity, i.e., substitution of calcium by EDTA, reduced liposome-disrupting activity of Bothrops asper myotoxin I and Bothrops atrox myotoxin, both of which have high phospholipase A2 activity, but did not affect the action of B. asper myotoxin II and Bothrops moojeni myotoxin II, which have extremely low phospholipase A2 activity.
  • (7) The time-course and composition of inflammatory infiltrate in mouse gastrocnemius injected with Bothrops asper venom was studied.
  • (8) Also, the organization of these asperities is directly related to cellular cytoskeletal elements.
  • (9) The neutralization of two myotoxic phospholipases A2 from the venom of Bothrops asper, myotoxins I and II, by two murine monoclonal antibodies is reported.
  • (10) Seventeen batches of ICP antivenom were analyzed by EIA, using B. asper myotoxin II as antigen.
  • (11) No major differences in the DNase electrophoretic pattern were observed between individual venoms of adult B. asper specimens nor between lyophilized and frozen venoms.
  • (12) It is suggested that muscle regeneration is partially impaired after myonecrosis induced by Bothrops asper venom, probably due to the damage induced by this venom on muscle microvasculature and nerves.
  • (13) He used fine needle asperation or scraping of pathological tissue and hematoxylin-eosin staining of smears.
  • (14) Immunochemical results indicate a close immunological relationship between venoms of B. asper, B. nummifer and C. d. durissus collected in Honduras and Guatemala with those of the same species collected in Costa Rica.
  • (15) A new muscle damaging toxin, myotoxin II, was purified from the venom of Bothrops asper by ion-exchange chromatography on CM-Sephadex C-25.
  • (16) Ouchterlony immunodiffusion analysis of purified antibodies showed two precipitation bands with a pattern of complete immunologic identity between samples of crude B. asper venoms from specimens collected in the Atlantic and Pacific regions of Costa Rica.
  • (17) Myotoxin is an abundant component in adult B. asper venom.
  • (18) Five polyvalent antivenoms (Crotalidae; Orient, North, Central and South Africa) were tested for their ability to neutralize the thrombin-like activity of snake venoms (Bitis gabonica, Agkistrodon acutus, Bothrops asper, B. atrox, Crotalus adamanteus).
  • (19) A myotoxic, basic phospholipase A2 (pI greater than 9.5) with anticoagulant activity has been purified from the venom of Bothrops asper, and its amino acid sequence determined by automated Edman degradation.
  • (20) The effects of a myotoxic phospholipase A2 isolated from the venom of the crotaline snake Bothrops asper on skeletal muscle myofibrils were studied by histological, ultrastructural, immunohistochemical, and biochemical parameters.



  • (a.) Grave in manner or disposition; earnest; thoughtful; solemn; not light, gay, or volatile.
  • (a.) Really intending what is said; being in earnest; not jesting or deceiving.
  • (a.) Important; weighty; not trifling; grave.
  • (a.) Hence, giving rise to apprehension; attended with danger; as, a serious injury.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) This should not be a serious limitation to the application of the RIA in the detection of venous thrombosis.
  • (2) But the wounding charge in 2010 has become Brown's creation of a structural hole in the budget, more serious than the cyclical hit which the recession made in tax receipts, at least 4% of GDP.
  • (3) "There is a serious risk that a deal will be agreed between rich countries and tax havens that would leave poor countries out in the cold.
  • (4) Confidence is the major prerequisite for a doctor to be able to help his seriously ill patient.
  • (5) No report can be taken seriously if its authors weren’t even in Yemen to conduct investigations.” The UN team was not given permission to enter the country.
  • (6) The decline in the frequency of serious complications was primarily due to a decrease in the proportion of patients with open fractures treated with plate osteosynthesis from nearly 50% to 19%.
  • (7) Vancomycin is the antibiotic of choice for serious MRSA infections; PRPs and cephalosporins generally are not effective.
  • (8) An age- and education-matched group of women with no family history of FXS was asked to predict the seriousness of problems they might encounter were they to bear a child with a handicapping condition.
  • (9) The most serious complications following operative treatment are retained bile duct calculi (2.8%), wound infection and biliary fistulae.
  • (10) Guardian Australia reported last week that morale at the national laboratory had fallen dramatically, with one in three staff “seriously considering” leaving their jobs in the wake of the cuts.
  • (11) In case of biliary and pancreatic duct obstruction with pure pancreatic reflux, both oedema and inflammatory infiltrations were evident, whereas, in the presence of biliary reflux too, more serious histological features were detected.
  • (12) Autopsy revealed serious somatic diseases (stenosis of the ileum in two cases and brain tumor in one); their symptoms had been largely overlapped by those of anorexia nervosa.
  • (13) The above treatment is tolerated well and no serious side effects have been observed.
  • (14) This observation seriously challenges the hypothesis that SCE cancellation results as a consequence of persistence of the lesions induced by these agents.
  • (15) Earlier recognition of foul-smelling mucoid discharge on the IUD tail, or abnormal bleeding, or both, as a sign of early pelvic infection, followed by removal of the IUD and institution of appropriate antibiotic therapy, might prevent the more serious sequelae of pelvic inflammation.
  • (16) Left ventricular rupture is a serious complication of mitral valve replacement.
  • (17) Other serious complications were reservoir perforation during catheterisation in 3 and development of stones in the reservoir in 2 patients.
  • (18) For application to mammalian cells, however, two serious problems require resolution: (1), correction of TPP+ binding to intracellular constituents and (2), estimation of the considerable TPP+ accumulation in mitochondria.
  • (19) At least 1 episode of serious infection occurred in 34 of the 60 adult patients and 25 of the 30 children.
  • (20) These high Danish rates seem to reflect the true prevalence and incidence in the less serious types of progressive muscular dystrophy, probably because the Danish health system with free medical care and easy access to specialized hospital departments makes it possible to identify all cases of progressive muscular dystrophy.

Words possibly related to "asper"